St. John Vianney High School
Hall of Fame Selection Guidelines
InductionintotheSt.JohnVianney High School Hall of Fame is the pinnacle of recognition forapersoninthe Vianney community.Individuals arerecognizedforalifelongcommitment to exemplifying the schools motto “Men of Character &Accomplishment.”
I.ELIGIBILITY AND CRITERIA FOR NOMINEES: Nominees must demonstrate professional accomplishment, community involvement, a dedication to St. John VianneyHigh School and be of sound moral and ethical character. Nominees do not have to be a Vianney graduate. Current employees of Vianney are not eligible fornomination.
II.NOMINATION PROCESS: Any nominee meeting the eligibility and criteria in SectionI can be nominated by any individual, including members of the Advisory and Selection Committees. The school’s official nomination form must be submitted to the Director of Advancement. The form will be published and circulated in school publications, within its organizations and on the schoolwebsite.
The deadline for submission of a nominee shall be prior to the scheduled Executive Committee meeting in January as provided in Section III of the particular school year, or some other date designated by the Director of Advancement. Posthumous nominations shall include an appropriate contact person.
All nominations received, along with supporting information, shall be disseminated to the committee members as provided in Section III on or before the Friday preceding the Advisory Committee. Committee members shall treat all materials received as confidential.
This is a three-part process asdescribed below.
Names of all nominations shall be submitted to the Executive Committee of the School’s Board of Directors for approval. The Executive Committee shall then submit all approved nominations to the Advisory Committee for rating.
An Advisory Committee rates all nominations on the Criteria for Selection. Members of this Committee include all current Hall of Fame inductees, the President, Advancement Team members, two faculty members, two Board members and two Alumni Association Board members. Faculty, Board and Alumni Board members are appointed by the Director of Advancement to serve on this committee for one induction process. Each nominee will be discussed, the nomination materials reviewed and the four criteria areas privately rated by each member of the committee. This is not a vote on induction into the Hall of Fame.
The Selection Committee is charged with deciding which nominations will be invited into the Hall of Fame. Committee members include the President, Director of Advancement, Director of Major Gifts, the Director of Alumni Relations, Director of Events, the President of the Alumni Association, one board member and one faculty member. The Board and faculty members are appointed by the Director of Advancement from those members who served on the Advisory Committee. Each nomination will be discussed, both the nomination materials and Advisory Committee ratings reviewed based upon the Criteria for Selection. A Weighted Voting Method will be use as described in Section VII.
IV.NUMBER OF INDUCTEES: The maximum number of inductees per year shall be six. There is no minimum number of inductees per year, but it is intended that there shall be inductees at least every otheryear.
V.ADVISORY AND SELECTION COMMITTEE MEETINGS: There shall be one meeting for each Committee per induction year. Unless otherwise designated by the Director of Advancement, these meetings shall not be any later than the last day of March of the schoolyear. All discussions, deliberations, and notes at these meetings shall beconfidential.
VI.QUORUM: The presence of 85 percent of the Selection Committee membership shall constitute aquorum.
VII.WEIGHTED VOTING PROCESS: The Selection Committee will take into consideration the weighted ratings from the advisory committee. The selection committee will vote separately and anonymously to determine the newinductees.
The number of votes for each committee member shall be based on the total number of eligible candidates. Votes will be allotted to each member by dividing the total number of candidates in half. If there are an odd number of nominations the number of votes will be rounded down.
Upon completion of the first round of voting, if six nominees have not received a majority vote, then a second round of voting will occur. In order to remain in the pool of candidates for the next round of voting, a candidate must have received at least one vote. Again, votes will be allotted to each member by dividing the total number of candidates remaining for consideration in half. All numbers will be rounded down as described above.
A third round and final round of voting may be permitted. Voting will not extend beyond three rounds. In order to remain in the pool of candidates for then next round of voting, a candidate must receive at least one vote.
The Selection Committee votes by secret ballot each round and discussion is allowed on candidates between each round.
VII. NOMINEES NOT SELECTED: Those nominees who are not selected for induction into the Hall of Fame are eligible to be nominated in the future. A new and updated NominationForm must be submitted at that future date for the nominee to beconsidered.
VIII.ACCEPTANCE BY ELECTED NOMINEE; ADVERTISING OF INDUCTION CEREMONY DINNER: Newly elected members of the Hall of Fame shall be notified assoon as practicable by the Director of Advancement and shall indicate his or her acceptance of this election before announcementinduction.
After acceptance, the Director of Advancement shall disseminate information of the Hall of Fame elections and the time, place, and location of the induction ceremony dinner, through publications of the school and its organizations, the school website, and other appropriate media.
IX.INDUCTION CEREMONY DINNER; EXPENSE; COMPLIMENTARY MEALS OF INDUCTEE; COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE: The induction ceremony dinner shall take place in the spring of the same school calendar year as the vote, on a date and at a site to be announced, as determined by the Director of Advancement. This dinner ceremony shall be financed by ticket sales, and by a contribution of the Office of Advancement, both determinedon an annual basis by the Director ofAdvancement.
New inductees shall receive two complimentary tickets for the induction ceremony dinner. A commemorative plaque or other appropriate memento shall be presented to the inductee, its precise design being determined on an annual basis by the Director of Advancement. Each inductee will be introduced by one introductory speaker, unless the Director of Advancement deems it appropriate to change the process. Past inductees will receive two complimentary dinner tickets.
X.FUTURE INVOLVEMENT: Current and new Hall of Fame inductees are encouraged to engage with the Vianney community in an ongoing manner. It is understood that those recognized qualities that led to a member’s induction into the Hall of Fame are the samequalities that would be beneficial to the Vianneycommunity.
XI.CHANGES TO INDUCTION PROCESS: The St. John Vianney High School Hall of Fame is a program of the school’s Advancement Office. The Advancement Office reservesthe right to make changes to this process asneeded.