A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Welton Room, Welton Village Hall on Monday 10th September2012.

Present: Cllrs R Pikett (Chairman), Mrs S Watson, A Greenway,A Lowen, M Parish, S England, Mrs P van Gelderen, Mrs G Daltonand D Wright

Also present: County Cllr Mrs S Rawlins and PSCO A Raper

Clerk: Mrs Julie Murray

12/09/01 Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman expressed the Council’s condolences to the relatives of Jean Sims who was the recipient of this year’s Community Award. The Chairman reported that he and Cllr Greenway had met with a representative from the Lincolnshire County Council library service to discuss rationalisation without the need to close down any branches. He informed members that item 11 on the agenda regarding appointing a Governor of St Mary’s Primary School would be deferred to a future meeting.


On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Watson, seconded by Cllr Lowen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept apologies from Cllrs Reall, Mrs England, Mrs Chapman and Wallis, having considered and accepted their reasons for absence. District Cllr Mrs Rodgersalso sent her apologies and had requested that the Chairman read out the following statement: “I would like to thank the Chairman and the Council for their invitation to the official opening of the New Sports Pavilion at Manor Park. It was a lovely afternoon, and it was nice to see so many people at the event, and to see so many young footballers taking an active role. The Chairman invited me to come along whilst he showed Mr Tony Worth, the Lord Lieutenant, around the building. The Lord Lieutenant was very impressed. So too, was the High Sheriff, Mr John Burke, who was very interested in the background to Manor Park, because he thinks that it is a good example of what can be achieved when communities work together. It is indeed a wonderful facility, and the Council can be proud to have worked with others to provide such first class amenities for our Parish and the surrounding Area. Very well done”. District Cllr Malcolm Parish also wanted to praise the Council for working together and the achievement that has been attained at Manor Park.

12/09/03 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Mrs Watson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 9, a Planning Application on 25 Lincoln Road being her property.


On a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Lowen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that the notes of the meetings held on 9th July (print pages 1125-1128) and 18th July 2012 (print page 1134) were approved and signed as the minutes.

12/09/05 Members’ Questions

No questions had been submitted prior to the meeting.


12/09/06Clerk’s Report and related matters

7.55pm Meeting adjourned to allow County Cllr Mrs Rawlins to speak

8.00pm Meeting resumed

12/03/31- The residual monies from the Carols on the Green committee have now been donated to the Red Cross to help in setting up the Welton First Call Service.

Consultation on Cheque Signatories Legislative Reform Order – A response was sent in time for the deadline of 4th September – 10 members responded that they were not in favour of the withdrawal of payment by cheque until such time as the banks cease to operate this service. (Copy attached)

12/07/18 – A sign has now been installed on the Bishops Place public open space area saying “NO BALL GAMES TO BE PLAYED BY ANYONE OF 11 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER”

12/07/21 – Bank Mandate – HSBC have mislaid the original mandate which I took into the bank so it didn’t get lost in the post and another requires signing by members.

12/07/24 – a meeting is being held on 17th September and has been advertised in the Welton News this month.

VAT - a query had been raised by HMRC following the submission of the March return. The Council is restricted to a partial exemption on its vatable income and therefore can only claim 4% of the VAT on vatable expenditure. I had sought guidance from HMRC prior to the commencement of the project at Manor Park and had been misinformed. Following a meeting with a VAT Inspector and Partial Exemption Officer it was advised that the Council would be within their rights to put in a formal complaint and the Football Foundation will assist in supporting this. It was agreed by the Playing Fields & Recreation Committee that a complaint and appeal should be submitted.

12/09/07 Correspondence

William Farr – Request for donation – fund raising event

Resident – Letter re: POS at Bishops Place

St Mary’s School – Request for donation towards swimming lessons

Crow Developments Ltd – Quote for replacing office cladding

LIVES – Letter of thanks for donation

LCC – Planning Application PL/0113/12

Ms E Pragnell – Notes for Parish Plan Working Group meeting

Welton & District PDA – Letter of thanks for donation

LCC – Lincolnshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2 Stakeholder Consultation (circulated)

WLDC – Consultation Invite: Draft Health & Wellbeing Strategy (circulated)

HSBC – Response re cheque query

SLCC – details of Regional Conference

LALC – Newsletter (circulated)

M J Spencer & Sons Ltd – Quote for replacing office cladding

Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust – Invitation to first annual public meeting

12/09/08 Financial Matters

  • Councillors received details of income and expenditure to 31.8.12.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Lowen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept the lowest quote to replace the cladding at the rear of the Parish Office.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Mrs Dalton, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to make a donation of £150.00 to St Mary’s CofE Primary School towards the cost of swimming lessons.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to set a budget of £750.00 for the Christmas Event working group.


  • On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Watson, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept the accounts presented for payment.


12/09/09 Planning Matters

WLDC Planning Committee 19/9? All OK

Applications received for consultation:

129026 – Mrs S Watson – Brook House, 25 Lincoln Road – Replacement building to form family annexe to rear

129002 – Mr & Mrs Dyson – 7 Ryland Road – Single storey extension to existing kitchen to form dining area. Also, removal of existing outbuilding and replacement with single storey office-workshop

129007 – Mr & Mrs Dyson – 7 Ryland Road – Listed Building Consent for single storey extension to existing kitchen, including the removal of 2no. windows and breaking through of section of external wall to form dining area. Also, removal of existing outbuilding and replace with single storey office-workshop

No Observations/Comments on:

128888 – Mr G Fox – 5 Keepers Close – Ground and first floor extension

128891 – Mr & Mrs Roberts – 23 Rivehall Avenue – Roof lift loft extension

PL/0113/12 – Greentech Ltd – Horncastle Lane, Grange de Lings – Section 73 application to vary condition 3 of planning permission W38/120612/07 (site arrangement and layout plan)

Observations/Comments on:

128827 – Mr J D Ryland – Welton Methodist Church, Cliff Road – Construction of a new community hall with associated hard landscaping and boundary treatments. Change of use from residential garden land

The overwhelming concern of members is the problem of parking within the village centre which is a continual and ever increasing dilemma; there is no plan for the provision of parking within the application. Roadside parking is limited to two inadequate parking bays on Cliff Road and there is an existing problem with vehicles parking when services or events are held at the Chapel. This causes regular difficulty for the buses turning into and exiting Manor Lane as the junction is not large enough to accommodate them, Stagecoach should be consulted for their views on this matter.

When driving up Cliff Road views are restricted and cause drivers to pull out onto the opposite side of the road with no visibility of what might be coming from the opposite direction and the situation is an accident waiting to happen! On occasions residents on Cliff Road have been prevented from accessing their own properties due to the vehicles parked.

The impact on the neighbourhood is a material consideration that should be taken into account in the determination of this application; increased community events could necessitate up to 90 vehicles visiting the area and this needs to be taken into account. Officers should also bear in mind that this is not just a problem on Sundays, but could become a daily nuisance and will result in greater intrusion around neighbouring properties. It is Welton & Dunholme Methodist Chapel and it is envisaged that those residing a greater distance away will not walk, but arrive by car.

The property is in the Conservation Area and contained within the Welton Conservation Area document held by WLDC under Policies and Actions for Conservation, applications for new development will be granted only if it is considered that the proposed use will not detract from the appearance and character of the Conservation Area and therefore the exterior appearance of the property should be in keeping with other buildings in the neighbourhood, which the proposed community hall is not.

We consider it essential that Officers from both WLDC Planning and LCC Highways visit the area during Sunday morning service times and Wednesday evening Youth Club night (term time only) to observe the amount of cars parking in this area and to evidence the problems that will be exacerbated by additional vehicles parking at these times. The Council also requests a site visit at which members can be present and I would be grateful if you could advise me of the date and time of this when it has been arranged.

Further concerns were expressed regarding where delivery and construction vehicles will park and materials stored that will not cause major chaos to the buses gaining access to Manor Lane and the parking problems that will be exacerbated within the village centre and those residing on Cliff Road and Manor Lane.

This development will impact on all those in the village going about their daily business by causing disruption and hazardous conditions for cyclists, pedestrians and drivers.

The Council respectfully requests that this matter be determined at Committee.

Planning Permission Granted on:

128373 – Mrs K Tutty – 46 Cliff Road – Creating a dropped kerb to allow vehicle access

128622 – Mr I Puxty – 32 Cliff Road – Loft conversion, rear and side extensions and alterations to dwelling


128672 – Mr Talbot – 74 Beckhall – Proposed single storey store room extension to the side of the existing double garage

128506 – Mr S Clifford & Miss K Holder – 12 The Pastures – 2 storey side and front extension

128470 – Mr & Mrs W Pickering – Glebe Farm, Horncastle Lane, Scampton – Reconstruction of building to form replica of former barn to provide new holiday accommodation

128422 – Mr R Ridge – 65 Eastfield Lane – Demolition of attached garage and utility area and erection of two storey extension and detached garage – amendment to previously approved scheme 128146

128504 – Mr P Houltby – 86 Ryland Road – Existing bungalow to be re-roofed with converted space in existing and new loft and extension to outbuilding

128426 – Mr M S Ward – 15 Westhall Road – Side extension over the garage including demolition of existing and front extension

128709 – Welton Properties Ltd – 78 Ryland Road – To erect 3no. dwellings

Planning Permission Refused on:

128891 – Mr & Mrs Roberts – 23 Rivehall Avenue – Roof lift loft extension

  • The matter of ‘considerate planning’was discussed following anincident regarding vehicles parking on the road and across the footpath when building work is taking place in the centre of the village when some primary school children were frightened to walk into the road to negotiate their thoroughfare. Builders seem to have no regard for village residents and pedestrians. It was suggested thatwhen responding to planning applications it should be included in the comments when appropriate to the type of application and its location that considerate parking and the use of bad language should be incorporated in the conditions and time limits for deliveries during school times etc. On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr England, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that Cllr Greenway will take the matter to the next meeting of LALC and to include these comments on appropriate applications.

12/09/10 Committees

Notes and reports from the following Committees were received:

  • Highways & Utilities Committee held on 3rd July2012
  • PublicationsCommittee held on 10thJuly 2012
  • Playing Fields & Recreation Committee –Thanks were expressed to the office staff regarding their work on the Manor Park Redevelopment and everyone involved in the opening and to Cllr Mrs van Gelderen for her work on the presentation board.

12/09/11 Council & Committees

  • Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Greenway reported that the Working Group will be looking at where to go in the future and toinclude Dunholme Parish Council, if they were agreeable. He had met with Cllr Brian Lewis of Dunholme PC to discuss the matter. Councils need to tread carefully, especially when calling on those with a vested interest in the development of the village to become involved, this could include landowners with other interests. Councillors must be mindful of decisions made. The Lincolnshire Core Strategy and Localism Act – Cllr Greenway had attended meetings looking at what may happen in the future, it is hoped that in the new year it would become clearer as to what is expected by the Government. It was the general impression that Government may want to impose more service delivery on local councils, we must wait and see. Cllr Pikett attended the Lincolnshire Core Strategy meeting at Cranwell where discussions included the Eastern Bypass and it looks as though it will go ahead, another 12,000 houses are required to maintain the same level of housing and 23,000 to maintain the working population. A Property/Building Levy on builders could be implemented. Central Lincs, WLDC, NKDC, LCC and Lincoln City Council are forming this group. NALC – Cllr Greenway attended a meeting at National level looking at draft motions for their policy committees. Copy of information available in the office – Parish Councils should be statutory consultees on all planning applications, especially when looking at affordable housing, where is the industry to support the level of housing being built? 9 major questions being put forward. Debate being stifled at National level.


  • Appoint a representative on the Governing Body of St Mary’s CofE Primary School – Defer to next meeting.
  • Village Questionnaire –There was not a well patronised response (1800 delivered, 71 responses). It appears that the Parish Council is doing a good job on the whole. Welton News – it was suggested to re-print the article regarding local authority responsibilities. Some of the comments assume that the PC has powers beyond their remit. Those who queried the number of Councillors apportioned to the Parish must realise that this is set down according to the number of electors. Councillors are all volunteers and receive no payment. Parishioners should be encouraged to come to meetings to see what goes on and how the Council operates. The Clerk was requested to place an aricle in the Welton News thanking those who did respond for their input and taking the time to fill it in. It was agreed that it should be non committal to individual questions and a general response. If any further clarification was required they can call in to the Parish Office.
  • As a result of PC lobbying to LCC Highwaysa large section of Ryland Road will be re-surfaced in the Spring of 2013.

12/09/12 Village

A letter has been received from a resident regarding a highway issue. Councillors are sympathetic to their situation, but unfortunately are not able to offer any assistance on the matter and on a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, it wasRESOLVED following a vote that the Clerk should respond by saying it is beyond our jurisdiction.

12/09/13 Consultations

  • Core Strategy

9.00pm Adjourn to allow County Cllr Mrs Rawlins to speak

9.05pm Meeting resumed

No comments at this stage.

  • Lincolnshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2007-2012 – response by 12/10.

12/09/14 Any urgent matters
