St. Leonard`s Church, Brancumhall Road,

East Kilbride G74 3YA. Tel. 01355 247471.

Charity No. SCO 11041


Rev. Dominic A.P. Quinn, Ph.B.,S.T.L.


Rev. Michael K. Ross, Ph. D.


Sunday: Vigil 6:00pm, 10:00am, 12:00 5:15pm

Weekday (except Wed.): 10:00am.


Thank you for your contribution to last Sunday´s collection = £1,231.00


Recently Deceased: Isobel Grassom, Mary Cassidy

Ross Hanlon, Michael Doherty, Andrew Burke,

Joseph Carroll

Anniversary: Derek Murphy


Altar Servers

All Altar Servers are asked to attend a meeting in the Church on Tuesday 18th September at 5.00pm. Any children, who have celebrated their First Holy Communion, wishing to become Altar Servers should attend this meeting.

Diocesan Celebration of Marriage & Family Life

Bishop Toal invites you to attend Holy Mass in the Cathedral to celebrate and pray for family life. The celebration will take place on Wednesday 19th September at 7:00pm.

World’s Biggest Coffee Morning 2018

Our parish Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support will take place in the Parish Hall after 10:00am Mass on Friday 28th September. If you would like to donate a prize for the raffle, please hand it in at the outer Sacristy after any of theMasses in the coming weeks.

RE-union of St. Leonard’s Lourdes Group 2016

There will be a social in the church hall on Friday 28th September (7:00pm to 11:00pm). All the travellers are invited to attend. Please confirm whether or not you will be coming. Jim Lee, Mae Cleary or

Cathy McFarlane. B.Y.O.B.

St. Leonard’s – An Eco Parish

Eco-Congregation Scotland is an environmental

movement helping groups of Christians link their

faith with environmental issues, reduce their carbon

footprint, and engage with the community.

Are you interested in promoting this initiative in St.

Leonard’s Parish? Please speak to Fr. Dominic.

Parish Musicians:

Do you play a musical instrument and if so would

you liketo become involved with the liturgical

music of St.Leonard’s Parish? Please speak to

Fr. Dominic.

Funeral Arrangements- Isobel Grassom RIP

The Funeral Mass for Isobel Grassom will be celebrated in St. Bride’s Church on Friday 21st September at 10.00am. Her body will be brought to the church on Thursday evening at 6.00pm.

SSVP Help Line - 07842 085284.

Please call betweenthehours of 10:45am and 6:00pm.

Food Bank: We urgently need donations of ALL

Tinned and packet food, also U.H.T. milk andsquash.

The Association of Catholic Primary Head Teachers

Is hosting an event to promote catholic teaching as a career option, on 19th September at 7pm at Holy Family Church Hall, Mossend.

The purpose of the evening is to provide information, advice and support to those who are interesting in pursuing a career as a Catholic Teacher. The Admissions Officer for the Department of Education at the University of Glasgow will be in attendance to give an overview of the MEd course, the tariff for admission and she will also give advice about the application and interview process. There will also be an opportunity to hear from a current Catholic Headteacher about the vocation of teaching and a recently qualified teacher will also give their reflections about their journey to becoming a Catholic teacher. The information evening is intended for school leavers and those wishing to change careers

From the “Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church”

24. What role does Sacred Scripture play in the life of the Church?

Sacred Scripture gives support and vigour to the life of the Church. For the children of the Church, it is a confirmation of the faith, food for the soul and the fount of the spiritual life. Sacred Scripture is the soul of theology and of pastoral preaching. The Psalmist says that it is “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). The Church, therefore, exhorts all to read Sacred Scripture frequently because “ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ” (Saint Jerome).

New Houses on former site of St Leonard’s P.S.

The following information was shared at a recent meeting attended by Father Quinn, parish representatives, representatives of the trustees of the Diocese of Motherwell (DoM), South Lanarkshire Council (SLC) and Crudens Scotland (CS)

Planning permission has been given for the building of 60 affordable council houses. The houses are a mixture of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes.

Before this work can start, CS is required to build a new road from the porch of the church to Brancumhall Road. It is anticipated that the work on the road will start in late autumn and that it will take 12 weeks.

> The line of the new road means that two trees will be removed. They will, however, be replaced by the planting of a significantly greater number of trees around the site.

> DoM will ensure that the interests of the parish are protected when the legal contract for the building of the new road is being drawn up with SLC.

> The house building programme is expected to take 18 months from the completion of the work on the road.

> The substation which supplies electricity to the church at present will be removed and alternative provision made.

> The CS Site Manager will liaise closely with Father Quinn to ensure that there is no disruption to Mass and other services in the church.

> SLC and CS have measures in place to ensure safety in and around the site and to manage the coming and going of traffic to the site.

> SLC and CS will contact the Head Teacher in the school to inform her of steps being taken to promote pupil safety.