St. Ann’s School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Meeting Minutes


The PTO met on Tuesday, August 2nd at 12:00 p.m. in the school library.

Attendees included: Wendy Holland, Claudia Heimmermann,Leah Herrmann, Andie Morales, Erica Ochoa, Sylvia Ochoa, Britney Ramirez, Mia Silichand School Principal Joan Wilmes.

After the opening prayer, the following items were discussed:

  • Principal’s Report - Ms. Wilmes provided an update as to the new middle school and kindergarten classroom spaces. Kindergarten spaces are ready but new middle school spaces are still awaiting electricity and all the things that come with that (alarms, internet, etc.). The fire marshal has approved furniture placement in classrooms and PTO will be available to assist with last minute set ups should the need arise. Additionally, restrooms which were remodeled last year are still pending some work (cleaning grout, sealing tile) and handicapped railing outside of cafeteria area needs to be repaired. Teacher in-servicebegins August 3rd. Current enrollment is 410 but this number fluctuates weekly given the current economic situation in our area. Tablets and corresponding tablet cartsare due to arrive next week.
  • Treasurer’s Report - The current balance is $91,907. Payment for tablets/carts will come out of this balance. Leah Herrmann provided a yearly comparison of Fun Run contributions. Total amount of contributions for 2015-2016 was $14,297.29 a slight increase from 2014-2015 contributions.
  • New Family Orientation and Meet the Teacher –

New Family Orientation will take place on Monday, August 8th at 6:30 p.m. in the Parlor. PTO core group members are encouraged to attend and help serve as greeters. Volunteers should arrive at 6:15. The “Quick Reference Guide” detailing information on how to access the St. Ann’s PTO website has been printed and will be distributed to new families that day. This guide also lists the various activities sponsored by the PTO and shows families how to access the PTO website for volunteer opportunities. Additionally, the booklet entitled “Opportunities for You” has been printed. This booklet provides more detail as to the different activities St. Ann’s PTO coordinates and will be distributed to families (1 booklet per family) in the first Tuesday folder ofthe year. Wendy Holland will work on the video presentation for New Family Orientation and will make sure she has all the equipment necessary to make this successful. Sylvia Ochoa will attend New Family Orientation to provide information about Mardi Gras festivities to new families.

Meet the Teacher will take place on Friday, August 12th from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Mia Silich and Sylvia Ochoa have volunteered to coordinate the placement of balloons outside the school that morning so that the campus can look festive and welcoming. Balloon order will be placed from Wally’s Party Factory (10 bundles with three balloons each plus 20 individual balloons). PTO members are encouraged to arrive early to help secure balloons to the ground. PTO volunteers will be set up in the school library to assist families with various orders and the computer lab will also be set up with computer stations so families may check their personal information and navigate the new website. Fair t-shirts, Mardi Gras, yearbooks, Sanchez family meals will be set up in the cafeteria. Mr. Ochoa will also be there to providegradespeedinformation for applicable grades. Anyone who is available willing to assist on the morning of ‘Meet the Teacher’ should contact Wendy to sign up for a time slot.

  • Weekly Folder Form (Tuesday Folder)

The PTOWeek-at-a-Glanceform was further discussed and PTO members were reminded of the established deadlines. This form was developed to lessen the amount ofpapers sent home each week and will contain information directing families to the PTO website for ordering items and/or volunteering for events. Weekly deadlines are as follows:

Thursdaysat 12:00 p.m. –Deadline for all PTO committee chairs to send weekly information to C. Heimmermann ()

Fridays at 12:00 p.m. – Deadline for C. Heimmermann to send form to Mrs. Wilmes and Jennifer Stewart()

Wendy will follow up with Jennifer Stewart regarding any committee forms (hot dog day, pizza day, etc.) which are still pending on the PTO site.

Other discussion items included:

Safe Environment Training: All PTO members who havenot completed this formal training and background check must do so as soon as possible. Sister Elsa will be conducting a training on August 10th at 10:30 a.m. in the school library. If unable to attend, please contact Ms. Wilmes for additional dates. These trainings are transferable from diocese to diocese within the state of Texas.

2-Hour Power Pledge Initiative: Wendy introduced this concept which encourages parents to provide 2 service hours each year. The aim of this initiative is to encourage participation in school activities so that families can feel more connected to the school. It was suggested that we launch this initiative after Family Fair. Mia will work with Wendy on this project.

Volunteer Spotlight: In order to encourage more family/parent participation, various volunteers will be highlighted on the PTO website each month. It was suggested that families/parents highlighted each month be entered in a raffle drawing. One of the prizes suggested included a Mills Uniform gift card. This will be further discussed at the next meeting.

Budget Summary: For planning purposes, a budget summary of past expendituresand income will be developed.

Middle School Fundraiser: 8thgraders will be hosting a fundraiserat the beginning of the school year. The fundraiser entails covering books with duct tape for 6th and 7th graders.

The next PTO meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 7th at 12:30p.m. Location TBD.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

Submitted by:

Claudia H. Heimmermann