St. John’s Episcopal Church, Sharon, PA

Vestry Minutes

April 11, 2016

Present: Madge Tamber, Bob Verholek, Barb Lipinski, Keith Rowlands, Adam Trambley, Al Seladi, Gary Funderlich, Curt Myers

Absent: Tracy Schliep, Drew Mitch

Vestry met in the All Saint’s Chapel at 7:00 pm, Monday, April 11, 2016 for evening prayer.

Vestry reconvened in the upstairs dining room at 7:23 pm.

A motion was made by Myers to approve the March 14, 2016 vestry minutes. Second by Funderlich. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s report was reviewed and discussed. Plant expenses are doing extremely well. Income is still staying up. Special offerings were up as well as endowments.We are staying where we belong. No trouble spots at this time. Motion to accept Tamber, second Meyers. Motion passed unanimously.

Junior warden reported cleaning out of downstairs rooms. He will work with Frank O’Stafy to reinstate building and grounds. The two old televisions will be taken to the rummage sale. Light poles in front of building have been worked on by the city, parts have been ordered. Jesse Fiske is ready to begin work when the weather breaks.

The Parochial Report was reviewed and discussed. Motion to approve by Rowlands, second Seladi. Motion passed unanimously.

150th Anniversary/Pentecost event was discussed. Ron Garcilla has a string quartet and brass scheduled. Invitations have been mailed and are slowly being returned. Deacon Elizabeth Miller will be speaker either that day or sometime during the year. The homecoming of Fr. McCandless went very well. There will be Evensong on September 18 which will include the diocese and other parishes

There were 160 people at the Easter Vigil. In the future, the reception will be hosted by St. John’s. Children’s performance was a big hit, they are working on something for Pentecost. People found Holy week services very moving. The choir is growing.

Survey results for the Wednesday Lenten evenings were very positive, many are interested in continuing something. Beginning April 27 there will be a four week session similar to the Lenten series. There will be a 13-week small group study on Wednesdays running from 6/1-8/31. There would be dinner followed by a class at 7:00 then evening prayer or compline.

Natural Church Development surveys will be taken 4/24 between services.

Fr. Trambley expressed expectations of new ideas for mission work and direction growing out of the Congregational Growth Seminar and NCD surveys.

Deacon Erin will be serving on the altar beginning in May. She will begin going to different activities in the church to determine where her gifts can best be used and helpful in the community.

Christian Ed is planning a two, full-day VBS at the end of July or beginning of August with a journalism theme.

Chad Clark has put together a St. John’s softball team. Players must attend church twice a month to participate by league rules. Details are forthcoming.

The nursery worker has quit. We are in need of someone for this position. There was some discussion about moving the nursery back to the lounge location. There will be no move at this point.

Due to new employment, Andrew Mitch is unable to give the necessary time to vestry, therefore he tendered his resignation. Vestry does not currently have an appointment.

First Communion will be on April 17. There will be cake, punch and gifts in the lounge afterward.

Fr. Trambley will be at the Acts 8 conference 4/28-5/1, Fr. Denny will be the supply priest. He will also be gone 6/20-7/8 and 7/15-7/23. Ron Garcilla will be attending an Episcopal musicians conference in July.

The replacement of the windows in the carillon room was discussed. They were to be re-glassed or etched. They will be taken care of with some other small items in that area. Supplies for the lounge on Sunday morning was also discussed. We need someone to take on this hospitality mission.

We also discussed having enhanced access seating in the sanctuary. This has been discussed in the past and was approved by vestry. Due to so many new vestry members, it is tabled until next month when all members have had a chance to look at the pews, the space and what is involved in removing one pew.

Motion to adjourn at 9:18 made by Meyers, second by Seladi. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barb Lipinski, Clerk