St. Charles City-County Library Foundation
September 18, 2008 Minutes
The meeting convened at approximately 3:30
Present: Kyle Gaines (Vice-President), Barb Griffith, Joe Krebs (President), Warlene Reed (Treasurer), Mark Rudolph, DeniseUlett(Secretary)
Absent: Larry Shroth
Others Present: Carl Sandstedt, Lisa Dunham, Kristin Williams, Ryan Robertson (proposed member), John Thoelke (proposed member), Brad Smith
Secretary's Report:Minutes were presented by Carl Sandstedt (recording secretary July '08). Approved unanimously.
Financial Report: Presented by Rick Schultz-In balance according to investment policy, Balanced roughly 61% stocks, 36% bonds and fixed within policy. Cash assets are approximately 3%. Balance is roughly $590,000.
President's Comments:Joe Krebs thanked all in attendance for their time as volunteers to the Foundation.
Staff Liaison's Comments:Kristin Williams shared a new vision for the structure of the Foundation, board expansion efforts.Dr Garzia's term ended in September, and due to a busy professional schedule he will not be serving an additional term. Board members were invitedto attend the Charitable Giving Network planned giving seminar for board members and the 35th anniversary celebration.The new website will hopefully be completed by year-end.
Director's Comments:Carl Sandstedt shared the district's intention to rebuild the Spencer Road branch in approximately two years.
Old Business:
09-08 Foundation Support of 35th Anniversary:Motion-Griffith, Second-Reed. Passed unanimously.
New Business:
09-09 Jane Householder Scholarships 2009: Lisa Dunham gave a general overview of the scholarship program. Board discussion of applicant eligibility. Suggestion made to decline 3 applications for reasons of academic coursework (2 applicants) and eligibility (1 applicant). Suggestion made to partially fund one application at $500. Statement thatfuture year applications may be opened up to all salary levels. A committeeshould be formed to review and revise scholarship program. Passed unanimously.
09-10 Nomination of Ryan Robertson, 5/3 Bank:Motion passed by acclaim.
09-11 Nomination of Sheila O'Connell, MEMC:Motion passed by acclaim.
09-12Nomination of John Thoelke, DDRB:Motion passed by acclaim.
09-13 Nomination of Rebecca Cody, Ameristar Casino:Motion passed by acclaim.
09-14 Foundation Support of Marketing Materials: Marketing tools are necessary for the Foundation to move into a phase of active solicitation for funds. Proposed materials include an overall Foundation brochure and additonal component pieces that target specific prospect categories.Discussion as to whether creative service projects suchas this should be bid out or allowed to be awarded to a selected vendoras a professional service. Majority of board felt it could be considered creative/professional service.Motion-Griffith, Second-Gaines. Abstained-Rudolph. Motion passed.
09-15 Foundation Support of Emerging Leaders Kickoff Event: A January 2009 kickoff event, sponsored by the Foundation,with author J.A. Konrath isplanned to engageyoung advocates and introduce them to some of what the St. Charles City-County Library District has to offer. Konrathwill speak at the event and host a book signing following the presentation. The intent is for this event to be the start of the programs and projects supported through the proposed emerging leaders network.These advocateswill be active volunteers for fundraising events, lead new initiatives, and play a key role in promoting the Foundation within the community.
Comments for the Good of the Foundation: With a transition to a larger board and member turnover, the Foundation should consider meeting dates and times for the good of all members. This can be discussed again in six months.
With many new initiatives on the horizon, the Foundation will have a board retreat in January 2009 to discuss strategic initiatives. During the retreat, committees will be formed to tackle specific projects and make proposals to the Foundation board for consideration. Board members are needed currently for thetrivia night committee.
Next meeting set for November 20, 2008.
Meeting adjourned.
Recording Secretary, Denise Ulett
Meeting Minutes - September 18, 2008
St. Charles City-County Library Foundation