St Francis Xavier’s College Modern Language Aptitude Test

It is essential that you read this carefully

When is the test?

Parents should complete the Modern Languages AptitudeTest application form and submit it to the school by Friday 16th September 2016.Please collect this from the College or telephone to request one. Alternatively download from the College website.

Applicants will receive confirmation of the receipt of the form within 5 working days of the application form being received by SFX. This will take longer if test applications are sent in the school holidays.

The test for admission in September 2017 will take place on Saturday 24th September 2016.

An application for the Modern Languages Aptitude Test is not an application for a place at St Francis Xavier’s College. Those wishing to be considered for a place under the criterion 5 (aptitude for Modern Languages) must also complete and return the College’s supplementary form and choose SFX as one of the three preferences on the Local Authority Application form.

What if I can’t make this date?

The expectation is that all applicants wishing to be admitted via the Modern Languages Aptitude Test should be able to make the date stated above. Only in an emergency situation will an alternative date be considered. Parents with a compelling reason why they cannot make the date stated should write to the school to have their request for an alternative date considered. It should be stressed that it may not be possible to arrange a further opportunity to take the test.

How many places are allocated via the Aptitude for Languages Test?

19 places out of 196.

Does it matter where I live?

The nineteen places for Modern Languages Aptitudewill go to the nineteen highest scores on the test, regardless of distance from the school. Only in the event of a tie between two candidates will the distance criterion be applied.

How long is the test? What time should we arrive at the school?

The test is expected to last for approximately90 minutes.It consists of four elements: the ability to associate sounds and symbols; sensitivity to grammatical structure; ability to hear speech sounds and auditory alertness.

You should bring your son to SFX no later than 9:00am on the day of the test and collect him at 11:00 am.

Are there any past papers or reading the school can recommend?

No past papers will be available from the school given that no prior learning is necessary or considered helpful for success in the test.

My child has an EHCP. Should he take the test?

In this case all children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan will be admitted.Children with a Statement or EHC plan do not need to take the MFL aptitude test.

My child is in the care of the Local Authority (looked after child) or who was previously in the care of the Local Authority, should he take the test?

No, all children in these circumstances are given the highest priority.

My child is a baptised Catholic and attends one of the named feeder schools, should he take the test?

No, as they are considered in criterion 2.

We live in one of the named parishes and my child is a baptised Catholic, should he sit the aptitude test?

No, as they are considered in criterion 3.

My child already has a sibling at the school, should he sit the language aptitude test? (only applicable to baptised Catholics)

If it is anticipated that the sibling will be still on the school roll at the time of the proposed admission then it is not necessary for any baptised Catholic sibling to sit the test as they are considered in criterion 4.

Can I find out my child’s results?

We will send you a letter notifying you of your child’s ranking within the tests participants in the week commencing 10th October 2016. If you do not receive a letter early the following week, please contact the school. This ranking may inform your choice of schools. Please be aware that although your child may not be ranked in the first 19 places, given that some applicants may accept a place at another school, it is possible that places will be allocated outside of the first 19 ranked.

Those students who are not awarded a place at the school following results of the Modern Language Aptitude Test will automatically be assessed against the remaining over-subscription criteria. Should a student not be successful in gaining a place at SFX they will automatically be placed on the waiting list and given the opportunity to appeal to an independent appeal panel.

Applicants will not be informed by the school as to whether or not they have been offered a place; this will be done by the applicant’s Local Authority on 1st March 2017

What happens if my son is admitted under criterion 5?

The 19 students admitted under criterion 5 will be offered the opportunity to take part in the Young Linguists Programme.

Who should I contact with further questions?

Any further questions regarding the Modern Languages Aptitude test should be made in writing to the Clerk to the Governors, St Francis Xavier’s College.
