Datacom Scholarship Application Form

Complete this Application Form to be considered for an Internship at Datacom.
The winner will have the choice of a paid six month internship or a three month holiday internship and three months mentoring in Datacom’s Microsoft/Azureteam and in doing so, have the opportunity to contribute to real-world customer solutions.

Entrant details <Please enter your details in the space provided>:

Applicant’s name:

Physical Address:




Microsoft Imagine Cup Team Name:

NOTE: This Scholarship is only available to students who were in the Microsoft Imagine Cup teams in 2018 or actively participated in the Microsoft Student Accelerator Program.


  1. Applications close on 5.00pm, Monday 14th May 2018. Your application form must be emailed to th “Datacom Scholarship Application Form” in the subject line by this time.
  2. If you do not receive acknowledgement that it has been received within 48hours, please
  3. Your written application must not exceed four A4 pages. This does not include the cover pages and your CV;
  4. All entries are received and assessed in strict commercial confidence;
  5. Shortlisted applicants will be required totake part in a phone interview, and if successful, a face-to-face interview witha panel of assessors. Dates and venue to be confirmed;
  6. The Internship consists of one of the following:
  7. 6 month continuous paid internship or
  8. 3 month continuous paid internship and 3 month continuous mentorship;
  9. The Internship is based in Datacom’s Auckland office at 58 Gaunt St, Auckland;
  10. The Internship is of a fixed term contract nature with no additional benefits such as holiday pay or relocation expenses. This list of benefits is not exhaustive;
  11. The timing of the internship must be mutually agreed between Datacom and the winner;
  12. The 6 month Internship is to be completed by 31st March 2019;
  13. The 3 month holiday internship must be taken between 1st November 2018 and 29th February2019.The winner will not be expected to work during close down over the Christmas holiday period. The winner will not be paid over this close down period;
  14. The Internship is not transferable and not able to be exchanged for cash;
  15. Thepanel’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into;
  16. The winner will be announced on Friday, 15th June 2018 on
  17. In submitting this application, you are confirming that:
  18. The information submitted is correct
  19. No information has been omitted or misrepresented; through which omission or misrepresentation may materially diminish the standing of Datacom or affect the assessment of this application (In particular, that there are no known criminal or legal issues associated with the applicant at the time of entry).
  20. You agree to your named referees to be contacted during the assessment period
  21. You have read and agreed to the “Conditions of Entry” outlined above;

Please type your response after each question - your response should total no more than four pages from this point to the end of the written entry - Arial 11pt is the required font

  1. Tell us why you want to work at Datacom
  1. Tell us why you should win this Scholarship
  1. Provide us with a short summary of your Imagine Cup project or another project you are proud of
  1. Tell uswhat you think was your most important contribution to your Microsoft Imagine Cup teamor another project you are proud of
  1. What is the one main thing you have learnt from the Imagine Cup experience or a specific project you have been involved in that will help you in your future IT career?
  1. Tell us about your IT career aspirations for the next three years? i.e. areas of work, types of industry, technology, projects, roles
  1. Briefly describe three key achievements in your life that tells us something about you
  1. Please attach a copy of your CV to this application form


In helping us assess your application we may contact your referees. Please list your Microsoft Imagine Cup mentors and referees or any other referee you deem appropriate below.

Name of Referee:

Contact phone number:

Contact email address:

Relationship or connection to you:

Name of Referee:

Contact phone number:

Contact email address:

Relationship or connection to you:

Name of an Academic referee:

Contact phone number:

Contact email address:

Relationship or connection to you:

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form and we wish you well in your application.

The winner will be announced onFriday15th June 2018 on the Datacom website