IT Professional SVQ

Unit Title — DL7K 04 Data Analysis and Data Structure Design 3

Skills and Techniques

a Use data modelling techniques to construct logical data models:
o  Identifying and naming entities and relationships
o  Representing entity relationships
o  Normalisation
o  Identifying entities which will be accessed for enquiry and or update
o  Identifying access sequences and triggers
o  Producing data dictionaries
b Refine and rationalise logical data models
c Create access rules or methods
d Validate models against needs and intended implementation environment
e Create efficient data structures to represent logical models
f Calculate the data storage capacity requirements of data structures
Knowledge and Understanding (K & U)
1 Know the concepts of logical data modelling:
o  Entities;
o  Relationship between entities;
o  Attributes of entities;
o  Data normalisation:
o  Keys/indexes;
o  Notations and conventions for data modelling (e.g. SSADM4+)
2 Know what considerations to take into account when validating models:
o  Customer/client requirements;
o  Entry points, access paths and navigation;
o  Data and access volumes
3 Know the field types and attributes:
o  Field types for extended data such as memos, embedded objects and lookup tables.
o  Attributes for controlling data entry such as format and validation rules.
4 Know the organisational conventions for naming data structure components.

IT Professional SVQ — Level 3 Candidate Name: ______

(Please Print Name)

Unit Title — Data Analysis and Data Structure Design 3 Assessor Name: ______

(Please Print Name)

Create Data Models and Design Data Structures.
Ref No. /

Evidence Description

(Minimum of 3 Substantial and complex tasks) / Skills & Techniques
e.g. a, b, etc. / K & U
e.g. 1, 2, etc.

Unit complete

I confirm that all evidence (including knowledge and understanding), for the entire unit has been met.
Candidate Signature: ______Date:______Internal Verifier Signature: ______
Assessor Signature: ______Date: ______Date Sampled (by IV): ______

SQA – IT Practitioner SVQ - March 2005