Mark down Sunday, September 21 for this year’s Parish Picnic – at Centerport Beach. Our Parish Picnic will be the first Sunday our new Rector the Rev. Duncan Burns, and his wife Barbara will be at St. John’s. Let’s make this a memorable, welcoming, Parish Picnic. Please see the flyer on the back table and on our website for further information on what to bring!



For the sick: Audrey Homan, Roberta, Roger Giacomini, Teresa Santiago, Bill Hinton, Irena, Geralynn Marchesi, Philip Wulfken, Christine Bushnell, Jean Giacomini, David Faust, Cheryl Hairr, Arthur Noble, Martha Kee, Marta Notario, Rosa Dovi, Anna Felter, Mabel Buttress, Wallace Horne, Fred Hansen, Melanie Grynsztejn, Hannah Buttress, Betty, Joe R., Chip Spach, Lynn Hansen, Fern Peterson, Louise Webster, Eileen McWilliams, Jennifer, Amy, Elizabeth, Jessica, Karin, Bill Wesp, Andrew Buttress, Gail Martino, Mark Bellissimo, Frank Elliot

The Altar Flowers are given In Loving Memory of William & Jannie Slade, the gift of Mary Simon.

To have someone entered onto our Prayer List for 4 weeks, please e-mail the church office with the person’s name as well as the requester’s name. The e-mail address is: .

Last Sunday attendance: 94; Spanish Service: 9


The weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church

August 31, 2014


As I write this week, the time for Mother Ale, Diane, and I to serve along with you as the interim pastoral team concludes. Thank you for the love and support you have shown us as we have journeyed together.

Transition and change are words that we have heard and talked about during the past months at St. John’s. In February, we sent Father Shin forth to be consecrated Bishop Suffragan of New York. Meanwhile, Mother Ale, Diane, and I were appointed by Bishop Provenzano to serve and lead as the interim pastoral team while our Vestry acted as search committee to select the next Rector of St. John’s. Transition and change continue this week as we send forth Mother Ale and Diane into new ministries.

These changes and transitions at St. John’s seem something like the life events we experience in times like starting a new job, a marriage, or perhaps like sending a child off to college. Along with excitement and anticipation, there is also a little anxiety. But, there is hope for what will be. There is hope for all the possibilities that this new station in life will bring. There is hope in looking forward.

Our life of faith is much about looking forward and moving to that next place God has for us – sometimes physically, sometimes spiritually. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells his disciples and us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The command is to go. It is forward looking. In this Sunday’s readings we hear how the Lord God spoke to Moses from the burning bush and told Moses that he was sending him to an encounter with Pharaoh. God is sending him out.

Both of these accounts show us that there is a hope and a promise in those places where we are sent. Jesus tells his disciples, and us, that he will be with us always, even to the end of the age. And, God tells Moses, “I will be with you.” That is the promise and assurance we have.

Those times of change and transition that God calls us to can bring some of the same feelings and emotions that life changes bring – but there is also hope and promise in God’s call to us. In John’s Gospel, Jesus says that he came so that we may have life, and have it abundantly – yet another promise that carries us in our journeys. There is hope for all the possibilities that lie ahead and the promise that God himself is with us and that Jesus walks with us even to the end. And this is exciting. This is good news.

It is the good news of life in Jesus Christ that we proclaim here and wherever we may go. If you are able to be with us this Sunday, you will hear the message of the good news in the hymn “Christ for the World We Sing.”

Christ for the world we sing! The world to Christ we bring.

With joyful song; the newborn souls, whose days, reclaimed form error’s ways,

inspired by hope and praise, to Christ belong.

It is our prayer that you are always inspired by hope and praise.

Deacon Anthony Jones



We welcome you to St. John’s Episcopal Church. Established in 1745, this historic church opens its doors to all who seek to deepen their faith and provides warm hospitality to all. We are blessed by your presence and invite you to fill out a Visitor’s Card on the back table of church. Visit the Greeters’ Kiosk in the rear of church, where Greeters are available to answer questions and provide you with a packet of additional information about church services and activities.


TODAYSunday, August 31st, is the last Sunday both Mother Ale and Diane DeBlasio will be at St. John's before they leave for new assignments in the Diocese. We will be celebrating their time with us at a Parish Brunch immediately following the 10:00 am service and would like to present a thank-you gift to each from St. John’s.



There are Sunday School Registration forms on the back table, as well as on St. John’s website. Meet the Teacher Sunday and Final Registration is Sunday, September 7. Sunday School classes begin on Sunday, September 14



We are looking for your help to fill the three openings listed below. If you have the skills and can commit some time, please speak to one of the Wardens.

For the Treasurer position, an accounting or financial background would be desirable. Working with the Finance Committee, the St. John’s Treasurer is the custodian of the Church’s funds, keeping a full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements, depositing all money and other valuables in the name of the Church in banks designated by the Vestryand disbursing funds as authorized by the Vestry. He/she prepares financial reports and presents them to the Vestry at its monthly or special meetings, gives a financial report at the Annual Parish Meeting and assists in preparing the Annual Parish Report to the Diocese. Earl Matchett is currently serving as Acting Treasurer and can answer any questions you may have about the Treasurer position or assisting in some of the Treasurer’s functions.

The Clerk of the Vestry is similar to a corporate secretary and must be present at meetings of the Vestry to take the minutes and record all votes in the course of the meetings. Under our By-laws, he/she also has the responsibility of keeping our documents and records in a proper and safe manner, although our Parish Administrator is generally our custodian of books and records; and of giving notice of all annual elections and of special meetings, but either the Rector or Wardens handle that function. Janice Burnett, who had agreed to serve as Clerk for a short term, recently ended her tenure and will be missed sorely for the excellent job she did. If curious about the position and the time commitment, talk to her about her experience.

The needed last member of the Audit Committee should have basic financial knowledge but an auditing background is unnecessary since the Diocese provides a very specific audit program that the Committee must follow. Committee Chair, Laurie Wickey, estimates that the position requires a total commitment of about 30-40 hours of work that can be spread over a few weeks. The audit is done generally in early September to enable us to submit the report before the Diocesan Convention in November. This is a pre-requisite for St. John’s to be able to send delegates to Convention. Speak with Laurie if you have an interest in serving on this Committee, but please note that the audit function requires independence from any organization or ministry of the Church that is subject to audit.



Fall is around the corner and the Thrift Shop has started to prepare the clothing for their customers. We are asking the parish for HELP in two way: 1) Help marking the clothes, meeting at a designated time during the week at night. 2) Work at the Thrift Shop on a Saturday, once a month, for a 2 1/2 hour session. The Thrift Shop is a wonderful ministry that offers the community lovely clothing at a low price. If you can help, please contact Nancy Feustel at 631-721-6073 or . Many thanks!



Sometime in early November, St. John’s will hold classes for SHE (Sexual Harassment & Exploitation) and CAP (Child Abuse Protection) that the Diocese requires under “Safe Church”. Keep looking for the class date and information in an upcoming Chalice.