St. James Home & School

Regular Meeting

August 31, 2017 at 6:30pm

Tobin Hall

PRESENT: Anne Goebel, Rachel Berdo, Diane Flannery, Nikole Eichelberger, Sonya Love-Smith, Laurie Nichols, Nicole Stoutner


*School Report—111 students this year. We are up 6 students from last year. We

are in the process of looking for & hiring a music teacher. We have been

working on PBIS introductions for the students. Nikole talked about PBIS at

St. James. Mr. Lopez has been doing great job with school upkeep &


*Secretary Report—Rachel read the minutes. Nicole Stoutner moved to approve the

minutes, Anne Goebel seconded the motion. The motion carried.

*Treasurer Report—Checking balance--$8944.93

Savings balance--$6212.39

SCRIP checking--$3603.31

SCRIP inventory--$4426.07

SCRIP Petty cash--$100.00

Some of the bills paid over the summer, the VSP subscription was renewed,

paid expenses for the Big Event, $610 for the Community Center, $600 for

Old Creamery Theatre, Earthly Blessings $108.50 for graduation, paid for food

for graduation.

VSP subscription—Anne motioned to reimburse Rachel for the VSP subscription for

the year. Nicole Stoutner seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Anne motioned to approve the treasures report. Nicole Stoutner seconded the


*New Business

*Fall Fundraising Sale—Michael Harmison Jr. from Harmison’s Hometown Fundraising. 40% profit across the board. Michael showed us the different brochures, explained how his company works with delivery & customer service. There are many different types of items in the products brochure. A new item this year that we are being offered: Cheese Curds. Cheese curds & cheese were tasted! Michael recommended 3 weeks of selling over 2 weekends.

It was mutually decided to use this company. Discussion was about which

brochures to use. It was decided that we would use the Hometown Cinema,

Cookies Galore, Hometown Celebrations & Cheese Curds. Delivery date will be

November 8th. Kick off will be September 29th (as long as Michael can do that date.) Dianna will talk to Michael & get back to us.

*Homecoming—Dan Berdo will provide the vehicle. There isn’t any one to

volunteer for the Coordinator position. The coordinator will figure out where& when to meet & get that information to Becky. The coordinator will also get the items to throw out. Beth will put this in the newsletter, Rachel will

send it out.

*Fall Fest—Sept. 10th--There are many openings for classroom baskets. H & S

will do a drawing for $100 grocery store gift certificates. The drawing will

be at 2pm & the winner must be present to win.

*Review of Volunteer Scheduler Pro—Rachel did a great job of revamping the list.

Graduation is May 19th. The Big Event is Friday, April 20th. This will be

scheduled with the Knights of Columbus.

*Date of next meeting—September 28 @ 6:30

Respectfully submitted,

Sonya Love-Smith

Home & School Secretary

We ask for God’s blessing on St. James Parish

Lord, grant us the will to work together,

The wisdom to listen to each other’s views,

And the insight to plan together, in recognition of our role in supporting one another.

Help us to build St. James School as one that supports the development of each individual child,

Offers a stimulating working environment for staff

And provides a focus for the local community.

Let our school become an example of Christian witness in our world

And Christian roots in our community.
