Running and Timed Division

Member of the Georgia Federation of Saddle Clubs


DDA President’s Meeting

July 26, 2015

Meeting called to order by current Running President, Wendell Hall

Roll Call

Officer’s Present - Wendell Hall, Robert Pridgen, Heath Cross, Cheryl Powell

Club’s Representation Present

Ø  Ocilla - Dennis Cooper, Wayne Yawn, John Yawn

Ø  Piney Woods - no representative present

Ø  Syrup City - Angie Clark, Briana Jones, Ryan Jones

Ø  Tifton - Kenny Swain

Ø  Turner – Allen Wiggins, Carole Davis, Steve Davis, Gene Willis


Wendell brought up plans for the year end banquet. He reported that Leroy Rogers Center is being renovated and will not be available until January. They have offered an alternate site at the Recreational Department Gym which is very near the Leroy Rogers Center. The group discussed several other options (VFW, BPOE) with the group opting for Wendell to pursue the gym option further. We would like to know about the use of the gym floor with tables, dancing, etc.; clean up responsibility, etc.

A tentative date has been set for September 26

Wendell reported he has ordered all saddles (Billy Bissette) and the high point award. He has not ordered the 2nd-6th places awards with discussion held on this. Some discussed jackets, breast collars, halters, etc. with the final decision going with bronc nose halters with lead ropes.

It was decided to go with catered seafood at $5.00 per plate per person. This is as we did last year. The cost last year was $10.00 per plate with DDA absorbing the extra over the $5.00 the members paid. The group decided to do this again for this year. Once we host next year, if all goes as we hope, we may have more money in the account and can do a banquet next year at no cost to the members.

More information will be provided as confirmed.

In this discussion the concern over members not understanding the requirement to participate at state as one condition of receiving year end awards as stated in Article 12 # 19. In clarifying this it was suggested and approved that we add “the rider’s reason must be submitted in writing to the President in order to show written cause” A doctor’s excuse is not necessary but we do need the rider’s written statement as there has been concerned in the past as to what was said.


Wendell advised everyone that Cheryl has submitted a resignation from her positions for the coming year. In doing so he reported that she has managed and paid for the website since it’s beginning. The question now is do we want to continue it with DDA absorbing the cost and the new secretary / points keeper taking on the responsibility. The group voted to keep the website, absorb the cost and move the responsibility to the new points keeper. Cheryl reported it is paid till October and she will work with the new secretary / points keeper to assure a smooth transition.

Treasurer Report

Heath reported a current total of $12,661.67 in the bank account. All debts for the prior year have been satisfied and the upcoming Federation fees have been paid.

The balance in the account was discussed as we currently have more than we need to keep in the account, however, understanding that DDA will be the host club in 2016 the group opted to go easy till then. If hosting the state show goes as well as it did 9 years ago, we may end up with extra money the next year where we can give some back to the members by paying stall fees, better awards, etc. There are many options in this area.

Officer Positions

Wendell stated it is time for nominations / volunteers for Officer’s Positions for the coming year.

Ø  Overall President – discussion was held as to the true need and purpose of an Overall President as this person has both a Running and Pleasure President over their respective divisions. Cheryl reported no other Associations have this position. It was explained how it evolved as DDA was the first Association to split their groups so an overall was set to represent the Association at state and clarify any issues the actual President had concern over. In view of that, Cheryl suggested that we drop the “Overall” title and elect Robert to continue to assist both Running and Pleasure on the state level when needed as he already holds the position of Federation Chairman and both Running and Pleasure presidents attend the Federation Board meetings for voting. The group agreed.

Ø  President Running Division (we are not handling officers on the pleasure side at all) Allen Wiggins nominated Wendell Hall to continue in this role. Dennis Cooper 2nd this stating that was the vote from the Ocilla group as well. All were in favor. Wendell accepted reporting that this position runs from 9/15/15 to 9/14/16 which will cover his assistance at the 2016 state show. At that time, nominations will be open again.

Ø  Vice-President Dennis Cooper nominated Allen Wiggins. Allen requested to not be considered. He reported he is concerned about DDA but with his current situations and other obligations, he would rather not take the position. The floor was open for nominations with none received. This position was left for Presidents to seek nominations and/or volunteers from their clubs and bring them to state show. This will be finalized at state show.

Ø  Treasurer Wendell reported that Heath Cross had taken this position in the middle of last year at David Adkinson’s resignation. All steps have been taken to move the bank account and set this up in Tifton. Heath has agreed to continue if there are no objections. Dennis Cooper made a motion that Heath continue - Angie Clark seconded – passed.

Ø  Secretary / Points Keeper Wendell again advised of Cheryl’s request to relinquish some of these duties. The floor was open for nominations with none received. This position was left for Presidents to seek nominations and/or volunteers from their clubs and bring them to state show. This will be finalized at state show.

Upcoming Year


In preparing for the upcoming season, Wendell opened the floor for discussion over the concern of Piney Woods club and violation of Article 6 in the rules. There was no representation from Piney Woods present and several reported they had been told by Piney Wood members they were not coming back for the new year. Wendell shared that Victoria and Melissa had both shared that they could not hold memberships and were struggling to keep it going.

After some discussion, the group agreed to proceed with the one year suspension to Piney Woods as stated in the rules under Article 6 Section 1 H. Wendell will have letter drafted and sent. Piney Woods will have the option to petition to rejoin after the suspension ends.

This leaves DDA with 4 clubs for the upcoming season.

Ø  Irwin / Ocilla

Ø  Syrup City / Cairo

Ø  Tift County / Tifton

Ø  Turner County / Ashburn

Financial Concerns

Wendell went over some possible concerns that the loss of a club to could have on DDA financially. The group looked at the number of shows, number of runs, etc. from the prior year. Several options were discussed. Two clubs voiced that there groups would like to see a decrease in the number of shows which also fell in the option of what financial affect would this have. It was also thrown out to remember that DDA will host the state show in the coming year and will be required to have sponsorship. If sponsorship cannot be obtained that fee comes directly from DDA budget.

The group decided to increase the entry fee to $5.00 per event, but also in an effort to help maintain and rebuild membership the group opted to give $100 per show back to the members in the “fastest time” in a particular event. This will work in this way:

A.  An event will be selected per show – rotating so it is not the same event each show

B.  Ponies and 1-12 will be grouped together with the fastest time receiving $25.00 that day

C.  13-19 and all adult classes will be grouped together with the fastest time receiving $75 that day

D.  With the increase in entry fee from $3.50 to $5.00, the extra $1.50 will go directly to DDA to cover this cost and any overage added to DDA budget

Show Schedule

Discussion for number of shows was held by vote

Ø  Ocilla - 10

Ø  Tifton – 10

Ø  Turner – 8

Ø  Cairo – 8

Resulting in a tie. Wendell broke the tie by leaving the show amount set at 10. He explained his reasoning for this was based on DDA hosting state next year and not really knowing how our money will flow and how the membership may be affected. (everyone agreed we had lost some members and are hearing rumors of losing others, while possible gaining some as well)

In setting the show schedule, with 4 clubs and 10 shows, two clubs will get 3 shows. It was decided that the clubs that receive 3 shows would host the benefit. The schedule is set as follows (work schedule will be added with the schedule is printed for distribution)

2015 – 2016 Show Schedule

October 10, 2015 Syrup City / Cairo Benefit

October 24, 2015 Irwin County / Ocilla Benefit

November 21, 2015 Turner County / Ashburn

December 5, 2015 Tift County / Tifton

February 27, 2016 Syrup City / Cairo

March 5, 2016 Turner County / Ashburn

March 19, 2016 Irwin County / Ocilla

April 2, 2016 Tift County / Tifton

April 16, 2016 Syrup City / Cairo

April 30, 2016 Irwin County / Ocilla

May 14th 21st,28th , 2016 Rain Dates

Dress Code

There was some discussion about the dress code as it relates to Federation rules. Several members have voiced concern over the “tank top” rule and feel it is very hard to police. They feel this is a family atmosphere and sometimes this rule borders on “not so family”. They would like to see the rule dropped and dress code being set as defined in the Federation rules. (at this writing, secretary unclear on the final results but will correct and updated once confirmed)


Wendell advised that the time clock was missing the “top rail” that you use to hang this display and a cord. He requested permission to order a new one as no one seems to know what happen to the old one. The group agreed that Wendell has permission to order any needed parts with DDA covering all expenses.

Warm – Up Show

Kenny Swain reminded everyone of the Warm Up showing set for August 8th in Tifton. The work schedule for this show was set as follow

Poles Ocilla

Cones Turner

Cloverleaf Syrup City

Texas Piney Woods

Arena Tifton

**Based on attendance – working could be a total joint effort.***

State Show

Robert requested that club presidents be sure to stress to their members to be aware that DDA will host the state show in 2016. During the coming year, we will began working on those tasks and will be having several meetings during the year for this purpose. We will be working closely with DDA Pleasure in this responsibility as it is hosted by DDA (not just running or pleasure – but both). If any member has a particular talent or something they would really like to do or not like to do, please share.

For those that have never been involved in hosting a state show, it is a joint effort with help needed from all. Things to do and/or think about (this is a sample – not everything)

Ø  selling ads

Ø  think of a show theme

Ø  t’shirt designs

Ø  this will be the 50th anniversary for the Federation - think BIG

Ø  opening ceremonies

Respectfully Submitted


Cheryl Powell

DDA Secretary

July 26, 2015