St Jacob’s United Church of Christ, Blue Creek, 7 pm

St John’s United Church of Christ, Penntown, 11 pm

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2017

We extend a warm welcome to each of you on this wondrous night!

Pastor Lynne: (812) 623-0354, (319) 830-4048, or

Church office: (812) 623-3410 or

Welcome / Announcements *(Those who are able, please stand)


*Call to Worship(after Psalm 96 and Luke 2: 1-14)

Leader: Sing to our God a new song; Sing to our God all the earth.

People: Glory to God in the highest heaven,

Peace on earth to all!

Leader: The heavens are telling the glory of God,

Let the earth rejoice, let trees of the forest sing for joy!

People: Glory to God in the highest heaven,

Peace on earth to all!

*Opening Hymn “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice” #198

Lighting of the Advent Candle

Leader: First let us relight four candles representing the four weeks of Advent

as we awaited the blessed hope of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

These candles symbolize gifts of Jesus Christ to us:

peace; love; hope; joy.

All: Now tonight we light the Christ Candle:

the candle of hope made real in the Son of God

come to earth at Christmas.

In Christ, the grace of God has appeared

bringing the Good News of salvation for all.

Call to Confession

Come just as you are. Come to meet Jesus.

As Mary and Joseph welcomed strangers and a host of heavenly guests

to the stable, so God welcomes us with open arms.

In these silent moments, give yourself over to the counsel of God

as you confess your failings and shortcomings.

God loves you. God is listening…(Moments of Silent Prayer)

Affirmation of Forgiveness

Leader: God is faithful and just. God judges all people with equity.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;

those who lived in a land of deep gloom -- on them light has shined.

In the glow of God’s grace, you are forgiven!

Let this revelation brighten your soul!

Forgiven and forgiving, carry the light of Christ’s love

to an aching and ailing world!

All: Amen.

*Passing of Peace

Response “Emmanuel, Emmanuel”#178

Em-man-u-el, Em-man-u-el, his name is called Em-man-u-el.

God with us, re-vealed in us, his name is called Em-man-u-el.

ScriptureIsaiah 62:6-12•*Luke 2:1-20

Meditation Pastor Lynne

Prayer/Lord’s Prayer(sins/sin)

Call for the Offering #196 vs 4

What can I give him, poor as I am?

If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb.

If I were a wise one, I would do my part…

Yet what I can I give him: give my heart.

As we open our purses and our pockets, may the gifts we bring

be in proportion to the gratitude of our hearts at Christ’s birth.

*Offertory Response Doxology #44

*Prayer of Dedication

Christ comes! Our hearts are full; our joy is boundless.

May this offering be a living message of peace, love, hope, and joy

to this church, to this community, to this nation and world. Amen.

Holy Communion

Communion Hymn “Away in a Manger”#205

Invitation to the Table

May God be with you.

And also with you.

Life is a gift and we are to celebrate it.

May we rejoice in the beauty of this special time.

We celebrate tonight God-with-us…

(The communion servers will take their places at the front of the two aisles. Please go to the servers nearest where you are sitting, going where possible from the inside aisles and returning by the aisles next to the windows. You are invited to take the bread and dip it into the wine, a method known as Intinction.)

Communion Prayer

This is a magical night. God-with-us has come to touch our world, our lives.

God-with-us has come to bring us out of darkness into a glorious light.

God-with-us invites us now to come to the table,

believing in the promises of God fulfilled tonight.

Here we hear angels, and see shepherds, and are transformed by a baby.

Here love is offered, and love is found, in the sharing of bread and cup.

Here we find our journey’s end and its beginning.

Blessing of the Bread and Cup

Sharing of the Meal

*Prayer after Communion

We are filled with joy for we have heard good news of great joy.

We are filled with love for we have tasted the sign of God’s great love.

We are filled with hope for the angels still sing in our world

And there is a Light for us to follow.

*Candle-Lighting Service for Christmas Eve

*Christ the Eternal WordJohn 1:1-5

Leader: We come to a special part of tonight’s service.

As Christ comes bringing the light ofGod’s love,

we light our individual candles to signify our individual and collective commitment to live as Christ’s faithful in the world.

*Hymn“Silent Night, Holy Night” #186

*Benediction(After Isaiah 9:6)

As you gently extinguish your candle, carry the light of Jesus’ love with you.

A Child is born to us, named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Ruler of Peace! Christ is born! Merry Christmas to all!

Christ is born! Merry Christmas to all!


Come Just as You Are, Service Prayers for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, was written by the Rev. Penny L. Lowes, an ordained pastor in the United Church of Christ and has served three UCC churches in Michigan. She is a freelance writer and author of M&M and the Rolling Stone and Other Scripture Dramas.Copyright 2017, Local Church Ministries, Faith Formation Ministry Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. CCLI# 3100743.

Upcoming Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-10•Luke 2:25-40

Organist: Shirley Huber

Upcoming Events

Dec 25 – Our Savior is born! Merry Christmas!

Dec 31 – 8am – St. Jacob’s morning worship

10:30am – St. John’s Praise & Worship

Jan 6 – Confirmation Retreat, 10am-3pm at Pastor Lynne’s

Jan 10 – Board Meeting, 6:30pm

Jan 14 – Annual Meeting

Jan 24 – Funday Sunday

Please lift in Prayer: Owen Denni (Brenda Werner’s nephew – ATV accident); Danielle Hountz; Helen Bise;Kelly McGrew; Pam Hoyle (friend of Brenda W); Alvin Anna Mae Werner (Rick’s parents); Helen Mosmeier; Cliff Calhoun;Bo Calhoun (Cliff’s uncle); Rosie Forthofer (Shele W’s mom);Amy Murray; Ron Meyer; Jill Wolf; Betty Meyers (Diana R’s mom) and her caregivers; James Robertson (at home); Lynsey Gesell; Shirley Huneke (at Chateau of Batesville); Charles Hadden; Jan Cowan (friend of Kim G); and Marcia Agbor (friend of Diana R).

The Christmas Fund

May the love of God shepherd us;

the wisdom of Christ enlighten us;

and the working of the Holy Spirit quicken us.

– Lancelot Andrewes

The theme of the 2017 Christmas Fund Offering is Shepherding the Light, and our goal is to raise $1.7 million to help support these ministries of light and love. The recipients of these gifts have faithfully served the church and now, in their time of need, we can be the church to them. We invite and encourage you to shepherd God’s light and support this year’s appeal. On behalf of the hundreds of clergy and lay employees and their families whose lives were touched by your support of last year’s Christmas Fund Offering, we offer our sincere thanks for your generosity!

~The Pension Boards–United Church of Christ, Inc.

Poinsettias at St. Jacob’s

In Memory of Ralph Schaefer,

Jim, Evelyn, Gene, Dale, & Brian Hornberger,

and Dale Gunter

From the Gayle Schaefer Family

In Memory of Clarence & Rosella Hornberger

From June & Dave Hornberger

In Memory of

Grandpa Jesse & Grandma Alma Hoff

Grandpa Ed & Grandma Anna Hornberger

From June & Dave Hornberger

In Memory of Tommy Hornberger & Loved Ones

From Harold & Julene Hornberger

In Memory of Steven Ratliff

From Junior & Janice Ratliff

In Memory of Loved Ones

From Junior & Janice Ratliff

In Memory of Our Parents

From Viola Huber, Sylvia Precht,& Marvin Huber

In Memory of Wilbur Huber

and Loved Ones

From LaVonne Huber

In Memory of Loved Ones

From Glenn & Shirley Huber