The Vestry Meeting
Wednesday,April 20, 2016
St. James Undercroft
Present:Evan Abood, Susan Benson, Sherry Gillespie, Kelly Miller, Barbara Saunders, Kathy Shesky Janet Stewart, Jane Ellen Wiles, and Father Rob Willmann. Others in attendance: Eleanor Bailey, Treasurer and Mindy Rush, Recorder.
Absent:Martha Staley Lee Donoho, and Bob Welsh,
Opening Prayer: Fr. Rob Willmannopened the meeting at 7:05 by leading the group in prayer.
Approval of Agenda:Barbara Saunders made a motion to accept the agenda as written. Susan Benson seconded the motion. Motion was carried
Approval of Minutes:Sherry Gillespie made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections. Janet Stewartseconded the motion. Motion was carried.
Rector’s Report:
The Rector’s oral report consisted of these points:
- Pastorally – Dee Milian, Chuck Winsor, Shirley Caw and Gladys Barnes are being seen. Betty Lofgren has moved, Janet Schneider and Ida Jo McKinney are at Primrose.
- Lenten Series was great and had a good turnout. Based upon the Lenten Series, Fr. Rob Willmann would like to begin an Adult Education night once a month starting this fall. Most likely this would be on a Wednesday night with a pot luck following the 5:30 Eucharist.
Additional discussion or questions:
A discussion was held re: sending the book “Our First Two Hundred Years” by Carol Thompson to those are pastorally seen and members who have moved away. Several books both donated and/or purchased will be sent.
The Senior Warden’s Report:
The Senior Warden Kelly Miller’swritten report consisted of these points:
- Senior Warden Miller stated that our “Shroud Experience” was well covered in the news and many people locally and from out of the area visited our beautiful church.
- In the continuing effort of good stewardship, the Senior Warden would like us to use our chapel more and move choir practice back to the choir office.Sr. Warden Miller indicated that the choir was in agreement with this move.
- Our pipe organ is in need of repair.
Additional comments or questions:
After a discussion on chairs versus pews Mindy Rush was asked to look into the cost of chairs with kneelers. She will also contact St. Mary Mission in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (see administrative report).Janet Stewart made a motion that the chairs remain in the chapel. Barbara Saunders seconded the motion. Motion carried. Sherry Gillespie then made a motion that a row of pews be put behind the chairs. Janet Stewart seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Vestry has asked Mindy Rush to contact Tom Tompkins to attend next month’s meeting so that questions concerning the organ and its repairs may be answered.
The Junior Warden’s Report:
Junior Warden Barbara Saunders’ written report consisted of these points.
- Report for Industrial Appraisal has been completed and submitted
- Larry Lentz has done a spring check up on the roof and eaves of both the house and church.
- A leak in the large dishwasher drain pipe was fixed.
- Roger Touvell has checked the air conditioning.
- Trees on the fence line of the neighbors were cut. This was not performed or paid for by St. James.
- Jr. Warden, Barbara Saunders, has two quotes for the repair and widening of the sidewalk.
A. Kim Glass, $4,290.00
B. Neff Paving $3,877.50
A motion was made by Sherry Gillespie to hire Neff Paving. Susan seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Vesting room floor tiles are in need of being glued down. Rich Tolliver has given a quote of $425.00 to glue/tack down loose tiles, add large bound area rugs and add a carpet bar at the doorway entrance.Lee Martin has been gluing down several of the tiles which will decrease our cost by $40.00. Jr. Warden Saunders will ask Mr. Tolliver to complete this job.
- The Junior Warden will continue work on:
- Calls made to various vendors to have the carpet stretched have not been returned.
Additional comments or questions:
Discussion occurred concerning the Industrial Appraisal and the need to have it done professionally. The approximate cost of this would be $1600.00. Vestry will revisit this after renovations.
Discussion also occurred re: removal of cherry trees before sidewalk repair begins. A motion was made by Janet Stewart to use Trees R Me, which had previously given a quote of $150.00, to remove trees and debris. Susan Benson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report:
TreasurerEleanor Bailey’s written report consisted of these points
- Plate and pledge are on target
- An endowment check was received and deposited
- Year to date expenses for building and grounds is $2599.78 leaving $12,400 for the remaining year. An additional $5000.00 during this meeting.
- Administratively we’re saving money
- Mission share was again revisited.
- A CPA will be called to perform a parish audit. Mike Lynch has done this in the past.
- Barbara Saunders made a motion to call Mike Lynch to perform our audit. Susan Benson seconded the motion. Motion carried
Additional comments or questions.
Discussion occurred re: Our mission share with the Vestry deciding to continue its current path of paying $25,294.92. The diocese will be holding an informational meeting re: mission share computation.
Mindy Rush’s written report consisted of this points.
- Contact was made by an organizationthat will accept unwanted items of a religious nature for distribution to those churches in need or for proper disposal. This organizations is St. Mary Mission located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
- Pamphlets have been made to remain with the Prayer Books to serve as a quick reference for each service.
Committee Reports:
ECW has received two bids for the replacement counter top. This top will replace theheavy butcher block top. The bids are $340.00 and $240.00. ECW will proceed with this replacement project.
Old Business:
No additional old business
New Business:
- Organ – pipe “stops” are deteriorating and need to be replaced. Discussion occurred re: additional repairs in the future, the immediacy of the repair, organ versus baby grand piano, repair in house or the need to remove the organ. The Vestry requested that Mindy Rush invite Tom Thompkins to attend next month’s meeting to provide more information.
- Fr. Rob Willman will contact Mother Kathryn Clausen to set a date for the Vestry retreat in September.
Sherry Gillespiemade a motion to adjourn. Janet Stewartseconded the motion. This motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 P.M.