St. LouisUSBC Junior Gold Scratch Qualifier

December 30, 2017 (Saturday)10 AM

Crestwood Bowl9822Watson Rd. Crestwood, MO 63126

(314) 966-4377

Questions contact: David Rohlmann 314-645-8747

Eligibility: Current Youth member in good standing of USBC.

USBC Cardand Jr. Gold Card must be presented at check in.

(visit to reprint yours if needed).

Jr. Gold Qualifier Eligibility: Must be a current Jr. Gold member, in good standings, prior to

beginning of Tournament play. Member may purchase Jr. Gold membership for $30 on site.

Entry Fee: $40.00 per bowler. Scratch event on a single sport shot.

Advancement ratio to national: 1 per 10 entries. No major fraction used.

After Dec. 21 deadline there will be a $5.00 late charge. Call for availability after Dec. 21.

Winners get a paid entry into theannual Junior Gold Championships, July 14-21, 2018, Dallas, TX

PLUS a$75 scholarship, based on 10 bowlers.

You may ONLY enter this event once.

If a fractional amount of money is left in a division, the first non-qualifying bowler in that

Division MAY advance if they pay the difference between the overage and $200 for the entry.

Tournament Size:

This event will be limited to 48 bowlers. Minimum of 10 bowlers needed to conduct a division.

Bowler information:

Name: Gender: ___ M / F

(As it appears on your USBC card)


City: _____ St: ___ Zip: USBC #: _____

Phone: - Email ______

DOB: ____/____/______

Highest ’16-17 Book Avg: ____ (just for information)

Make checks payable: to St. Louis USBC

Mail to: St. Louis USBC, 1700 S. Big Bend, St. Louis MO 63117

Office only


Tournament Format:

There MAY be multipledivisions, boys any age/average and girls any age/average.

Minimum of 10 bowlers each needed to conductaU20 divisions.

In the event there are NOT 10 girlsand 10 boys, all bowlers will be in a single Uni-sex U20 division.

Minimum of 8 bowlers each needed to conduct a U15 divisions.

In the event there are NOT 8 girls and8 boys, all bowlers will be in a single Uni-sex U15 division.

Junior Gold rules changed creating divisions U12, U15 and U20.

THIS EVENT is U20 and/or U15 but open to other Gold Bowlers. If you win a spot, the following indicates the division you would be assigned to for national finals.

Any bowler whose birth date is 8/1/05 or later would participate in U12 division.

Any bowler whose birth date is 8/01/02 - 7/31/05would participate in U15 division.

Any bowler whose birth date is 8/01/97 - 7/31/02 would participate in U20 division.

We mayNOT be running aspecific division forU15. It depends on number of participants.

Participants compete on a “scratch” basis.

Each participant will bowl 5 games changing lanes each game.

High 5-game total will determine winners.

Winnersgeta paidentry into the 2018annual Junior Gold Championships, July 14-21, 2018, Dallas, TX,PLUS a $75 scholarship, based on 10 bowlers.

We will start with 1division, then expand to an additional division as 10 boys and/or 10 girls are

entered in U20 and/or or 8 boys and/or girls in U15.

As we get additional multiples of 10 per division, additional spots will be purchased for that

Division (8 for U15)

If the winner has a GOLD Spot, theyrecieve the Scholarship and the spot goes to next bowler.


In the event of ties for the last available spot in a division, the highest 5thgame rolled will break the tie, and work back from there by game until the tie is broken.

Fractional spots:

If a fractional amount of money is left in any division, the first non-qualifying bowler in that divisioncan advance if they pay the difference between the overage and the $200 ($150 for U15) for the entry. If that bowler chooses not to purchase the spot, it CAN NOT be offered to anyone else. Extra money could be divided as additional money for awarded scholarships in that division from the event.

Same tie rules would apply, if needed.


All rules not covered here will be covered by USBC tournament rules. The Tournament Director shall handle all protests. The decision of the Tournament Director shall be final unless an appeal is filedwithin 72 hours in accordance with USBC Rules.

Bowlers in the National Finalswill be participating for scholarships.

U20 bowlers will also be competing to become a member of Junior Team USA.

Athletes can only be awarded one entry into the national event.