Parent Council Members Present:-
Mr. Kirley
Mr. Kinnear.
Mrs. McGowan.
Mrs. Cassidy.
Others Present:-
Mrs. Docherty.
Mrs. Elliott.
Mrs. Turner.
Mrs. Digweed.
Mrs. Broadley.
Mr. Doran.
Mr. King.
Ms Fern.
Mr. O’Hear.
Mr. McHugh.
Mrs. Plenderleith.
Mrs. Ashmore.
Mrs. Robb.
Mr. Glen.
Mrs. McGraw.
Mr. T. Smith.
Mrs. Reynolds.
- General Introduction to Parent Council/Parent Forum. In the absence of Mr Glen (Chair) Mr Kirley (Vice Chair) opened proceedings as acting chair. Mr. Kirley reaffirmed that all persons and contributions at meetings are welcomed and valued. Mr Kirley explained that members of Parent Forum had felt strongly enough to write that they did not feel aswelcome as expected at previous meetings. A number of Parent Council members were surprised at this as the intention was always to make everyone feel welcome. Mr Kirley asked for unity and that all opinions and contributions are treated as equal. It was highlighted new members may not be from an educational background or familiar with the constitution. Therefore,there mayon occasion be contributions made that will require more time and patience in addressing.
- Previous Minutes. Previous minutes read and agreed. Mr Kirley suggested that, going forward, all members of the parent council, attendees and invitees not present be included in the distribution list (assuming their email details were made available to Mrs Rankin).
- Parent Council Constitution After a general discussion, it was agreed that the council membership be extended to the parents group in attendance. One member of the parent group declined to join. The resulting list of parent members is therefore:
Aileen Digweed,Brian Traquair Smith, Damien McHugh, Elaine Broadley, Gerry O'Hear, Heather Fern, Helen Ashmore, Iain Kinnear, Jamie Doran, John Glen, Kathleen Robb, Louisa McGraw, Martin King, Nicola Plenderleith, Pam McGowan, Stephen Kirley, Theresa Reynolds, Trisha Cassidy.
The Parent Council constitution will be reviewed and updated to reflect this decision.
- Meet the teachers. It was suggested that newly elected Chairperson, Mr. John Glen and Vice Chairperson, Mr. Stephen Kirley, to work with Mrs. Docherty to arrange a “meet the teachers” session at the earliest opportunity.
- Actions Update.
- Changing rooms – free standing benches and hooks. Not secured. Mrs. Docherty will make enquiries with regard to more permanent benches and hooks being installed.
5.2Lottery Application - has been sent off for £10.000 for playground development. Lot of work involved in application. 10 week timescale for reply. Views expressed that playground area is not attractive and it is situated on a main route through town. Parent Council would be happy to do anything that may help with improvements to school yard. Councillor McPake who attended a previous meeting advised that school can be ‘turned around’from H.M.I.E. Report and what can be done would be done. Parent enquired as to what funding was available as funding was being given to St. Bathlowmew’s primary at present for building improvements. Mrs. Docherty explained the reason for this was due to St. Batholomew’s primary originally considered for a ‘new build’ – shared campus with Gartsherrie – this decision was shelved and improvements now being carried out on existing prefabricated building. Funding may be available from local businesses. Gift Aid. Local business could be asked to donate £50.00 each.Business could sponsor something in school playground – for example a train/boat. Parent Council will write to local businesses. P.T.A. very active in fund raising. £6,000 in P.T.A. funds at present. This may be used to help with cost of trains, boats, wigwams, etc., for playground. Mrs. Docherty would welcome any ideas for improvement. Pupils very involved in what to put in playground. Costly for existing playground markings to be removed.
5.3Bio Science – sponsoring school. Football strips have been donated. Pupils to visit
5.4Road Markings. A representative from North Lanarkshire Council Roads department made a visit to school. Extended zig zag markings have been requested on Buchanan Street. J.R.SO. pupils may become involved by asking parents not to park on Zig Zags. Zig zag markings are a courtesy request. North Lanarkshire council have same problem across the authority with parking outside schools. Request to parents regarding parking to be made in every newsletter.
- Parents Entering School Yard. Mrs. Docherty has issued letters to parents regarding parents entering school yard at 3.00 pm – making it clear that this is for Health & Safety reasons and is North Lanarkshire Council Policy. Primary 1 children cannot see their parents when coming out of school. Some parents have approached pupils to speak to them about incidents concerning their child. It has been suggested that parents stand along fence,stand at same spot each day. Consistent message will be given to parents on same. Primary 1 parents allowed initially into yard.
- North Lanarkshire Council Representatives Visit to School. North Lanarkshire Council Representatives to visit school on Wednesday 9th December. All day visit. Classroom observations. Feedback will be given at end of day.
- H.M.I.E. Visit. H.M.I.E. visit to school will now take place in February. Initially date was March/April.
- Attainment Challenge. Raising achievement –literacy. Rainbow reading – 2 groups involved. Primary 4 & 5 pupils. Increase reading age over a 10-week block. Community Learning & Development Officer in school working closely with school, individual children and parents. Homework club established. Speech & language Therapist working with school – listening and talking. New resource – number talks. Teaching staff working together. Exciting resource that teaching staff are keen to work with.
- National Improvement Framework. Nicola Sturgeon. Standardised Assessment. National Test no longer used. Tracking through testing scheme – professional judgement. National Framework in place. Education Scotland leaflet handed out to all present. This will be given to Parent Forum.
- Changing Area. Primary 1, 2 and 3 pupils change in class. Pupils should not be using toilets to get changed. Mrs. Docherty will check pupils are not using toilets to change.
- Parents Evening. Primary2 – room 4 and a Primary 6 class has had to be re-scheduled. May take place within school day possibly prior to Christmas. Parent had the view that homework was infrequent. Mrs. Docherty to look into this.
- Staffing/Absences. A general discussion was held regarding staff absences. Mr Kirley raised an action for the Parent Council to write directly to the relevant authorities urgently requesting additional staffing and other resources (e.g. Black out blinds).
- Letting Charges. Increase in letting charges. Parent Council members to look at other venues. Possibly St. Augustine’s Church hall.
- Local Business Fund Raising An action was taken to form a sub-group to achieve this. Nicola Plenderleith and Gerry O’Hear agreed to draft a list of potential 'suitors' and 'investors' for the January meeting.
- Councillors. Councillors associated to Ward 9 (School precinct) to be invited along upcoming Parent Council meetings. Mr. Kirley to action this.
- Summary of Actions for discussion at next meeting
Reference / Description / Owner / Status
Nov 1 / Contact local authority/education department to urgently request additional resources / S. Kirley / New
Nov 2 / Organise Parents Night for relevant P2 and P6 classes. / C. Docherty / New
Nov 3 / Invite Ward 9 councillors to upcoming meetings and share minutes. / S. Kirley / New
Nov 4 / Organise next meeting for Church Hall / J. Glen / New
Nov 5 / Organise overlap with PTA meeting to increase communications. / J. Glen / New
Nov 6 / Form local business working group / N Plenerleith/G. O’Hear / New
Nov 7 / Organise changing area benches to be fixed to floor and check on use. / C. Docherty / New
Nov 8 / Organise “Meet the Teachers” session / J.Glen/C.Docherty / New
- Next Meeting 25th January 2017 6.00 pm in St Augustine’s Church Hall (upstairs).