the final banishment of such pigments
by all the Companies associated to Assovernici
As everybody knows, the pigments containing sulphochromate lead (PY 34) and sulphochromomolybdate lead (PR 104) were included in February 2012 into the Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation.
With the inclusion of the two pigments, the above Annex provided for the sunset date (utiliization term) of 21.05.2015 and a possible authorization request concerning their utilization exclusively in the industrial painting products to be sent within 21.11.2013.
On 19.11.2013, DCC Maastrich BV submitted to ECHA an extension request of such deadline asking for an authorization for certain uses in some industrial sectors, claiming the non existence of valid technological alternatives to the substitution of pigments on the basis of chromates.
On 11.12.2014 ECHA expressed its positive opinion on the authorization request presented by DCC through the RAC and SEAC opinions, cancelling de facto the above sunset date.
The final decision concerning the granting of the authorization on the part of the European Commission was foreseen within a period of 3 – 10 months (i.e. within the end of 2015).
Until today the European Commission, through the ECHA agency, has not expressed itself officially on the extension asked for by DCC, so that any use of pigments different from those of DCC on 21.05.2015, may be sanctioned both administratively and criminally as not being authorized.
As already done by all the national Associations in Europe, Assovernici has asked the competent Authorities for a support to the opposition of the authorization of the two substances, obtaining the favourable opinion of the vast majority of the companiesproducing painting products, that may be synthesized as follows.
20121 Milano – Via P. Paleocapa 6 – Tel. +39 02 89092243 – Fax + 39 02 72015897
We believe in the existence of valid alternatives.It was expected that, on the basis of the REACH authorization process, the pigments containing lead chromate would be banished in Europebeginning with 2015, thus creating an equal initial base for all European companies.
Many companies acting at a global level have already eliminated lead from their formulations and the banishment in Australia vis-à-vis the utilization of pigments on the basis of lead chromate in all painting products only confirms the availability of valid alternatives.
Due to the existence of an important series of lead-free alternatives adopted with time and still used within the painting industry, we do not share the statements according to which the pigments on the basis of lead chromate are irreplaceable. All of our Associates have substituted them in their range of industrial paints with alternative, non dangerous products.
Within the EU many pigments apt to substitute the above pigments on the basis of lead chromate are available, even ifin many cases they involve a cost increase.
Furthermore, the political global agenda must be kept in mind. In fact, we cannot forget the existence of a Global Alliance UN/WHO for the elimination of lead from paints (GAELP) through the International Council of the Painting Industries and Printing Inks (IPPIC).
IPPIC has adopted the following policy concerning the lead paints: “IPPIC supports the long-term efficacy of the restrictions concerning the use of lead that have been adoptedby certain jurisdictions and recommends their capillary adoption by the Authorities that currently do not regulate le utilization of lead in the painting products and printing inks. The application of such restrictions may be realized by law and specific regulations, formal voluntary agreements or other instruments apt to guarantee a diffused and verifiable application”.
Other arguments exist in support of our position:
The utilization of paints containing lead provides for many limits and prohibitionsdisciplined by national and regional Regulations. For instance: RegioneLombardia with the D.G. Ambient quality – Decree August 6, 2009 – no. 8213 prohibits theutilization ofpaints containing lead and chromates, on the basis of the annual consumptions, within the activities of paints containing lead and chromates for painting vehicles and agricultural machines (activity 2), lacquering and painting of furniture (activity 7), painting of different objects in metal or glass (activity 8).
20121 Milano – Via P. Paleocapa 6 – Tel. +39 02 89092243 – Fax + 39 02 72015897
On the basis of the DL 81/08, the utilization of painting products containing lead chromates (carcinogenic and mutagenic agents) provides important obligations and responsibilities for the employer, such as: risk evaluation, labour organization, workers formation, health surveillance, the keeping of a register of the personnel involved.
Dangerous waste: The utilization of pigments containing lead chromate produces dangerous wastes as paint sludges, containers, packings and various accessories, for which it is necessary to adopt adequate treatment and elimination procedures. This hidden cost may contribute to compensate the major costs of the alternative pigments.
The 2011/65/EUDirective of June 8, 2011 (RoHS II Directive) prohibits the use of dangerous substances, among which lead, in electrical and electronic equipments for domestic use, thus preventing the use of paints containing the above substance, for example for the painting of electrical switchboards, computers, …
Utilization within the EU: There have been concerns as to the possibility that the non availability of paints containing lead chromate may put the European producers of painting products in a disadvantageous position. In the majority of cases paints represents a minimal percentage of the overall cost of the articles, typically less than 2 percent. Consequently, the overall impact of the article cost would be minimal.
On the basis of the above declarations, Assovernici considers therefore to confirm that, independently from the decisions that will be taken by the European Commission, all of the associated Companies will never more utilize pigments of the above nature in the products realized for the industrial sector.
20121 Milano – Via P. Paleocapa 6 – Tel. +39 02 89092243 – Fax + 39 02 72015897