Vacation Bible SchoolCAMPER ENROLLMENT

St. Gilbert SHIPWRECKED ~ Jesus Rescues!

Monday, June 18 to Friday, June 22

9:00am to 11:45am

At Shipwrecked VBS, campers learn one important Bible point each day, and it’s reinforced often through songs, snacks, games, crafts, and Bible story time. They learn that Jesus is with them through all of life’s storms. Younger campers will rotate through activities (4yr to entering 3rd Grade). Older campers choose Soccer or Art Campwith modified Bible stories, music, and snack(entering 4th – 6th Grade).

For children 4 yr (by September 1) to entering 3rd Grade choose VBS Program ($25)

For 4th-6th Grade choose Soccer ($25) or Art($35 – extra for supplies, space limited)

FREEtuition for the children of FULL TIME (5 day) Adult Volunteers!!!

Use Give Central and you can email your completed form directly to .

If paying with cash or check, please return form to Rectory, the REP office, or St. Gilbert School.

No refunds after June 1st. Confirmation will be sent a week before VBS begins.




Waitlist and $5 Late fee per child added after May 15th

Family Name Parent/Guardian

Address City Zip

Home Phone Cell Phone

Emergency Contact Emergency Phone

Who may pick up this child(ren)?

Email address

We wish to be contacted to donate a snack/craft/supply item to VBS YES NO

First Name / Birth date
(mm/dd/yy) / Grade
this fall / Special Needs or Severe allergy? / Which
M F / VBS Soccer Art
M F / VBS Soccer Art
M F / VBS Soccer Art

*VBS for 4yr (pre-K) to 3rd grade $25; into 4th to 6th gradechooseSOCCER $25 or ART $35.

Pay online at Give Central and you can scan/email your form to

Pay with cash or check please turn in completed form to school, REP, or rectory office


I understand that my child will be asked to abide by the rules and respect the property of others. I realize that misconduct may result in a call to pick up my child. I grant permission for the administration of first aid by the people of St. Gilbert in charge of this program, as their judgment deems advisable, and to make referrals to qualified physicians for treatment of illness or accidents of a more serious nature. I hereby indemnify the staff and volunteers of St. Gilbert and the Archdiocese of Chicago, from any and all liability arising from any claims of any kind, from my child’s participation in this program.

Print form and sign before returning to VBS


VBS USE ONLY CHECK#______CASH $ ______GiveCentral______