St. Lawrence Friends Heritage Trust
Charity number 1048528

to raise money for the St. Lawrence Tower Appeal

Where: Chobham Village Hall

When: Friday 17 November 2017 (doors open 19:30, quiz starts 20:00)

Teams of up to 8 people

£15 per person (ticket includes food)

Cash bar on the night

Numbers are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment

To reserve a table, please return this form to Matthew Brehaut at:


Tel: 01276 855422 / 07826 848 339

The St Lawrence Friends Heritage Trust is a registered charity formed in 1995. Its object is to raise funds for the maintenance and repair of St. Lawrence Church, Chobham and St. Saviour Church, Valley End so that they are preserved to serve their respective communities.

We are currently fundraising for the St. Lawrence Church tower, a medieval tower sitting at the very heart of the village. It is also in need of urgent repair. The tower was built in the early 1400s, perhaps earlier still. Now it is trouble. An inspection in 2015 discovered serious problems of moisture retention in the brickwork, as a result of which the stones are crumbling and losing their faces. The heart of the problem is the pointing material, which does not allow the stone to breathe. The removal and replacement of this will be a long and expensive job: work is scheduled to start at the end of April 2018 and at least £135,000 needs to be raised by then. Every penny we raise at events such as the quiz evening goes to help save the tower.

St. Lawrence Friends Heritage Trust
Charity number 1048528

Please return this form to Matthew Brehaut, Long Meadow, Castle Grove Road, Chobham GU24 8EF

St. Lawrence Friends Heritage Trust
Charity number 1048528


/ Yes, I wish to enter a team for the Quiz Night
The number of participants on my team will be ……… (at £15 per person)
The name of my team is: ………………………………………………………………………
/ I am unable to attend the Quiz Night but would nonetheless like to make a donation to the St. Lawrence Tower Appeal. I would like this donation to be under Gift Aid. This will enable the St. Lawrence Friends Heritage Trust to reclaim tax on (i) this donation, (ii) any donations that I have made within the last 4 years and (iii) all donations in the future until I give further notice. I confirm that I pay sufficient UK income tax and/or capital gains tax to cover the tax that may be claimed back by any charity or community amateur sports club (CASC) from HMRC in the year of donation. Any Gift Aid declaration may be cancelled in writing within 30 days.
If you are NOT a taxpayer, or do NOT wish this donation to be under Gift Aid, please indicate here with a cross:
/ Please find enclosed a cheque for my team / donation
(cheques should be made payable to St. Lawrence Friends Heritage Trust)
/ I have paid via online bank transfer (details: St. Lawrence Friends Heritage Trust, a/c 51177044, sort code 40-20-34; please use your surname as a reference)

Please fill in the following details in BLOCK CAPITALS

Name & title: / ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Address: / ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Email: / ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signed: / ………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………….

Please return this form to Matthew Brehaut, Long Meadow, Castle Grove Road, Chobham GU24 8EF