St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
Minutes of the Pastoral Council Meeting
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Prior to the regularly scheduled council meeting Father David Carron, Director of Evangelization for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, presented a talk on Evangelization to the members of the Pastoral Council, leaders of ministries, and guests from surrounding parishes. A wine and cheese social followed.
After the presentation the council meeting ensued.
Members present: Joe Bergeron, Garry Boudreaux, Stephanie Boudreaux, Barbara Doucet, Jodie Doucet, Mark Eliser, Charlotte Fabre, Jody Horn, and Cherie Thibodeaux
Members absent: Tanya Faucheux, Kerry Hotard, Lucie Vegas
Others present: Deacon Mike Fabre
Father Anthony sent his greetings via text message as he was studying in Rome, Italy.
The meeting was opened with the Council prayer.
Garry welcomed all newly elected council members. Each new member received a copy of the By-laws and asked them to review the document. Any changes that the members feel is necessary will be discussed at the next meeting.
The following members were nominated and elected as officers:
- Garry Boudreaux, Chair
- Jodie Doucet, Vice-Chair
- Cherie Thibodeaux, Secretary
Capital Campaign – Garry met with the carpet installers. The quote received in 2015 was well within budget. The committee decided that the carpet on the ramp in front of the church needs replacing and the cost could be accommodated within the budget. Joe suggested that an industrial grade of carpeting be installed.
The Lenten fish fry’s will begin on Friday, 3/3/17. The Council members were asked to prepare potato salad for the fish fry’s on the following Fridays: 3/10, 3/24 and 4/7. Garry asked that either he or Cherie be notified as to will bring potato salad on which days.
Church Renovation:
- Pew Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, 2/16 at 6 p.m.
- Removal of the pews will begin on Friday 3/17 3/18.
- Installation of the new pews will begin on 3/27.
- Removal of the old carpet will begin 3/20
- Installation of the new carpet will begin 3/20
- Set-up of the C. A. Building for mass will be handled by the Boy Scouts. Deacon Mike stated that the committee will need to look into additional chairs for seating.
- Cherie asked if the lay-out of the C. A. Building has been planned for masses and if the ministers and altar servers will be familiarized as to the lay-out. Deacon Mike stated that a plan will be developed soon.
New Business
- “Because I Love” tickets will be sold on the weekend of 2/11 and 2/12. The caterer will need a count by Monday, 2/13.
Next Pastoral Council meeting will be held on April 13, 2017. At that meeting Committee selections will be made.
A motion was made by Barbara, seconded by Jodie, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.
Deacon Mike closed the meeting with a prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Cherie B. Thibodeaux
Cherie B. Thibodeaux