Specification for External Evaluation of The Way2Go Project
The Big Lottery funds the Way2Go Project under its impact of alcohol programme. Its overall aim is to reduce the harm to individuals, families and communities directly affected by alcohol misuse.
The project has been operating since January 2014 and has achieved the targets agreed to date.
First Housing Aid & Support Services manages the project and has invested significant time and energy in developing both the project and the staff involved in delivering it.
We believe that an independent evaluation of the Project would benefit all future service users, since it will provide the opportunity to reflect on our achievements to date and to address areas for improvement. This will ensure that future service users will receive an even better service than they do at present. In addition, we would like to use the evaluation as a basis for seeking future funding, which we would like to do in 2016.
We expect that the evaluation will be carried out using an appropriate methodology, both qualitative and quantitative; including desktop research, evidence from similar studies, stakeholder consultation and analysis of policies, procedures, and information systems used. We have developed a logic model to make our theory of change explicit and have an internal database, which is used to record project outcomes. Access to this information can be facilitated.
A comprehensive and robust evaluation can be used to inform future practice and to assist commissioning bodies in targeting resources effectively.
Purpose of Evaluation
The fundamental purpose of the evaluation will be to assess how effectively The Way2Go Project is meeting the needs of the service users who are impacted by alcohol misuse and whether the project is effectively achieving the outcomes for which it was developed.
An independent evaluation of the project will provide First Housing Aid & Support Serviceswith external verification that the model of delivery is of high quality and based on a sound evidence base. It will also provide the Big Lottery and other potential funding bodies with the evidence they require in order to assist future commissioning priorities.
First Housing Aid & Support Services believe strongly in continuous improvement and recognise that external evaluation is often required to acknowledge strengths and weaknesses. It can also make objective recommendations that will result in a plan of action. Current and future commissioners of that service can then monitor this.
First Housing Aid & Support Services may also take up any opportunity to extend the service into other areas of the province, and having a documented independent evaluation will support this strategy.
Brief for Consultant
First Housing Aid & Support Services would like to appoint a consultant in order to carry out an independent evaluation of the Project. The service has now come to the end of its first year of operation.
The key aims of the evaluation will be:
- To assess the effectiveness of the Project in addressing the impact of alcohol amongst the client group using the service, in particular to assess the impact of the project on:
a.Taking up specialist accommodation
b.Engaging individuals in specialist support
c.Securing or maintaining a tenancy
d.Young people accessing training and information
e.Becoming volunteers
f.Reducing alcohol consumption
g.Knowledge and understanding within the community
h.Confidence and self esteem
- To assess the effectiveness of the main types of interventions used in meeting the needs of clients using the project.
- To assess the overall effectiveness of the management and delivery of the project.
- To assess the level and effectiveness of partnership working between Way2Go and other key stakeholders.
- To make recommendations to First Housing Aid & Support Services on further development of best practice and areas for improvement.
Key requirements
First Housing Aid & Support Services requires a written quotation from an appropriately qualified consultant to carry out the evaluation. There is a maximum of £7,000 available for the evaluation. This should include the production of the evaluation report. An interim report will be expected by 1st February 2017, with the final report due by 1st February 2018. The following areas need to be addressed in the quotation:
1.Previous experience of consultant – attaching CV as an Appendix This should include referees, who we can contact by telephone and who can provide copies of evaluation reports produced by the consultant
2.Evidence of appropriate insurance cover and public liability cover
3.Ability to achieve the aims of the evaluation as outlined above
4.Methodology – including how information will be gathered and process followed from appointment to reporting
5.Proposed schedule for carrying out, including who will carry out the work and the amount of time allocated evaluation
6.Cost of Evaluation – the cost of preparing the quotation cannot be met by First Housing Aid & Support Services
Submissions should not exceed 6 sides of A4 using font size 12.
Additional Requirements
The report will belong to First Housing Aid & Support Services and will not be used for any purposes other than with the express written consent of First housing Aid and support Services.
It is envisaged that a steering group will be set up to oversee the evaluation, provide advice on some of the logistics, such as participation etc. and to whom the researcher could provide progress reports.
The evaluator will report to the Way2Go Project Coordinator and the lead contact for the Way2Go Project.
First Housing Aid & Support Services expects as a minimum:
- That all working policies and procedures are complied with in carrying out this work – including Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults, Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety, Lone Working. This ensures a high degree of professionalism at all times and ensures safety for both clients and all contractors.
- That all information provided will be treated with the strictest confidence, taking into account data protection principles where relevant
- That the evaluation takes account of the views of clients where possible.
- That the consultant will provide regular feedback, as agreed on appointment.
First Housing Aid & Support Services requires the evaluation to be completed by 31st December 2016. A short follow up report will be expected at the end of the current funding arrangement – 31st December 2017.
Quotations must be received by Friday, 27th February 2015 @ 12 noon
Please send by email to:
Sinead McFadden
First Housing Aid & Support Services
23 Bishop St
BT48 6PR