St. Fagans Community Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 9th January 2012

in the St. Fagans Village Hall

Present: Councillors F. Lewis (Chairman),

E. Bourne, P. Davison-Sebry, J. Griffiths,

P. Hill & J. Hughes.

In Attendance: Clerk D. Barnard

Other C. Price

Apologies: Councillors M. Parry & N. McEvoy.

Police PC H. Thomas

The Clerk read out the advice he had received from OVW in relation to co-option of persons to the Council. Following a brief discussion it was agreed that, in the absence of a vacancy, Mr Chris Price should be invited to attend Council meetings as an observer, with the right to participate in discussions on Council matters but with no voting rights.

241.01.01 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 5th December 2011

Members approved the minutes of the meeting and the Chairman signed them accordingly.

241.01.02 – Matters arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising.

241.01.03 – a) Police Matters & Neighbourhood Watch

The Clerk had received apologies from PC Thomas for being unable to attend but had not heard from PC Roberts. The Clerk had circulated by email two reports that he had received in respect of the area north of the railway detailing the incidents during December and the first week of January. Members discussed the incident relating to the discharge of air rifles.

Cllr. Griffiths expressed concern that for the second time in a year in response to a 999 call, the police had gone to the wrong address. He added that he was asked a number of questions but not for his post code. Cllr. Hughes proposed that the Council suggest to the Police that this should be an essential question. The Chairman expressed great concern at this incident and opined that it was only a matter of time before someone is injured. Mr Price said he understood there were regulations relating to firearms that required them to be carried in a suitable container within a certain distance of dwellings. Cllr. Griffiths added that the rifle had clearly been fired in the direction of the property and it was not the first instance. Members agreed that the Clerk should write to Inspector Arkontopoulos about these issues.

Cllr. Bourne referred to a road traffic accident on the A4119 (Llantrisant Road) and questioned why RTAs are not included in the police incidents report. She expressed the view that the 40 mph speed limit at Capel Llanilterne should be extended to join the speed restriction at Radyr and added that residents were raising a petition to this effect. Members agreed that the Clerk should include this in his letter to the Inspector and to also write to County Cllr. Ford about the speed limit.

Cllr. Bourne referred to two break-ins at Curves – one attempted and one successful. She said that Curves had bought security lights but the building's owners had refused to allow them to be installed. It was agreed that it be suggested to PC Thomas that he visit Curves with the Crime Prevention Officer.

Cllr. Bourne advised that the new Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator on Parc Rhydlafar – Ruth Holland – had issued a new newsletter.

b) Damage to Local Woodlands

Cllr. Griffiths reported that new metal fencing had now been erected to fill the gap at the entrance to the woods off Cardiff Road. The only other damage in recent weeks had been as a consequence of the storms. Noted.

241.01.04 – Planning

a) Cardiff LDP

There had been no further communications on this issue. Cllr. Hughes suggested that a watch should be kept on the plans for the former paper mill site at Ely.

b) Other Planning Applications

The Clerk reported that there had been no new planning applications for the St Fagans community area in the five weeks ended 6th January.

The Chairman reported that the Cricket Club has been asked to supply new computer graphics of its application for a proposed new training facility.

Cllr. Davison-Sebry commented that Charles Church had appealed against the refusal to allow the proposed development off Michaelston Road. (A formal letter about this had been received in October.)

The Clerk reported that three applications had been determined:

ñ  11/01159 – Arosfa, Michaelston Road: new dwelling. Permission refused.

ñ  11/01763 – 12, Clos Y Gof: extensions: Permission granted.

ñ  11/01433 – 3 & 4 Cardiff Road: restoration works. Permission granted.

241.01.05 – Proposed Charter with Cardiff Council

The revised version of the Charter had been received from Cardiff Council and circulated to Members by email. Cllr. Hughes expressed the view that the amendments made to the draft previously agreed were only minor and that this latest draft should be accepted. Members agreed and the Clerk was asked to advise Melanie Clay and the other community councils accordingly.

241.01.06 – Environmental Matters

a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns

The Clerk enquired if there had been any problems with flooding after the heavy rain, as he had noticed some water on the road by the Cricket Ground. No problems were reported. Cllr. Davison-Sebry reported that some trees had fallen in Persondy Lane, which had been dealt with by the Council and himself.

The Chairman said that she had been asked to raise the matter of the weight restriction on vehicles using Michaelston Road as it appears that HGVs are using it with increasing frequency. She gave details of an incident involving a transporter lorry. Cllr. Griffiths referred to the use of satellite navigation systems and said that signs are used on some routes to warn drivers that satellite navigation directions are unsuitable for large vehicles. Members agreed that the Clerk should raise this issue with Highways.

b) Street Cleansing / Litter

No specific issues were raised and no action is planned at present.

c) Other environmental issues

Cllr. Davison-Sebry reported that the banks of the River Ely westward along the section from Michaelston Road towards The Drope are coming away in chunks. He expressed concern that trees might eventually fall into the river causing considerable damage and blocking the flow of water. The Clerk was asked to report this to The Environment Agency.

241.01.07 – Westfield Park Estate

Cllr. Hill reported that the notice board had been reinstated. The Clerk confirmed that the builder had inserted more concrete together with metal bars to try and ensure it stays in place. Cllr. Hill said she had received a request for one additional salt/grit bin in the cul-de-sac of Nos. 6 – 22 Marguerite's Way. Members agreed to meet the cost of this from the Council and the Clerk was asked to place an order accordingly.

Cllr. Hill reported that a number of abandoned horses have completely ruined the recreation ground. The Clerk was asked to contact the Parks Department again about this. On the assumption that the horses have escaped from the adjoining fields, the Clerk was also asked to raise this issue with Cooke & Arkwright, who lease the fields for grazing.

There had been no further information about the adoption process.

241.01.08 – Parc Rhydlafar / Llantrisant Road area

Cllr. Bourne reported that, in pursuing the the request for a new grit box, the Clerk had discovered that the estate had still not been formally adopted, due apparently to a lack of communication between Cardiff Council and the developer. The Clerk was asked to press Cardiff Council to get the process completed.

Cllr. Bourne briefly mentioned a water leak on Prince of Wales Drive that is believed to be caused by an underground spring.

241.01.09 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle

The Chairman had noticed that the two new bollards had been put in place at the Castle entrance but no chain was in place and vehicles were parking on the grass. The Clerk had contacted Matthew Davies who had not been notified by Cardiff Council, as had been agreed, that the works to install the bollards was taking place. He had accordingly been unaware. Mr Davies agreed to arrange for a chain to be fitted as soon as possible.

The Clerk reported that, as requested, he had written to Mark Drakeford, AM, and Peter Dawson following the last meeting. The response from Mr Drakeford had just indicated his willingness to attend a meeting. He had not received a reply from Peter Dawson.

Cllr. Hill reported that Museum staff have arranged a meeting with Peter Dawson on 19th January. The Clerk was asked to contact Liz Jones to enquire whether representatives from the Community Council could attend. Cllr. Hill added that Liz Jones is happy to attend a meeting of the Community Council if Members so wish.

It was reported that there is to be a trial of a tourist bus from the City Centre to St Fagans via Llandaff, once an hour from May to September.

The Chairman referred to the Christmas events at the Museum. Bad weather caused the cancellation of Thursday evening, with the consequence that Friday evening was very busy. Cones had only been placed on Castle Hill and there was a major problem with parking along Crofft-Y-Genau Road, with access to some properties restricted. The Clerk was asked to raise these concerns with both the police and Matthew Davies.

Cllr. Davison-Sebry, referring back to the Museum's Development Plans, expressed concern about access during the construction process and suggested this was an issue that needs to be raised. Members agreed.

241.01.10 – One Voice Wales

Cllr. Hughes advised that the new Chief Executive has now signed his contract of employment and the issues surrounding pensions have been unresolved. OVW is hopeful that Barry Town Council will become a Member, which he considered would be beneficial. Cllr. Hughes advised that he was attending a training session in Barry the following evening.

241.01.11 – Correspondence and other communications

The Clerk reported receipt of:

Ø  a copy of a letter sent by Mr Straw, 7, The School House, to Cardiff Council, suggesting that the policy of preventing locals from using a trailer at their local recycling centre should be reconsidered. Noted.

Ø  an email from John House, Chief Executive, Cardiff Council, explaining why the Community Council's suggested alternatives for a polling station in District 28E had not been accepted. It also said that the estimated cost of an election had been based on the latest actual costs incurred. Noted.

Ø  an email from Gareth Owen regarding a geology trail around St Fagans to which Cllr. Griffiths had responded. Noted.

Ø  an email from Cardiff Council advising that a series of quarterly Neighbourhood Intelligence Reports have been prepared and are available on the Council's web site. Noted.

Ø  an email from the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales attached to which is the annual report to December 2011. The level of allowances currently available to members of Community Councils will be maintained and consultation on a new framework for allowances will begin later this year. Noted.

Ø  a letter dated 8th December from the National Assembly (circulated) inviting comments by 2nd February on a Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Bill. In the event that any Members had comments they would advise the Clerk accordingly.

241.01.12 – Finance

a) Requests for Financial Assistance

No new applications had been received. It was reported that St Mary's Church is to be repaired using lead substitute and alarms are to be fitted.

b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals

The Clerk submitted the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council. The following items were submitted for payment:

ñ  HMR&C Income tax 225.50

ñ  Mazars Audit fee 162.00

ñ  D. Barnard Salary (Jan – Mar net) 902.00

ñ  D. Barnard Expenses (Oct – Dec) 141.91

ñ  Cardiff & Vale Property Notice Board 185.00

Members approved the payments and cheques were signed accordingly.

c) Budget for 2012/13

The Clerk had circulated a revised budget following Members comments at the last meeting, showing a deficit for the year of £603. Cllr. Hughes suggested it was preferable to present a balanced budget. Members agreed and asked the Clerk to reduce the provisions for the Village Association by £100 and Grants & Donations by £500, with minor adjustments elsewhere. The budget for 2012/13 was agreed on that basis and the precept was approved at £16,500. The formal precept demand on Cardiff Council was signed accordingly.

d) External Audit of accounts for 2010/11.

The Clerk reported that Mazars had concluded the audit of the accounts and there were no issues arising therefrom. He was now required to publicise the conclusion of the audit and make the Annual Return available for inspection. Copies of the Return can be requested by individuals on payment of a fee, previously £10. Members agreed to continue the fee at that level. The Chairman suggested the Return should be available on the Council's web site and the Clerk agreed to do so.

e) Sources of funding (lottery, etc.)

The Chairman reported that the application forms in relation to the disabled toilet were being filled out though there was uncertainty as to who should complete them. The proposals for the kitchen are with Brian McCarthy.

241.01.13 – Community Resilience

The Clerk reported that he had received a message from Cardiff Council to say they were investigating why the Capital Times is not delivered to the Village and Parc Rhydlafar. He agreed to chase this up.