TIME & PLACE: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 28, 2012
2011 St. Clair River Drive, City of Algonac, Algonac-Clay Branch.
PRESENT:BOARD MEMBERS: Debra Bevins, Arnold Larson, Helen Praet,Harold Tiburzi and Kathleen Wheelihan. DIRECTOR: Allison Arnold.
ALSO PRESENT:Staff: Dale Kittendorf, Kathy Lisco, Melba Moss,Kimberley Radatz, Cathy Richardson and Eileen Stier. OTHER: Commissioner Bill Gratoppand Library Advisory Board Member Leo Narloch.
- CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE BY Chairperson Larson at 6:45 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Chairperson Larson asked that the Annual Meeting be placed on the agenda as item c) under New Business.
Moved by Vice-Chairperson Tiburzi and supported by Member Bevinsto approve the agenda as amended to include under New Business Annual Meeting.Motion unanimously carried.
Department Head Report – Kathy Lisco
Branch Lead Kathy Lisco welcomed everyone. Ms. Lisco acknowledged her staff; their Advisory Board (meet the first Thursday of each month) and their active Friends Group (meet the first Tuesday of each month). The branch has 24 computers for public use which includes a lab where computer classes are held. The Branch has four (4) Book Clubs and a Genealogy Circle that meet monthly as well as a Scrabble and Knitting group that meets weekly. For children a Lapsit and Small Wonders program is offered and a reading incentive program called Bananas for Books. Movie time is offered for families, teens and seniors and the Branch offers programs throughout the year. Ms. Lisco invited everyone to look at the children’s artwork on display from their Children’s Summer Art Fair.
Moved by Vice-Chairperson Tiburzi and supported by Member Bevins to approve the July 24, 2012 regular board meeting minutes as received. Motion unanimously carried.
a) Ratification of Bills.
Member Wheelihan asked about the over/shortage figures. Director Arnold explained there was a $37.17 entry error at the County level in Capac’s figure (object #4979) but we should have caught it. The error will be corrected.
Moved by Member Praet and supported by Member Bevins to receive and file invoices for July2012 totaling $107,931.21as received. Motion unanimously carried.
b) Acceptance of Financial Reports.
Referring to the revenue summary report Director Arnold explained a fifth column has been added for the remainder of the year. This is just an estimate at this point. It’s coming in a little under what we had anticipated but not by a terrible amount and we do have five (5) months remaining in the year. Member Praet asked if we knew why Accounting was so off on the Personal Property Tax figures (object #4043). Director Arnold noted the budget is based upon past experience. Chairperson Larson asked if we could check to see if there is a reason why we are so off and should we budget a lot less in the future.
Moved by Member Wheelihan and supported by Vice-Chairperson Tiburzi to receive and file July2012 Financial Reports as received. Motion unanimously carried.
a) Director’s Report.
- Director Arnold noted she spoke to the St. Clair Rotary Group yesterday and it was a lovely meeting. They were very warm and welcoming as well as excited about the future of the Library. Next month she’ll be speaking at the local TV station with Mr. Dingeman. Teen Librarian Nicole Pinskey will be going to talk about Teen Read Week in October.
- Ms. Arnold noted last year for July and August we had the Reading Awards program (check out five books and get a free DVD rental). We did not do that program this year so this does contribute to the dip in this month’s circulation.
- Administrative team is having a telephone conference with theimplementation specialist on the scheduling software.
- Update on Michigan Works partnership. CMEd did not win the bid so unfortunately that program will not be happening at theLibrary.
- Discussion on ballast/lighting fixtures at the branches. It’s the municipalities’responsibility to update the lighting at these facilities. Suggestion was to send amemorandum.
- Ms. Arnold asked if the board would prefer she madearrangements toattend municipal meetings and introduce herself as well as discuss other items.Yes. Director Arnold willwork with Branch Coordinator Melba Moss regarding meetingdates.
- There was an ADA accessibility concern at the Main Library. Solutions are being sought.
- Director Arnold also noted we had an issue at the Main Library. We received mailthat was infested withbed bugs through the postal system. A meeting took place with staff thatisinvolved with mail or packagesto discuss procedure. We have been trying to contact pest control to come in and to do an evaluation and then we’ll talk with County maintenance on setting up regular testing. Administrative concern was A) the staff to feel safe and that they could come into work and not infest their own homes and B) Patron’s feelsafe and comfortable coming into the Library.
- Discussion on Director Arnold’s bankedflex time. Chairperson Larson didn’t feel the board needed to take action because it is herdecision. In the future Ms. Arnold can notexceed 45 hours and if so she needs to takethe time off during the current pay period.
- Referring to attachment six (6) Systems meeting minutes. Director Arnold to contact Vice-ChairpersonTiburzi with additional information regarding medical books being deleted.
b) Department and or Committee.
c) Other.
Chairperson Larson noted he appreciated Director Arnold’s comments in “The Links” as well as being a little smaller but with a lot of information. Member Wheelihan thanked Director Arnold for the information on the e-Book/Audiobook guide. Director Arnold noted it was developed by April Fox one of our staff members and its available to all patrons.
Moved by Member Praetand supported by Member Bevinsto receive and file July2012communications as received. Motion unanimously carried.
a)Director agreement – final approval.
Chairperson Larson noted to be consistent with the County’s Personnel Policy’sthe Director’s Employee Agreement had to be changed. The Agreement was approved by the Board of Commissioners and Ms. Arnold agreed to the proposed changes.
b)Consultant services (training) – confirm date November 6th.
Director Arnold confirmed with Ms. Riebel, the training is November 6th from 9 to 4 at the County Administration Building in conference room B.
c)Trustee training opportunity – follow up.
Moved by Member Wheelihan and supported by Vice-Chairperson Tiburzi to approvetheseries of online training courses for the full board in the amount of $225.00. Motion unanimously carried.
a) Manning Table adjustment.
Director Arnold asked the board to change an unfunded part-time Clerk’s position to a filled part-time Assistant Branch Librarian’s position. This position would act as a floater (substitute) specifically for Main Library but with the availability to assist at the branches as well. Director Arnold noted if approved by both boards she anticipates having it filled in October.
Moved by Member Praet and supported by Member Bevins to approve the change to the Manning Table. Motion unanimously carried.
b)Library Board By-Laws – review.
Chairperson Larson noted final approval of the By-Laws will be on the September Annual meeting agenda.
c) Annual Meeting.
Chairperson Larson noted there are three (3) items on September’s agenda that require board action: Election of officers, approval of 2013 meeting dates and approval of By-Laws.
d)Board member reports.
Member Wheelihan–Spoke to Branch Lead Andrew Webb at Memphis, everything is just fine. Capac’s Friends had their meeting today and last month they had two (2) new members. Jill Sivec, temporary Capac Branch Lead noted it has been a really great month! Member Wheelihan noted they are trying to figure out a way to finish the backroom remodeling project that was started about two (2) years ago.
Vice-Chairperson Tiburzi – Complimented on Ira’s Assistant Branch Librarian Randi Mathieu’s hair. Ms. Mathieu dyed her hair blue; their teens met their goal for summer reading!
Member Praet – Spoke to St. Clair Assistant Branch Librarian Joni LeRoy, they’re gearing up for fall. The first Thursday program of the month will be The Wills Ste. Clair Autos. At G. Lynn Campbell she spoke with Assistant Branch Librarian Lisa Regulinski
they are also gearing up for fall programs and they have doubled their painting classes. Seventy people attended their Summer Reading Finale!
Member Bevins– Visited with Branch Lead Lori Herrington at Yale, they are busy with their Summer Reading Program and Mr. Warwick stopped in and said good bye.
Chairperson Larson –September 15th workshop agenda includes preliminary introduction to budget and where we stand currently for the funding year, goals and initiatives and discuss the administrative structure.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATE: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 6:30 p.m., located at the Capac Branch, 111 N. Main Street, Village of Capac.
- ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7:49 Member Praet.
Respectfully Submitted:
Arnold H. Larson,ChairpersonAllison S. Arnold, Director/Secretary