Student Services

Student Learning Outcomes

As of September 30, 2009

Program Level
SLO/SAO Written / Assessment Method Chosen / SLO/SAO Implemented / Assessed,
Analyzed, Reported / Plan Written Based on Results / Notes (e.g., What did the student learn?)
Special Services for Students— SAO / Website Hits / Spring 08 / Fall 08 / Task Completed / Students learn about GCC’s special services
Special Services for Students—SAO / Website Hits / Fall 07 / Spring 08 / Yes / Information slightly revised and rolled into the Spring 2008
SLO/SAO Written / Assessment Method Chosen / SLO/SAO Implemented / Assessed,
Analyzed, Reported / Plan Written Based on Results / Notes (e.g., What did the student learn?)
Successful completion of an application—SAO / #s received on-line and in person / Year? / What intervention took place to have students successfully complete the appl.?
Complete Registration—SAO / Admission applications compared to # of students registered / Year? / What A&R effort took place to increase the yield rate of applications to registrants?
Assessment / None
SLO/SAO Written / Assessment Method Chosen / SLO/SAO Implemented / Assessed,
Analyzed, Reported / Plan Written Based on Results / Notes (e.g., What did the student learn?)
Maintain a well-developed program of interactive communications and mutual support with faculty and staff —SAO / Faculty focus groups / Fall 07 / This is not new or focused on student learning.
Students will devise and implement courses of study—SAO / Data on course completion, degrees, transfers, jobs / Fall 07 / Is this a SEP?
Students will identify and utilize effective accommodations, including technology—SAO / Student survey, success, rates / Fall 07 / What new effort was applied to make students utilize such accommodations?
Students will demonstrate the importance of physical activity—SAO / Data on # of PE and APE classes taken / Fall 07 / Was there a recruitment effort to increase the # into these classes?
Work Ability III will place 18 clients into employment—SAO / The goal of the WKA III job placement service is 90 day retention on the job so that the Dept. of Rehab can close the client’s file as a “26” (success closure) / Annual / 2008-09
Dept of Rehab Referrals = 33
GCC DSPS Referrals = 15 Drop-Ins = 30
Dept of Rehab Referrals = 33
GCC DSPS Referrals = 12 Drop-Ins = 25
ASL 151 Intro to American Sign Lang
CABOT 90 Self-Paced Adapt Word Proc.
CABOT 91for Visual Impaired Students
CABOT 92 Adapted Computer Lab
CABOT 93 Adv Adapted Applications
CABOT 94 Physical Reintegration
Dance 150 Beg. Read I/Deaf Students
Eng 160 Int. Reading I/Deaf Students
Eng 162 Beg. Grammar I/Deaf Students
Eng 166
Eng 168 Int. Grammar I/Deaf Students
Eng 172 Beg. Writing I/Deaf Students
Eng 174 Int. Writing I/Deaf Students
Life Long Learning 110
Student will be able to recognize their level of hearing impairment—SLO / Audiogram and discussion / Fall 07
Student will be able to reproduce words, phrases or sentences from a mock conversation modeled w/out sound SLO / Pre and post test scores / Fall 07
Student will be able to distinguish context of a conversation utilizing formation of sounds on the lips—SLO / Pre and post test scores / Fall 07
PE 130 Adapted Activities
PE 131 Self-Defense for the Disabled
PE 132 Adapted Aquatics
PE 133 Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
PE 134 Adapt Wellness and Fitness Lab
ST Dev 105 College Success…
Students will be able to list the outer behaviors and inner qualities of a successful student—SLO / Final exam
Class assignment / Fall 07
Students will be able to locate the various offices of support for students and summarize their services—SLO / Class assignment / Fall 07
Students will be able to identify differences between victim and creator roles and apply the language of responsibility to interpersonal communications—SLO / Final exam
Class assignment / Fall 07
Students will be able to identify the six steps to making wise choices and apply them to personal situations—SLO / Final exam
Class assignment / Fall 07
Students will be able to determine appropriate communication strategies to foster effective support networks—SLO / Final exam
Class assignment / Fall 07
ST Dev 128 Vocational Planning…
ST Dev 143 Study Skills Lab
Students will demonstrate effective use of tutors and specialists available in the Instr Assistance Center (IAC)—SLO / Pre and post student questionnaires / Fall 07
Students will demonstrate responsibility for study time management—SLO / Analysis of MIS data / Fall 07
Students will identify resources available in the IAC that effectively accommodate their learning styles SLO / Pre and post student questionnaires / Fall 07
ST Dev 146 Effective Study Techniques
Student will identify and list strategies used to learn new material—SLO / Written assignment / Fall 07
Student will differentiate among the various type of memory—SLO / Short answer quiz and/or test / Fall 07
Student will construct an effective mnemonic device—SLO / Skills demonstration
Group project / Fall 07
Student will evaluate how application test taking strategies affects current coursework—SLO / Class assignment / Fall 07
Student will demonstrate how to manage time for studying, work and personal life—SLO / Schedule that incorporates the 2:1 study formula, fixed times and moveable times
Application to scenarios / Fall 07
Student will explain and apply the SQ4R method to textbook reading—SLO / Test
Work Samples
Functional Assessment / Fall 07
Student will use 5 different note-taking methods for textbook readings and lectures—SLO / Work Samples
Notes from other classes / Fall 07
SLO/SAO Written / Assessment Method Chosen / SLO/SAO Implemented / Assessed,
Analyzed, Reported / Plan Written Based on Results / Notes (e.g., What did the student learn?)
Students on academic or progress probation who complete a probation contract with a counselor will understand the reason why they are on probation, what type of probation they are on, and how to get out of it—SLO / Student survey administered before and after completing the probation contract. / Spring 09 / IP / No / Students will be able to define the type of probation they are on and list ways to get out of their probation
Students on academic/progress probation will improve their academic standing after completing probation contract with a counselor—SAO / 1. At the end of term, compare students’ GPA and progress probation status with their previous record.
2. Compare GPA and progress probation status of students who did and did not complete probation contract. / Spring 09 / IP / No / End of term students’ academic records will indicate positive affects the counseling intervention had on a student.
Students will enroll in the appropriate classes—SLO / Enrollment compared to SEPP/Study List / Fall 07 / No / No / Enroll in the appropriate classes as stipulated in the SEPP or Study List
Students will maintain good academic standing—SAO / Random sample of 200 students / Fall 07 / No / No / What intervention took place so students can academically succeed?
Financial Aid
SLO/SAO Written / Assessment Method Chosen / SLO/SAO Implemented / Assessed,
Analyzed, Reported / Plan Written Based on Results / Notes (e.g., What did the student learn?)
Students will complete the FAFSA on-line—SAO but SLO w/ workshops / # of On-line FAFSAs / 2007-08 / No / No / On-line filing via FAFSA workshops
Students will apply by the priority deadline—SAO / # of applications by April 1 / 2007-08 / No / No / How were students informed about the deadline?
Health Center
SLO/SAO Written / Assessment Method Chosen / SLO/SAO Implemented / Assessed,
Analyzed, Reported / Plan Written Based on Results / Notes (e.g., What did the student learn?)
Students will define a course of a personal action plan—SLO / Data Health System / Spring 08 / Fall 08 / Not Yet / Students making their own health care decisions after meeting with a provider
Students will define a course of a personal action plan—SLO / Data Health System / Fall 07 / Spring 08 / Yes / Students making their own health care decisions after meeting with a provider
Students will recognize HC as a resource for mental health counseling—SAO / Survey / Spring 07 / Fall 07 / Yes / Plan to implement an Ed. Outreach effort
What efforts took place to inform students about HC as a resource for mental health counseling?
SLO/SAO Written / Assessment Method Chosen / SLO/SAO Implemented / Assessed,
Analyzed, Reported / Plan Written Based on Results / Notes (e.g., What did the student learn?)
Students will recognize the library as a campus learning resource—SAO / College Survey and Library Survey / Spring 07 / Yes / Yes (additional hours of service) / 94% of the students reported Yes
What intervention took place?
Students will use the library as a campus learning resource—SAO / College Survey and Library Survey / Spring 07 / Yes / Yes / 80% use the Library
What intervention took place?
Provide adequate technology and equipment—SAO / College Survey and Library Survey / Spring 07 / Yes / Yes (new copier) / 34% rated the copy center as fair or poor
Students will develop and implement an effective search strategy—SLO / Pre-Post Test / Spring 07
Students will locate and retrieve, distinguish reliable sources, and assess information—SLO / Pre-Post Test / Spring 07
Students will use the correct citation styles—SLO / Survey &
Pre-Post Test / Spring 07 / Yes / Yes (fall 07 workshop)
Students will demonstrate awareness of intellectual property and plagiarism—SLO / Survey &
Pre-Post Test / Spring 07 / No
Learning Center
Students will improve grammar and writing skills—SLO / # of attendance and survey / Fall 07 / Yes / Yes (word needs to get out about the workshops) / Offer more at different times
What was the instrument to measure student learning?
Increase software offering—SAO / Satisfaction Survey / Fall 07 / Waiting for $ / No
Students will recognize errors—SLO / Computerized test scores / Spring 07 / Yes / Yes (add new WebCT lessons)
Switch from Reflections to SARS SAO) / SARS reports / Spring 07 / Yes / ?
Student will recognize the LC as a resource—SAO / Spring Student Survey 2007 / Spring 07 / 72% of the student sample recognize the LC as a resource
Lib 191 Course
Students will demonstrate locating books, scholarly articles, & websites—SLO / In-class exercises and exam / Spring 07 / SARS, PLATO, and Tech Costs
Students will judge various type of resources—SLO / In-class exercises and annotated bibliography / Spring 07
Students will apply citations styles to the resources—SLO / In-class exercises, annotated bibliography, and practical exams / Spring 07
SLO/SAO Written / Assessment Method Chosen / SLO/SAO Implemented / Assessed,
Analyzed, Reported / Plan Written Based on Results / Notes (e.g., What did the student learn?)
Career Center- Students will be able to use the appropriate resources to find employment and career information / Survey / Spring 08
Academic Counseling—Students will be aware of Programs and Services offered through noncredit continuing and community education. / Survey / Spring 08
Mental Health Counseling—Student will be able to identify stressors that are impacting his or her personal and/or academic functioning. / Survey / Spring 08
Mental Health Counseling—Student will be able to manage stressors that are impacting his or her personal and/or academic functioning. / Survey / Spring 08
Mental Health Counseling—Student will demonstrate an increase in self-efficacy with regard to his or her personal and/or academic functioning. / Survey / Spring 08
Community Resource Referrals—
Student will be able to identify
resources in the community to help
him or her achieve his or her personal and/or academic goals. / Survey / Spring 08
Student Affairs
SLO/SAO Written / Assessment Method Chosen / SLO/SAO Implemented / Assessed,
Analyzed, Reported / Plan Written Based on Results / Notes (e.g., What did the student learn?)
Athletics—Students will understand the importance of establishing a formal educational plan / Track # of students who complete a SEP within the first year / Spring 2008 / Yes / Yes (Orientation efforts were increased to include the offering of SD 100 classes for athletes as well as group orientation sessions for all fall and spring sports teams; the Athletic Eligibility Specialist submits a list of all student athletes who have not completed an SLO to the Athletic Counselor for follow-up) / Spring 2008: the Athletic Directors and Athletic Counselor held orientation sessions with each athletic team. All athletes were referred to the Athletic Counselor for academic planning appointments.
Fall 2008: an SD 100 class was piloted for the football and baseball teams – this project has been expanded for men and women student athletes for summer 2009;
Spring 2009: a group orientation and academic planning sessions was conducted for all men’s and women’s teams for spring 2009 – this has been expanded to cover the men’s and women’s sports for fall 2009 as well.
Athletics—Students will understand and follow established standards for athletic eligibility / Track students who fall below the min. GPA/unit requirement / Spring 2008 / Yes / Yes (Orientation efforts were increased to include the offering of SD 100 classes for athletes as well as group orientation sessions for all fall and spring sports teams; the Athletic Eligibility Specialist submits a list of all student athletes who have not completed an SLO to the Athletic Counselor for follow-up) / For Spring 2008: the Athletic Directors and Athletic Counselor held orientation sessions with each athletic team. All athletes were referred to the Athletic Counselor for academic planning appointments.