St Joseph’s RC Primary School


Annual General Meeting

Held on November 23rd June 2014


James Wilkinson

Sue Gelezinis

Michelle Romachney

Jo Bergin

Lynda Marl

Theresa McGowan

Debby Beer

Leanne Bell


Julie Russell

Andrea Bowers

1)  Minutes of last AGM

The last AGM minutes were distributed and were on the website at the time-no comments/corrections had been received

2)  Correspondence

No correspondence received

3)  Review of PTA Constitution

Point 12) of the Constitution would now change and would state the following

“The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Summer term whenever possible (Note 6). At the Annual General Meeting, the chair shall be taken by the Chairman or in his/her absence, the Vice Chairman of the Committee.”

Point 15) of the Constitution would now change and would state the following

“An auditor or independent examiner reasonably considered by the Committee to be competent to examine the accounts, who are not members of the Committee, shall be elected annually at the AGM to audit or independently examine the accounts and books of the Association.”

Point 22 and 23) regarding ‘Registered Charity’ status will be explored by Mr Wilkinson and Jo Bergin

Once the changes are made, the Chair will sign the Constitution and the original retained on file. Copy to be placed on the website

4)  Election of Chairperson

Lynda Marl proposed that James Wilkinson was elected as Chair this was seconded by Leanne Bell.

Michele Romachney was proposed to remain as Vice Chairperson by James Wilkinson and seconded Lynda Marl.

5)  Election of New Members, Officers and Auditors

The following officers were elected:

Lynda Marl nominated Debby Beer to be Secretary Jo Bergin seconded this.

Jo Bergin nominated Leanne Bell as Treasurer and seconded by Michelle Romachney

Andy Spillane was now the auditor of accounts

6)  Annual Report James Wilkinson reported on the aims and objectives of the PTA and included a Diary of the past year of events (see attached)

7)  Treasurer’s Report

Owing to unforeseen circumstances the Treasurer’s Report will not be published until next term

8)  Mission Statement

See attached report

9)  200 Club

Julie was unable to attend the meeting and sent her apologises

10) Confirmation of Member Contact numbers and email addresses

The contact list was circulated for updating by members present.

Action: Lynda to send James the updated list before dissemination

11) Leanne and Debby held a tombola stall at the Parish fair and raised £100 which was a great success and the Parish were grateful for the PTA’s support and help.