Minutes of the Meeting of St Breock Parish Council held in the Press Centre, Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge on Tuesday, 16th June 2015 at 7.30pm. (change of regular day owing to the Royal Cornwall Show).
Present: Cllrs. R Jarratt (Chairman), P Starling (Vice Chairman), G Semmens, A Jones, S Malloni,
A Sanders, Mrs R Harding, Mrs J Pratt, Mrs J Desborough, J Bellringer.
Also attending: Mrs J Hoskin (Parish Clerk)
One member of the public
ItemNo. / Action
1 / Public Session: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the member of the public to address the Council if he so wished.
Mr Turner had recently purchased the property Upper Hustyns and notified the Council that he was submitting a planning application to build stables and a menage. Cllr P Staring notified Mr Turner that the Parish Council’s planning committee would contact him to arrange a site meeting once the application had been received.
2 / Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. D Johnson.
3 / Members Declarations of Interest: None declared at this stage of the meeting.
4 / Minutes: The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 6th May 2015 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
5 / Matters Arising: There were no matters arising from the minutes.
6.1 / Planning Applications / Planning Matters: There were no applications presented for consideration at this meeting.
Planning Decisions / Correspondence: No decisions or correspondence reported.
7 / Parish Neighbourhood Plan / Localism Bill – working as a cluster group with Wadebridge Town Council and Egloshayle Parish Council: Cllr S Malloni reported on the ongoing progress of the plan that the working group hoped would be
published as a final draft, and checked by Cornwall Council in August 2015 ready for communicating to parishioners in September / October 2015.
The Chairman asked if the three councils could get together before the public event to discuss the contents of the plan. Cllr S Malloni agreed to ask the question. / SM
8 / Community Funds from Renewable Energy Projects – update from Cllrs. Malloni / Sanders:
The recent Pengelly Fund meeting had received 33 applications, with awards being made to 19 projects for amounts ranging from £50 to £1000.
The Burlawn Residents Association had applied for £2000 but were unsuccessful owing to the maximum limit being £1000 for each application. Cllr S Malloni stated that the Parish Council needed another representative for this committee should Cllr A Sanders be unable to attend. It was agreed that the Clerk will attend, if required.
It was agreed that Cllrs. S Malloni and A Jones along with the Clerk attend the
St Breock Wind Farm Community Fund meeting on the 8th July 2015 being organised by REG Windpower. Questions will be asked about the constitution of the individual parish panels and the grant award process.
The Council had a copy of the S106 agreement. / SM/ AJ
9.2 / Accounts / Financial Matters: The Council approved the payment of the accounts and financial report presented by the Clerk. Part 2 of these minutes.
The Council had received a letter of thanks from St Breock Church for the £100 donation for the flower festival.
Audit of Accounts 2014/2015: The Clerk reported that the audit had been completed on the 15th June 2015 and presented each Councillor with a copy of the accounts. The auditor’s report was read with no issues raised.
The Clerk and Chairman signed the Annual Return form having completed the questions in Section 2 with Councillors.
The Clerk left the accounts with Cllr P Starling to review the finances and audit file.
It was agreed that the accounts, now approved, be published on the website.
Parish Council Accounting System: The Clerk had discussed the Parish Councils accounting methods with Cllr P Starling who had offered to transfer the accounts onto a self-calculating spreadsheet system. It was agreed to trial this method for the 2015/2016 financial year. Cllr P Starling will work with the Clerk on this matter. / PS
AJ / Clerk
PS /
10 / Correspondence:
o Cornwall Council – Notification that the roads at the Coaching Inn, West Hill had become highway maintainable from the 20th May 2015.
o Residents letter - A letter from a resident of Trenant Vale highlighted the accumulation of rubbish on the land adjacent to Dunveth. The Council respected the comments raised but were unable to instigate the clearing of the rubbish on private land. In the past Tesco’s had been asked to tidy the area adjacent to the store but failed to respond to the request.
o Peninsula Community Health – Spring 2015 newsletter.
11 / Communications & Publicity – parish website / newsletter: The Parish Council website had now been established for one year. It was agreed that items over one year old be archived on the site. The Clerk and Chairman will meet with Cllr A Jones to review the contents on the site.
It was suggested that the draft Annual Report be published on the website and in the local newspaper. / Clerk
12 / St Breock Burial Ground – update on work to be carried out: The Chairman had met with the Clerk and costs for the work required to the burial ground had been established. The Clerk had written to Cormac and awaited a reply.
Cllr A Jones expressed his concerns on the Council committing a large amount of money to this project.
The Chairman had visited Drew Memorials and memorial fees set by the Parish Council for the St Breock Burial Ground were in line with other burial authorities.
13 / Burlawn Playing Field: The Chairman thanked Cllr A Sanders for assisting with the work to renew the goal nets and install the goal net supports. The boundary fence had also been repaired. The Council approved the costs for purchasing a new cradle swing seat from The Outdoor Play People.
The Chairman highlighted the contents of the recent ROSPA safety report.
/ Clerk
14 / Highway Matters: Cllr A Jones was awaiting the exact costs for the provision of speed advisory signs for Whitecross. Cllr A Jones also confirmed that landowners could trim roadside boundary hedges if areas were posing a danger or visibility restriction to road users. Areas where fly tipping had occurred were being cleared.
Cllr P Starling reported on the Community Speed Watch Scheme managed by the police and carried out by volunteers.
15 / Parish Clerk’s Report: The Clerk reported that she had attended the recent Cornwall Council Community Network Meeting in Wadebridge chaired by Cllr Tony Rush from Wadebridge Town Council who introduced Anna Druce the newly appointed Community Network Link Officer (the position previously named as Community Network Manager). Anna was keen to attend a future meeting of the Parish Council, and the Clerk agreed to arrange this.
Cornwall Council was holding sessions of Ethnical Standards Training and invited Councillors to contact her should they be interested in attending. / Clerk
16 / Parish Matters to be brought to the attention of the Parish Clerk:
o Prescriptive right of way for Drovers trail / access to Rocky Vale, Grogley:
The Clerk reported on the recent email from Cornwall Council which indicated that Cornwall Council were keen to dedicate the track as a bridle path if the legal maintenance liability could be resolved. Mr Alford (Cornwall Council) was not supportive of the Parish Councils enquiry about taking ownership of the lane although Cllr J Rowe (Cornwall Council) had favoured this suggestion. The Clerk will contact Mr Alford and request that a meeting be held to discuss this matter, and to be attended by the Clerk, Cllrs. A Jones, R Jarratt and J Rowe.
o Mountain biking at Grogley and Bishops Woods: The Clerk, along with Cllrs R Jarratt, A Sanders, G Semmens and Mrs J Pratt had attended the Forestry Commissions public meeting held at Withiel Village Hall on the 12th May 2015. It was hoped that a common ground would be found between the bikers and users of the woods, with alterations being made to the signage, contours of the bike tracks and ‘dog leg’ fencing being installed. The situation will be monitored.
o Royal Cornwall Show: Cllr P Starling (Vice Chairman) had represented the Parish Council at the Royal Cornwall Show greeting Princess Alexandra. Cllr P Starling reported on the order of the ‘line up’ with the parish taking priority over other Councils and organisations.
o Litter at Dunveth: Reported under Item 10 of this meeting.
o Camel Trail Partnership Meeting: Cllr P Starling reported on the recent meeting which held a debate on permitting electric bikes on the trial, something not previously allowed. It was also noted that the Bodmin & Wenford Steam Railway continued to hold talks about extending the track from Bodmin to Wadebridge, currently stopping at Grogley. The toilet block on the Camel Trail was to be sold.
o Case for Cornwall event: Cllr S Malloni reported on the event involving Cllr John Pollard (Head of Cornwall Council) which considered matters such as the devolution of powers, control of the housing policy, social housing, bus services, health and social care, and communications between organisations. Other matters including the levels of banding for council tax on second homes, and tourism tax would also be addressed. The Council authorised Cllr S Malloni to draft a general letter of support on behalf of the Parish Council.
o Cornwall Folk Festival at Wadebridge: Cllr S Malloni asked the Council to consider giving a financial donation to the folk festival experiencing a financial shortfall this year. The Council unanimously agreed to support this local event that brought income to the local economy and granted £100 (one hundred pounds) for the festival. / Clerk
17 / Summary of Meeting and action points of Councillors and Parish Clerk:
The Chairman and Clerk gave a summary of the meeting and actions to be taken.
18 / Date of the next Meeting: Monday, 6th July 2015.
19 / To close the Meeting: There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.35pm.
Dated: 6th July 2015 Signed:
St Breock Parish Council Meeting 16th June 2015 Page 1