St. Lawrence CountyDRAFTOperations Committee

Board of LegislatorsMonday, March 11, 2013

Board Room5:30 p.m.

Members Attending:Mr. Paquin, Mr. Acres, Mr. Akins, Mr. Arquiett, Ms. Brothers, Mr. Bunstone, Mr. Burns, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. MacKinnon (via Skype), Mr. Morrill, Mr. Parker, Mr. Peck, Mr. Putman, Mr. Putney, and Mr. Sutherland

Others Attending:Karen St. Hilaire, Ruth Doyle, Kelly Pearson, Laurie Demers, Jason Pfotenhauer, Keith Zimmerman, Chris Rediehs, Chris Boulio, Steve Button, Kevin Felt, Mary Lou Rupp, Marty Cahil of Locey and Cahill Consultants, and media representative: Martha Ellen, Watertown Daily Times

1. CALL TO ORDER AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Paquin called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. Mr. Arquiett moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Putney, and carried.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Mr. Morrillmoved to approve theFebruary 19th minutes, seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and carried.


Cahill Consultants. Mr. Cahill said they are working on two scenarios for cost saving opportunities, and both involve the prescription drug portion of the plan. He said they are working with ProAct they are now in a position to put forward a new pricing model, due to restructuring of discounts received and rebates from drug companies. The new pricing can go into effectin May or June, awaiting contract renewal language. He said it is $400,014 annualized amount based on 2013.

The second program isan Employer Group Waiver Program (EGWP). This program deals with Medicare primary retirees and the prescription drug program they have. It is an opportunity for certain Medicare primary retirees to take advance of a direct Medicare Part D Contract. It is a fairly complex program, so there will be an analysis done over the next few months. He will report back in the summer with the impact the program will have on the retirees and the dollar amount.

Mr. Morrill asked what to expect with ObamaCare, both in savings and Cadillac tax. Mr. Cahill said that is a very complex question to answer. There are three things on the table right now that are getting a lot of publicity. The Cadillac Tax is a tax on health insurance, above a certain level, and this will go into effect in 2018. The good part of this is that you are only taxed on the amount you go over. It is too early to come up with a solid projection. The Federal Reinsurance Tax is a tax on all health insurance programs to fund the exchanges and what they feel is going to be bad risks flowing into the exchanges. That cost will have to be budgeted for starting in 2015 and is equivalent to $5 per person per month. The Federal Health Insurance Premium tax starts in 2014 and is equivalent to 2% increase on premiums. We are self insured, so we do not have to pay this tax.

Mr. Morrill said when preparing a Five Year Plan, they used 7.5% as an increase each year for health insurance. He asked Mr. Cahill if he thought that was an accurate estimate. Mr. Cahill said that is a good number to use for a long term plan.


A. Authorizing the Chair to Sign an Agreement with Essex County as Lead County for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)Cleaner Greener Communities Regional Sustainability Plan (Res)–Mr. Peck moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Bunstone and Mr. Parker. Mr. Pfotenhauer said this is an initiative that came out of the regional economic counsel. It focuses on economic development and energy efficiencies. The dates of the contract are January 2012 through June 2013, but the formal contract was just received. The plan will allow for additional funding as it becomes available throughNYSERDA. There is also the opportunity for reimbursements for staff attending meetings. Motion carried.

B. Proclaiming Earth Day in St. Lawrence County (Res)– Mr. Bunstone moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Putman. Mr. Pfotenhauer said April 22nd is Earth Day. The Environmental Management Council (EMC) has worked with the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to do tree planting on or around Earth Day. The location has not yet been determined this year.

Mr. Acres asked if the EMC included an agriculture componentto it. Mr. Pfotenhauer said that is something that has been spearheaded by the Ag and Farmland Protection Board.There are some Ag people of the EMC, but he is not sure of a specific initiative. Mr. Acres said it isimportant to point that out particularly in St. Lawrence County for the Agricultural community. Motion carried.

C. Designating April 2013 as Fair Housing Month (Res)–Mr. Morrill moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Putman and Mr. Burns. Mr. Pfotenhauer said this resolution is done every March. Some initiatives this year will be publishing ads for housing discrimination and holding a landlord workshop. Motion carried.


Ms. St. Hilaire said the CHHA continues to transfer patients to Health Services of Northern NY

There are 16 CHHA patients, and 51 long term care patients.

Ms. St. Hilaire said there was a meeting held with the Comptroller’s Office on Friday with herself, Ruth Doyle and Kevin Felt. They went over the draft audit and all aspects of the finances. They came back with a draft audit in which they made two recommendations. The first recommendation is to develop a fund balance policy, because that is a critical issue. They were given a copy of the Five Year Plan and they issued a statement saying they are concerned with the Plan and questioned whether this plan will provide adequate funding to the County. The second recommendation is that the Board should develop a long-term plan to meet operational and capital needs.

Mr. Lightfoot asked if the Senators are going to be made aware of this. Ms. St. Hilaire said yes, when we get the final draft. Mr. Lightfoot suggests that copies also be sent to Town Supervisors and Mayors of St. LawrenceCounty. Ms. St. Hilaire said it is a draft, but we can do that when we get the final audit.

Mr. MacKinnon said as soon as it is made public, we should get that to the Senators as quickly as possible because it answers some of the criticism towards us.

Mr. Morrill said he agrees it should go to the Town Supervisors and Mayors and they need to be sent a new Plan.

Ms. St. Hilaire said she is on vacation until March 21st.


Mr. Arquiett said on behalf of the Ag and Farmland Protection Board, he would like to announce the Ag Tour will be held in September this year. This year there is emphasis on the Governor’s initiative to increase milk and yogurt production. He hopes the schedule permits most Legislators to attend; they will also be inviting all State representatives. He wanted to report that the Ag and Farmland Protection Board is working well with IDA, Planning Board, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and Reap Property.

Ms. St. Hilaire said both herself and Mr. Putney were approached by Clarkson University to schedule one of the meetings there so they could tour the facilities.

Mr. Paquin said we had four local minor hockey teams win State Championships. Mr. Arquiett said there were also two high school hockey teams that made it to the State Championship, He said this is a great achievement.

Mr. Putney moved go to Executive Session for appointments at 6:05 p.m., seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and carried.

Mr. Arquiett moved to go to Open Session at 6:09 p.m., seconded by Mr. Lightfoot, and carried.

ADJOURNMENT–Mr. Paquin moved to adjourn the March Operations Committee Meeting at 6:09 p.m. as there was no further business.