St. John the Baptist Primary School Nursery Class
Tooth Brushing Procedures
Children will take part in tooth brushing routines between 11:20/11:30 AM session and 3:35/3:40 PM session. Children will brush teeth in groups. Staff member will spray sinks and wipe them down before routine.
Staff will follow the guidelines listed below:
- Children will wash hands before taking part in daily tooth brushing routines.
- Where toothpaste is shared, staff member on wet area will dispense pea sized amounts onto a clean surface such as a plate, paper towel or clinical glove.
- There is sufficient spacing between the quantities of dispensed toothpaste to allow collection without cross-contamination.
- Toothpaste must only be dispensed at the time the child is ready to brush.
- Clinical gloves are worn by the supervisor and cuts, abrasions and breaks in the skin are covered with a waterproof dressing.
- Staff will support and supervise at all times during tooth brushing routine.
- Toothpaste is provided to our nursery as part of the Childsmile Core programme and is free from animal derivatives.
- Toothbrushing takes place in groups standing/seated.
- Children are discouraged from swallowing toothpaste during or after brushing. Support will be given to pupils with Additional Support Needs.
- After toothbrushing, brushes are rinsed thoroughly and individually under cold running water and replaced in the storage system to allow them to air dry.
- After rinsing of the toothbrushes is complete, the child or the supervisor is responsible for shaking off excess water into the sink. Toothbrushes should not come into contact with the sink.
- Each child (under supervision) is responsible for returning their own toothbrush to the storage system to air dry. Discretion should be used if a child has additional care needs. Lids should be replaced at this stage, provided that there is sufficient air circulation.
- Paper towels should be used to mop up all visible drips on the storage system.
- Supervisors are responsible for rinsing sinks after toothbrushing is completed.
- Staff member on wet area will clean racks after PM Friday session.
August 2016. Reviewed January 2017.