St John’s parish centre, Ranmoor

28th October 2017


Apologies: Jane Hedley, Fiona Le Masurier, Edward Waterson, Malcolm Warburton, Richard Carr Archer, David Quick

Present: Tom Ramsden (chairman), Peter Johnston, Rory Wardroper, Tony Hesselwood (treasurer), Clyde Binfield and Vanessa White (administrator)

Friends: Noreen Binfield, Rev Elizabeth Lee, Mary Wragg, Rosemary Harper, David Croft and Sheila Croft.

1.Welcome and minutes

Tom Ramsden welcomed all present to the meeting, and thanked friends for their continued support for the Trust. The minutes from the 2016 AGM were agreed as a true record.

2. Chairman’s remarks

2.1 Tom explained that the Trust would be looking to maximise its income in 2018 and therefore after almost 10 years, the subscriptions would be increasing. Tom confirmed friends would receive a letter before Christmas to explain the costs, along with a questionnaire asking for feedback. Alongside increasing subscriptions, the Trust will be reducing its administration costs, and where possible, will be communicating with friends electronically. However, those with no access to email will still be catered for.

2.2 Tom outlined the work of the area groups, confirming an East Yorkshire group had recently been set up and the aim was to have a group in all four corners of the county by 2018.

2.3 Tom confirmed that the Trust had recently undergone a process to change charitable status and that from January 2018, it would be a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). This will bring no outward changes, but makes savings internally, ensure fluidity among serving trustees, bringing new ideas, and ensure the Trust is fit for purpose for the future. Tom extended his gratitude to Tony Hesselwood, who had overseen the process.

2.4 Tom explained that during 2018, 5 current trustees would be standing down, and he thanked David Quick, Malcolm Warburton, Clyde Binfield, Richard Carr Archer and Tony Hesselwood for the immense contribution that each had made to the life of the Trust.. He confirmed 2 new trustees, Sylvia Johnson and Helena Anderson, would be joining the Trust in January 2018.

2.5 Tom also extended his thanks to Vanessa White, the Trust’s administrator, for her work over the course of the year.

3. Trust finances

3.1 Treasurer Tony Hesselwood gave an overview of the Trust’s financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2016. Tony confirmed that the income came from four main areas: donations and subscriptions, donations from charitable trusts, investment income and fundraising events.

3.2 Tony explained that the donations and subscriptions income was less in 2016 than the previous year due to a couple of large donations being received in 2015, plus a number of churches paying their grant levy in full rather than spreading it out over a number of years.

3.3 Tony confirmed that the Trust expect to get a 4% yield from its investment income each year, and that during 2016 the value of the portfolio had increased.

3.4 Tony explained that the Trust had taken steps to reduce the resources expended for 2018 and beyond, with a reduction in administration costs, no audit fee and a review of the professional advisors used by the Trust.

3.5 Net income for the year was just under £80,000, but the trustees were committed to awarding £100,000 per year, and so accept the need to withdraw money from capital within the investments in order to achieve the target.

3.6 Tony confirmed that the investments principally came from legacies received by the Trust in the past and the other assets were made up of deposits held in various banks.

3.7 Tony explained that £17, 126 of unclaimed grants from the 2016 budget had been carried forward into the 2017 total. This would all be allocated in 2017, leaving the Trust with £5,432 reserves to cover admin costs.

3.8 Peter Johnson asked for clarity about a £5000 restricted donation from the Sir John Priestman Trust. Tony confirmed that the amount was restricted to benefit CofE churches.

3.9 Clyde explained that the proceeds from the lecture held at the parish centre earlier in the day would all be donated to St John’s, due to the urgent nature of the repair works needed. Tony and Clyde agreed to work the logistics between them.

3.10 Rory queried whether the gift aid amount shown for 2016 was actually raised during 2015. Tony explained that gift aid was claimed more than once a year and so it could vary from year to year.

4. Events

Vanessa White confirmed that a calendar of events would continue to be offered to friends, consisting of church tours, lectures and a 30th anniversary event in 2018.

5. AOB

5.1 On behalf of the Trustees, Tony thanked Tom for chairing the Trust so well over the past year.

5.2 Tom thanked all friends and trustees for attending and there being no further business, the meeting ended at 5.10pm.