St Kieran’s Primary School, Moe
Confidential Reference For:Name:
(1) This reference form has been designed to assist in the evaluation of the applicant’s suitability for the position of Principal of a Parish Primary School). You are invited to comment freely on those areas that are relevant to your knowledge of the applicant. Parish Priests of the applicant’s worshipping parish should complete the Confidential Reference Check for Parish Priest of Worshipping Parish available on the CEOSale website.
(2) This form is also available on the Catholic Education Office, Sale, website or alternatively it can be emailed to you by contacting Ms Teresa Brady at the Catholic Education Office ().
(3) As this material is to be photocopied, please ensure that black biro or type is used.
(4) The reference will be made available to the interview panel and will remain confidential to them.
(5) The completed reference should be returned by email by 10 August 2015.
Reference provided by:Name:
Position: /
Phone (W): / Phone (H):
Please indicate for how long, and in what capacity you know and/or work with the applicant:
N / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1.1 / Understanding of and commitment to Catholic Education
1.2 / Ability to promote the religious dimension of the school
1.3 / Leadership and participation in spiritual life of school: liturgies/prayer etc
1.4 / Personal witness to gospel values in daily living
1.5 / Understanding of the importance of the integration of Christian values across the curriculum
1.6 / Effectiveness in teaching Religious Education
1.7 /
Knowledge of contemporary issues in Religious Education
1.8 /
Understanding of the school's relationship to the wider Church community
2.0 Leadership for Learning
N / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
2.1 /
Teaching competency
2.2 /
Ability to promote a productive and harmonious classroom climate
2.3 /
Familiarity with educational developments and challenges
2.4 /
Grasp of curriculum content and process
2.5 /
Ability to evaluate curriculum development
2.6 / Ability to evaluate teaching programs
2.7 /
Ability to implement effective assessment and reporting strategies
2.8 /
Ability to monitor classroom practice and offer guidance to teachers
3.0 Human Resources Leadership
N / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
3.1 /
Quality of relationships with staff
3.2 /
Quality of relationships with students
3.3 /
Quality of relationships with parents
3.4 /
Quality of relationships with clergy and members of parish community
3.5 /
Quality of relationships with wider community
3.6 /
Ability to empower staff
3.7 / Ability to affirm staff
3.8 /
Support for staff professional development
3.9 /
Ability to delegate and use the talents of others
3.10 /
Team building skills
3.11 / Accessibility to parents
3.12 / Capacity to work productively with parent organizations
3.13 / Support for parent participation in school life
4.0 Management of the School
N / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
4.1 / Effective planning and organizational skills
4.2 / Capacity to manage school property, facilities and resources
4.3 / Effective record-keeping skills
4.4 / Personal time management
4.5 / Ability to promote the school effectively
4.6 / Public relations skills
4.7 / Financial management skills
4.8 / Ability to implement School Improvement processes
4.9 / Ability to maintain a positive, productive working environment
5.0 Leadership Qualities and Skills
N / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
5.1 / Initiative
5.2 / Ability to make decisions
5.3 / Professional presentation
5.4 / Ability to exercise discretion and sound judgement
5.5 / Ability to collaborate
5.6 / Ability to delegate
5.7 / Ability to be flexible, creative and adaptable
5.8 / Ability to develop and implement effective policy and procedures
5.9 / Ability to exercise authority appropriately
5.10 / Ability to handle conflict appropriately
5.11 / Ability to maintain confidentiality
5.12 / Approachability
5.13 / Ability to communicate
5.14 / Commitment to self-professional development
6.0 Suitability for Position of Principal
In this section, please summarise your views on the applicant’s suitability for the position of Principal of a Parish Primary School.
(Please check the appropriate box)
· I recommend the applicant for this position
· I do not recommend the applicant for this position
Signed: / Date:
Please complete and email this form by 10 August 2015 to:
Maria Kirkwood
Director of Catholic Education
Catholic Education Office
PO Box 322
Warragul Vic 3820
Attention: Teresa Brady
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