St. Jude’s Open Fun Horse Show

Class Instructions, Patterns & Details (if applicable)

Class 1) Same Pattern for All Showmanship: …… Walk

- - - - Trot

p Cone

X Stop

zzzzz Back Up (4-5 steps)

P Turn

3 - p X






Line up at Cone 1

Walk to Judge at Cone 2

Stop & Set-up for inspection

2 - p Judge After inspection, make a 360 degree turn to the right

P Trot to Cone 3 and Stop

Back 4-5 steps

Walk off to the left

Exit the ring

1 - p

_____ In Gate______

Class 3a) PeeWee Walk/Trot - ride both directions of ring at walk and trot. Side walkers are permitted for safety – with or without a leadline.

Class 5a & b) Western Eq: Walk-Trot 3 - p X z

…… Walk z

_ _ _ _ Trot z Start at Cone 1

__---__---__-- Canter (not shown, but see instructions) z Walk to Cone 2, Stop

p Cone z Trot circle to right, without stopping then

X Stop z trot circle to left

zzzzz Back Up (4-5 steps) W/T Riders: Proceed at trot up to Cone 3, Stop

W/T/C Riders: Proceed at Canter up to Cone 3, Stop

Back 4-5 steps

Move to the rail to await ring work

2 - p X

1 - p

Class 9) Cross Rails - Patterns will be available the day of the show. A simple course with no change of direction designed to give inexperienced horses and riders ring experience. Simple lead changes are permitted.

Class 10) 2' Hunter over fences (no oxers) - Patterns will be available the day of the show; a simple hunter course that may include change of directions. Simple lead changes are permitted. Equitation of the rider is not the focus of the judge’s decision, but rather judging will be based on suitability of horse to a hunter discipline and the horse's ability to complete the pattern.

Class 11) Dual Run Cloverleaf Barrel Race – this is a timed event class

whereby 2 simultaneous riders will actually be running together at the

same time in a true “RACE” fashion. The pattern is set up as a side-by-side

barrel pattern utilizing only 5 barrels (the middle barrel will be shared by

both riders during their race). ALL RIDERS MUST perform the standard

barrel pattern (see below) by going to the right barrel first. Interested riders

will be placed into a bracket system (by random drawing of actual number

placement within the bracket). The fastest rider from each 2-person RACE

will advance up thru the bracket and continue running multiple times until

an ultimate overall winner of all riders is determined.

Classes 12 - 18) Gaming Events – These are all timed events; the

instructions/patterns are for those unfamiliar with these classes - - this is

meant to be a FUN day for everyone to give them a try (even if it’s for the

very first time). Enter and perform the pattern at your own pace (“Walk-Trot” is limited to riders 10 yr & under - no cantering with the exception of on the run home after the last obstacle – a 3 second penalty will be added if rider breaks into a canter of 2 strides or more at any other time). If a cone, barrel or pole is knocked over; there's a 3 second penalty added to your final time for each knocked down item. (patterns & descriptions of these classes follow).

Catalog Race – Timed Event. There will be one barrel set up in the ring with a catalog lying on top. Before entering to start their ride, each rider will pull a tag out of a hat (which lists a number on it), they give the tag to the Gate Keeper. The rider then rides down to the barrel, dismounts (a person will be there to hold your horse [if necessary]), the rider will then have to flip through the catalog to find the page number that was listed on the tag that they pulled from the hat. They rip this page out of the catalog, remount their horse and ride back to the Start / Finish. The rider must give their page to the Gate Keeper who will verify that they got the correct page number.

Sand Flag Race – Timed Event. There will be 2 barrels set up in a row down the center of the ring with a bucket on top of the barrel. The rider will start with a colored flag that they carry with them riding up to the first barrel, put their flag into the bucket so that it stands upright, remove the other flag that’s currently in there. Then take the removed flag down to the end barrel and repeats (put their flag in and remove the one already there); then race back with the last flag to the Start / Finish line.

Cloverleaf Barrels - rider enters through the Start / Finish cones &rides to the first

barrel - always to the inside of the barrel – (you may ride to either direction [this class only]).

Ride a circle around the barrel & proceed across the ring to the next barrel, always so you

circle the barrel & will cross over your previous path, then ride up to the end barrel,

again make a circle so that your path will be crossed when completed, and run straight

back down the center through the Start / Finish cones.

Pole Bending - from start line ride straight up all the way to the end

of all Poles, then serpentine in out of each pole until you get to the pole

closest to the start line; at that pole you go around (be careful not to cross back

over the start / finish line or you'll stop the timer), then serpentine back thru

each pole again all the way back up to the far end. When you get to the end

pole that's farthest away from the start line, you run straight back down the other

side to the Start / Finish. You can choose to ride up either side of the poles to

start (it doesn’t matter).You must go through the Start / Finish cones at end.

Stake Race - rider simply rides from start line straight to the end

and makes a complete (360*) turn around a single pole that's placed no

less than 25' from back rail & at least 105' from start line [approx. position

of the 5th or 6th pole in the Pole Bending pattern]) and then return back thru the

Start / Finish cones.

Keyhole - start by riding straight up to the raised box, you MUST ride your

horse completely into the box entering between the two center cones that are

4’ apart. Once you get inside the box, you must turn your horse completely

around (either direction is fine) but don’t knock the rails of the box down.

You must Exit the box through the same 2 front cones & run straight back

through the Start / Finish cones. The trick is to slow down just enough upon

entering the box so your horse doesn’t run through the back of it (or jump out).

Cut Back Class - The pattern is 3 poles in a straight line across the

arena. The side poles must be a minimum of 20' from the arena walls/fence

&each side poles must be equally spaced away from the center pole. The distance from the starting line to the middle pole must be a minimum of 100' but may be shortened if arena size doesn't permit the 100'. From the start line run up center proceed behind the center pole to the left. After passing the end pole, you must do a right roll back proceed in front of the poles to the opposite end pole. After passing the opposite end pole, you must do another right roll back and then go behind that end pole & center pole, turn left proceed to finish line. Pattern may be reversed.