/ This weekend 14.8/16Sunday 11.00am Mass
/ C RyanPrayers/Psalm / A Wait
Gifts / A Wait family
Cleaning / G Griffin, T Pahl
M Rowe, K Neall
Linen / M Burns
Lawns / D Brook
Collection / R Burgess, G McDonnell
/ Next week-end 21/8/16Sunday 5.00pm Mass
Reader / M Payne
Prayers/Psalm / T Kealy
Gifts / R & M Burgess
Ministers / S Gliddon, Sr Pam
Cleaning / M Rowe, K Neall
Linen / M Burns
Lawns / D Brook
Collection / R Burgess , G McDonnell
14 August 2016 Yr C – 20th Sunday Ordinary Time
Casterton: Ph: 5581 1044 Mobile: 0422 342 499
Mail: Box 157 Edenhope Vic 3318
Bulletin notices next Sunday to Sr Pam on 5585 1154 or 0458 999 108 or .
Recent Deaths: Fr Brendan Davey
Anniversaries: Robert Clarke, Rose Marshall,
Peter Forster, Nell White, Dorothy Kealy,
Anne Edwards, Jim Shirrefs, Bill Heenan, James Perry.
Naracoorte Mass times (see notice board)
Church Collections 7.8.16
Priests Fund $122.00
Planned Giving $240.00
New total for this PG Financial year. $2780 .00
Thank you for your continuous donations.
Parish Council mtg;
Minutes are available on blue sheets in the foyer. Items discussed include * An evening in September entitled “A Journey of Hurt, Healing and Hope”. A follow up to the Royal Commission with guest speakers Eileen Rice, Fr Andrew, and Rosemary Nolan. Everyone is welcome. A soup and finger food supper: can you please help provide something? Ring Cecily on 5585 1013 if you wish to attend.
Welcome Fr Damien and your drivers.
Thank you for coming: we hope you enjoy being part of our community.
Please collect from foyer
(i) *NEW Ministry Roster (pink) If you cannot do on a certain Sunday, please find a replacement.
*Our Diocesan Magazine. Newest copy is free in the foyer. Great articles from Parishes around the Diocese.
This week at St Malachy’s School.
Mon: Western Trinity Athletics
Tues: Maths Support with Teresa
Wed & Thurs: Principal’s Colloquium B’rat.
We offer our prayerful support to:
· the sick and frail members of our community
· those who have lost a loved one recently
Parish Diary.
Today: 5pm Mass
Tomorrow: 11.00am Mass - Assumption
Sun 21 Aug: 5.00pm Mass
Tues 23 Aug: 10am Anointing Mass @ Hostel
Sun 28 Aug: 10.30am SAWC
Sun 4 Sept: 9.00am Mass
Sun 11 Sept: 11.00am Mass
Fr John’s corner.
Wonderful news that Fr John and Georgia are back home safely. Next Sunday, Fr John will share some of his experiences. Soup after Mass.
Liturgy Formation/Launch of the Diocesan Sacramental Program “Let the Children Come” Sunday 21 August @ St Mary’s Hamilton. Program:
12 noon Launch of Program
1pm Lunch (supplied)
1.45-2.45 Workshop
2.45-3.45 Workshop
3.45pm Plenary
Choose which 2 workshops you would like to attend.
(i) Sacramental Program
(ii) Funeral Ministry,
(iii) (iii) Formation of Lectors.
Contact Hamilton Parish Office (5571 1161) if you wish to attend.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary- tomorrow. This feast is a holy day of obligation in Australia, even when it falls on a Saturday or a Monday. Like Sunday Mass, we are obliged to attend within reason; distance and other substantial factors can prevent attendance without incurring penalty. Those who can't get to Mass are encouraged to honour the feast by some other means, like praying the Rosary.
11am Mass at St Malachy's, Edenhope. Please pass this news around as it is on TOMORROW. Apologies for the short notice. .