
Summary of Basic Terms andConditions

Terms ofEmployment

This is a permanent post with MNDScotland.


There is a six month probationary period with thispost.

Place ofWork

The post is based at the organisation’s Head Office at 2ndFloor, City View, 6 Eagle Street, Glasgow, G4 9XA.

Hours ofWork

(i)The normal working week for this post is 35 hours perweek.

(ii)The normal hours of work are from Monday to Friday, 9:00am till5:00pm.MND Scotland does not pay overtime. If you are required toworkadditional hours you will be entitled to time off in lieu on agreeddates.


(i)You will be entitled to 30 working days paid annual holidays (including statutory holidays).This rises by1 day for each completed holiday year service from 1st April to31st March to a maximum of 35 working days paid annual holiday (including statutory holidays) after five years completed holiday service, to be taken at such times asareapproved by your line manager.


(i)If you are absent from work for any reason and your absence hasnotpreviously been authorised you will, unless prevented from doingso,inform your line manager during the morning on your first day ofabsence.

(ii)You will be entitled to sick pay during absence owing to sickness orinjuryasfollows:

-during probation and any extension to this - SSPonly

-following probation and up to one year’s continuous service –onemonth’s full pay and one month at halfpay

-more than one year but less than two years’ continuous service –twomonths at full pay and two months at halfpay

-more than two years but less than three years’ continuous service–four months at full pay and four months at halfpay

-more than three years but less than 5 years’ continuous service –fivemonths at full pay and five months at halfpay

-more than 5 years continuous service – six months at full pay andsixmonths at halfpay.


MND Scotland has an occupational pension scheme, full details of whichareavailable from the ChiefExecutive.


The period of notice to be given by you or the by the organisation to terminateyouremployment is one month inwriting.


All reasonable travelling, hotel and other expenses wholly exclusively andnecessarilyincurred by you on MND Scotland business will be reimbursed in line withtheorganisation’spolicy.


During employment and after leaving, an employee is required to keep allinformationobtained during their employment with the organisation confidential. Thisincludesinformation about organisation’s business, clients or customers. It also includes the downloading of any softwareorcopying any documents or files duringemployment. The only exception isifthey are required to disclose information required by law or in the proper courseoftheirduties.

MND Scotland, 2nd Floor, City View, 6 Eagle Street, Glasgow, G4 9XA

Tel 0141 332 3903 E-mail: Web: Scottish Charity numberSC002662, Company limited by guarantee,numberSC217735