St. David School – Richmond

PTG Board Meeting


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Prepared by Mary Wruck, Secretary

In attendance:

Present: Brian Swanson, Gabe Silva, Yanina Salazar, Mary Wruck, Valorie Dawson, Rowena McCarthy,

Not Present: Father John, Rachel Hamilton, Rose Sanford, Malinda Patrick

Guests: Julio Salazar, Jennifer George, Dee Mejia

Minutes from last meeting approved. Yes, with one correction under the School Update. Mary will make the correction noted as PSAS and send to Jose.

Proposed / Discussed

School Update
• A draft of the new Family Talent Survey was passed around by Brian for review.
• We’ve added 5 new kids so now enrollment is at 172, which is higher than last year.
• Pre-school is almost full.
• WASC pre-visit was a success. The official visit will be 2/4-6 and, as part of the visit, the reviewers will be coming to our next PTG meeting. A couple of staff members will also join in on that meeting.
• The Choice Lunch representative may also be at the next PTG meeting.
• Our school’s bank account has been moved to Mechanics Bank.
• A former student of Brian’s, who is now a publicity major in college, will be coming to the school to help us by creating an alumni directory, to help solicit silent auction items from our suppliers and sending out open house flyers.
• Sandra Ramirez will be asked to create a flyer for our open house.
• In the future, we’d like to ask some of the alumni to judge the school science contest.
• Next year, there will be an alumni/marketing committee, a finance committee and a facilities committee.

Parish Update
• Teen club will have its first meeting on 1/18. Malinda Lane is no longer leading the effort.

Crab Feed
• Javier is printing the tickets and will get them in to the office next week for pre-sales.
• Advertising for the event will take place in the local Chamber of Commerce enews blast, in nearby parish bulletins, and at our open house. Rose will need to contact Ed at the church office to post it in the church bulletin and obtain the other parish email contacts to ask them to post our events. Ed only posts in our parish bulletin. Rose has to contact the other parishes directly for postings.
•We need to request donations for desserts, drinks and raffle prizes through the school newsletter.
• This is an adults only event. Childcare will be available. We will put a note in the newsletter asking for parent volunteers for the childcare.
• Brian will look into getting a DJ.

Special Person’s Day
• Scheduled for February 1st. Begins at 9:30 a.m. in Rose Mello Hall with songs by the kids led by Mrs. Monson. At 10 a.m., the kids go to their classrooms with their special person to do an activity. Mass is at 11:00 followed by lunch. Noon dismissal. Book fair happens afterwards. Willows will be open for kids who don’t participate in the lunch.
• Missy Andrews donated the money to purchase the food for the lunch. Fee for lunch is $3.00. Brian, Norma Rose, and Mrs. Pires will be doing the cooking.
• Invitation will be sent out with the kids this week. Pre-sales of the tickets will be part of the invite. Deadline to reserve is 1/25.
• Kids will serve the meal to their special person.
• Photos will be taken. Jose Vargas will be asked to do the photography.
• Upper grade girl scouts have been asked to make the desserts.
• We need a minimum of 4 people for set up tables and decorate during the mass.

New Business
• Next clean up day will be on 3/16 to work on the area on the west side of the school. We’re going to install slats in the fence for better security. If it’s raining that day, the upstairs at pre-k will be cleaned up.
• We’re thinking of using the upstairs at the pre-k to have a daycare in a few years.
• Currently, Title 1 uses a room for an office and we charge rent. There are 14 kids in the program. The teacher is well liked by the students.
• Title 3 funding is available to us for ESL kids. We’re going to have to turn in the language surveys to get the funding. The surveys will be resent to families because we didn’t get many returned the first time.
• There is a mandatory financial aid parent meeting on 1/30. Representatives from BASIC and FACE will be at the meeting. Families who will want financial aid for next year will have to attend.
• Barbara Kringle, the former principal, has donated $86K to the school for tuition assistance. We will use this over the next 5 years to help families needing assistance with tuition.
• We need a theme for Catholic School week. Posters will be made.
•Brian is looking at getting an outside announcement board and installing security cameras.
• Open house will be held on 1/27. Leadership kids will deliver breakfast treats to teachers on this day.
• First day of school for Fall 2013 will be announced.

Next PTG Meeting: February 5, 2012

2012-2013 PTG Board Members / Additional Board Reps
President / Gabe Silva / Brian Swanson, Principal
Vice President / Yanina Salazar / Father John Blaker
Secretary / Mary Wruck
Service Hours / Rachel Hamilton
Room Parent Coordinator / Rowena McCarthy
Treasurer/ Donation / Valorie Dawson
Publicity / Rose Sanford
Ways & Means / Malinda Patrick