18 October 2016
Thank you to all who supported the Harvest Service. The collection raised£102.82 for Water Aid.
Just a reminder - the list of diary dates thathas beensent home is also available on the school website.
Please park considerately around school and take care not to block pavements. There needs to be enough space for parents/carers, children and buggies to get through! Also, please do not park on the pavement at the front of school. It is important that parents/carers do not reverse into the yellow box at the back of school as this can be very dangerous.
Please be restrictive and selective when choosing the contents of your child’s lunchbox for school dinner or when out on trips. It is important that children bring a spoon, if needed, as catering department can only supply for children on school meals.
It is essential that we are kept up to date about any changes in phone numbers etc. If we need to contact you in an emergency we cannot do so unless you keep us informed of any changes in your contact information.
There will be a non-uniform day on Friday 18 November 2016to raise money for the Children in Need Spotacular event. Children should wear their own choice of clothes instead of uniform and bring a donation for this charity.
On Friday 16 December there will a non-uniform day for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day. On this day, children should wear a Christmas jumper or their own choice of clothes and bring a donation for this charity.
Please note- there is no non-uniform day on Friday 21 October 2016.School uniform is to be worn as usual.
Please ensure that ALL items of clothing and footwear are clearly named.
A big thank you for your support with our book fair. Sales totaled £810.90. This means we receive £468.84of books for the school. Special thanks to the parents and grandparents who helped.
There will be a disco on Thursday 10 November from 6.00pm to 7.15pm in the school hall. The disco is open to all children who currently attend St Anne’s School. Please do not arrive before 6.00pm. Admission is £1 per child and refreshments will be on sale.
There will be SATS meetings for parents/carers of pupils in Years 2 and 6 next half-term. Further details will follow.
Year 6 Tuesday 8 November 3:30 pm
Year 2 Tuesday 15 November 3:30 pm
If interested, parents of children in other classes are welcome.
The following activities are available next half term for five weeks, from week commencing 31October to week ending2December 2016.Where separate letters have been sent, these give any different finish dates.
Arts and Crafts - Years 1 - 2 Miss M Moss and
Mr C Whaite
First Aid Club Years 3 – 6 Ms B Farrington
Enterprise Club – Years 5 – 6 Mr D Daly
(children have already been selected for this club)
Fun and Games - Years 3 - 4 Mrs B Glover
Multi-Skills Years3-4 MCFC
(limited number – separate letter sent) Cooking - Year 3 Cooking Kay
(limited number – separate letter sent)
Yoga– Years 5-6 Mrs K Brennan
(limited number – separate letter sent)
Multi-Skills - Years 1 – 2 MCFC
(limited number – separate letter sent)
Fun and Games - Years 5 - 6 Mrs B Glover
Multi-Skills – Years 5 - 6 Sports Coach
(limited number – separate letter sent)
Choir – Years 3 – 6 LUNCHTIME Miss S Bean
Spanish - Years 1 - 2 Miss K Thompson
French – Year 3-6 Miss N Heap
Design Technology - Years 3-6Miss E Burrows
Dance Years 2 – 3Fusion Dance
(limited number – separate letter sent)
All activities will finish at 4.00pm unless advised otherwise. Please collect your child/ren promptly using the front door.
Please note- there will be no “Fun and Games” club on Tuesday 1 November due to staff training. All other clubs will be on as usual.
The days for PE lessons From 31 October 2016 are as follows:
ReceptionMonday and Wednesday
Year 1Monday and Tuesday
Year 2Monday and Wednesday
Year 3Tuesday -swimming Wednesday
Year 4Monday and Wednesday
Year 5Tuesday and Thursday
Year 6Wednesday and Thursday
We will inform you of any changes in PE days.
Some children miss PE because they do not have their kit in school. This means that they are not accessing the full curriculum. We ask that all children have full PE kit in school EVERY day as sometimes sessions have to be swapped.
School will close at 3.15pm on Friday 21October 2016and re-open at 9.00am on Monday 31October 2016.