Welcome to the second edition of the My Choice Matters newsletter.
Our first newsletter was just before Christmas, and we are happy to say there are many more people who have subscribed since then.
Talking about subscribing, you might know people who want to know about My Choice Matters. Please tell them about our website they can find out more about us and also sign up to this newsletter. People can also give us a call on 1800 144 653.
Getting the most out of a new support system
Now back to what’s been happening with My Choice Matters. This initiative has been set up by the NSW Government to assist people with disability and family members to prepare for and get the most out of
- individualised supports,
- portable funding, and
- the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
We have been working on different ideas to make sure that My Choice Matters reaches as many people as possible, in as many ways as we can. My Choice Matters is here to help you to live life your way.
Working together to learn and grow
Working together with you, we want to create opportunities for new thinking, new learning, and new skills. This can open up new experiences and new ways of doing things for people with disability and families.
4 ways to get ready and have a go:
My Choice Matters is putting together activities where we will work together with you to learn more skills and share our experiences. Look out for them in the next few months! This newsletter will help keep you up to date, and there will be information on the website, on our facebook page and on twitter.
1. Get more skills: My Choice Matters is coming to your region to run workshops and find out from you what knowledge and skills you need to get the most out of the changes to the disability system.
We are now organising ‘Getting Started’ workshops for May and June in each region.
2. Become a leader: Leading is about making choices and having control. Leadership is something that is not natural for most of us and it may be something really new to you. There are many ways to be a leader, and these can be learned and practised.
Coming soon are chances to learn and practise leadership in your own life and in your community.
3. Share Stories, Ideas and Information: My Choice Matters wants to find, develop and distribute a wide range of information, stories, ideas and resources.
Of course we will need your help and you can be part of this! We want to hear your stories and ideas. We are keen for you to share what you’ve learned with other people. Your story can help other people by showing:
- where to start,
- things can be done in new and different ways, and
- people can have a good life.
We will call for videos and stories in one of our next newsletters.
4. Run Projects: Later in the year there will be opportunities for you to apply to be in charge of a project that assists you and others to get ready for the person centred system.
Interested? Want to know more?
Check out
- our website and have a look around.
- sign up to our newsletter (on the web or give us a call). If you like to get printed information, please email us, write to us or call us and let us know. We can send you this newsletter and other information by mail.
- if you are on facebook or twitter you can join us there, too.
Contact Us:
1800 144 653 or (02) 9211 2605
My Choice Matters, the NSW Consumer Development Fund, is an initiative of the NSW Government. The fund is governed by a board made up of representatives from the NSW Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care (ADHC) and NSW Council of Intellectual Disability (NSW CID). The NSW CID is managing and administering the fund.