St. Joseph’s Newsletter – 10th September 2017
Bonus Ball Winner: 46 – Maria Stockton
Offertory - £1965.96 (inc. standing orders)
CAFOD – (Next week)
Sanctuary Lamp
Teresa Barrow
(2nd Anniversary Remembrance)
Marian Candle
Pat Hartless
(80th Birthday Remembrance)
Lately Dead
Dave Cooper (59), John Hankinson,Rebecca Laird, Joanne ? Chuck Myensterman, Jackie Williams,
Bingo – Monday 11th September at 1.30pm.
Christmas Day Out – Mill House Hotel on Thursday, 7th December, three course meal and coffee. Price £20 per head. £5 non-refundable deposit by 28th September. Thank you.
We have had several requests to take Communion to our sick and housebound parishioners living in Penketh and Great Sankey. If any Eucharistic Ministers from St. Joseph’s would be willing to help, please call the Presbytery on 722105. Thank you.
The ‘Ladykillers’ Thursday 14th September. Mini bus will leave St. Joseph’s car park at 6.30pm. Cost £3 per head.
Friday 15th September at 7.30pm in St. Joseph’s Parish Centre. Tickets available from the Presbytery and Piety shop at £3.00. Refreshments available. Please come along for a fun night whilst raising money for a much needed cause.
The Mass & Blessing for the Sick and Housebound will be held at St. Joseph’s Church on Wednesday, 27th September at 2 p.m. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Centre afterwards. All Welcome.
Job Vacancy
A person is required to clean the Loreto Centre for one hour a day, Monday to Friday during term time only. For more information please contact the Parish office on 01925 722105.
Friday 13th October. Dance the night away to “The Humbuckers” a foot tapping duo playing 60’s and 70’s music. Tickets will be £6 each. Bring your own food.
If you’ve got any ‘bell bottoms’ ‘penny rounder’ shirts, or ‘platform shoes’, get them out of the loft and get dressed up for the occasion! (This is optional )
Starts 7pm till midnight!!
This week we welcome back to St. Joseph’s Mon. Butchard who will be celebrating the 8.30am and 10.30am Masses as Fr. Malcolm is on holiday.
I am sure you will give him a warm ‘Welcome Back’. Also, Canon Christopher will be celebrating the 4.00pm Mass.
Southport Trip
Wednesday 13th September. Coach departs from St. Joseph’s at 10.30am, leaving Southport at 4.30pm. Cost £10 return. For more details please ring Angela on 728763.
Rosary Group will meet again at 130 Meeting Lane on Tuesday, 19th September at 7pm. For further information please call Lynn on 01925 263905.
St. Joseph’s Toddler Group (from birth to school age) returns after the summer break on Thursday 7th September. Starts at 9.45am until 11.30am.
All very welcome, cost £1.50. For further details please ring Angela on 723951.
Church Carers at St. Joseph’s
Please note Church Cleaning on 14th and 22nd September will start at 9.00am.
Comedy Night at St. Joseph’s Parish Centre – Friday 22nd September
Tony Roscoe Fantastic Comedian PLUS ‘The Promotions’ excellent Male Soul/Motown Duo plus DJ! Tickets only £10 available from behind the bar or the Presbytery. All profits to Warrington Disability Partnership.
St. Joseph’s was consecrated in 1923, therefore we will be celebrating this wonderful event with Mass at 7.30pm on the eve of the consecration on Friday, 22nd September.
You are invited to bring your pet (or a photo of your pet) to A Service of Blessing and Prayers for Animals at St Benedict’s, Rhodes Street, Warrington WA2 7QE on Sunday 17 September at 2.00 pm. The service will be led by Fr Dave Heywood and the Rev Mavis McDonnell (St Ann’s, Orford). If your pet has died, you might like to bring their name on a card or a photo so that we can display them and remember them. The service will be followed by ‘treats’ for the animals and refreshments for their owners. PLEASE ensure your pet is safe (i.e. in a carrier or on a lead). All are welcome.
Jimmy Cricket’s Laughter Show is coming to Blessed John Henry Newman Church, Knutsford Road, Latchford on Thursday, 12th October at 7.30pm. Tickets are available from St. Joseph’s Piety Shop at £10 which includes light refreshments. Please come along and support St. Joseph’s Family Centre Warrington and St. Francis House Hospice Manchester.
Gospel Reflection for the Twenty Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
No Man Is An Island
To give correction occasionally is an unpleasant duty, and to receive it is an equally unpleasant duty. Which is harder? An honest answer tells us a lot about our personality. Every one of us has experienced confrontation over our behaviour at one time or another. How did we respond? More than likely we didn’t respond well. None of us like to have our faults pointed out. At worst it can send us into a spiral of heated indignation and stubborn denial, protesting our innocence and hurling accusations back in retaliation. Ultimately, whether the criticism was taken on board or not depends on the spirit in which it was given. Was the criticism dealt by a friend with our best interests at heart, or was it dealt in a spirit of anger and come-uppance? How the criticism was dealt and how we responded is key in our dealings when it’s our turn to correct someone else.
Most of us dislike having to correct someone else; we procrastinate and beat about the bush. Mightn’t it be easier all round if we pretended the problem didn’t exist? The main flaw with that strategy is that the papers are full of serious examples of what can happen when problems are side stepped and left to fester. How many people have allowed abuse, deception, injustice and even holocaust because they have kept quiet and avoided confrontation? There’s no getting round it, there will come a time when we need to meet confrontation head on.
Today’s gospel tells us how to confront someone we know to be in the wrong. We should make the confrontation on a one to one basis in a spirit of love and empathy. If our attempts at putting things straight fail, we should attempt to involve a third party. An extra pair of objective ears can often take the heat out of a situation; this is why people often take their problems to a counsellor. When Jesus says “Where there are two or three gathered in my name…..” he is making it clear how important we are to one another. No man is an island; we all need each other’s support. We all need each other’s empathy, and there will come a time, when we all need a good honest dose of tough love.
Education Sunday
10th September
The theme of this year’s Education Sunday is ‘Gathered in my Name’, taken from today’s Gospel. In this reading Jesus teaches us that wherever two or more are gathered in His name, that He is there among them. This passage has a special resonance for our Catholic schools, as we know that when children gather to learn and to pray, they are gathered in His name. On this day, it is important to give thanks for our teachers, support staff and volunteers, who work hard every day to ensure our schools are inclusive welcoming centres of learning.
Today is also an opportunity to support charities that champion children’s education in developing countries. We also remember to challenge child labour in our shopping habits and in our campaigns, in the hope that one day children in developing countries will have the same opportunities as our own children.
Check Out the Chaplaincy
In the next week or two some of our younger parishioners will be off to start at universities in far flung towns and cities. This can be a time of great opportunity and adventure, but it can also be a little daunting. We remind our youngsters to check out the Catholic Chaplaincy in their new university community. The Chaplaincy can be a real home from home and a starting point for new friendships and support.
Exaltation of the Cross
14th September
We are called to participate in the struggle against evil in every form: racism, social injustice, oppression, infidelity, dishonesty, and corruption. The Risen Lord wishes to deliver us from all evil. But how? Not by removing every difficulty, but by giving us courage to face it and overcome it. Our sufferings are stepping-stones to victory. We look to the cross as a symbol of triumph over suffering and the promise of eternal life.
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
16th September
To do:-
This year it took just 5 days for the UK to break its air pollution limit for the entire year.
Greenpeace UK tells us that the UK air has broken legal limits for pollution every year since 2010. “Lots of things contribute to this trend, but there’s one obvious place to start - the thousands of new diesel cars rolling onto our roads every day. Diesel cars were sold as a green choice, but this has not translated into reality. The government admits there’s a problem, but they’re not doing nearly enough to fix it.”
Greenpeace invite us to sign their online petition to tell Theresa May to cut diesel pollution - stop putting new diesel cars on the road, and accelerate the shift to cleaner, greener road transport.
Nobody stands taller than those willing to stand corrected.
~William Safire
Mass Intentions for week commencing 11th September 2017Monday 11th / 9.30am / No Mass
Tuesday 12th / 9.30am / No Mass
Wednesday 13th / 9.30am / No Mass
Thursday 14th / 9.30am / No Mass
Friday 15th / 10.00am / Jeanne Large
Requiem Mass
Saturday 16th / 9.30am / John Hankinson
Requiem Mass
Sunday 17th / 8.30am
4.00pm / Anne Merrifield
Edward Gatley
People of the Parish
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Joseph’s will take place this week on Wednesday only from 8.30am until 12 Noon.
There will be a Requiem Mass for Jeanne Large at St. Joseph’s on Friday 15th September at 10.00am.
There will be a Requiem Mass for John Hankinson at St. Joseph’s on Saturday 16th September at 9.30am.