SUNDAY / 6th November / 13th November / 20th November / 27th NovemberDay / Pentecost 25 / Pentecost 26 / Pentecost 27 / Advent 1
Liturgical Colour / Green / Green / White/Green / Violet
Theme / Promised Life / GOD our Strength / The Reign of CHRIST / The Coming of the LORD
1st Reading / Haggai 1:15b-2:9 / Isaiah 65:17-25 / Jeremiah 23:1-6 / Isaiah 2:1-5
Psalm / Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21 / For Psalm: Isaiah 12 / Luke 1:68-79 / Psalm 122
2nd Reading / 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17 / 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 / Colossians 1:11-20 / Romans 13:11-14
Gospel / Luke 20:27-38 / Luke 21:5-19 / Luke 23:33-43 / Matthew 24:36-44
Preaching / Paul Yeomans / Stephen Baxter / Stephen Baxter / Kay Brightley
8:00 am
Sides duty / Margaret Wilson / Margaret Baker / Nancy Wormald / Roz Edwards
Rona Patterson / Jill Benton / Helen Goodwin / Ann Bone
First Testament / Margaret Wilson / Jill Benton / Margaret Baker / Ann Bone
Epistle / Angeline Song / Jenny Ingram / Elizabeth Jollands / Rona Patterson
Prayers / Anne Gates / Nancy Wormald / Margaret Baker / Jaedra Elizabeth
Server / Helen Goodwin / Rona Patterson / Jaedra Elizabeth / Susan Arnold
Chalice / Elizabeth Jollands / Margaret Baker / Nancy Wormald / Elzabeth Jollands
Angeline Song / Rona Patterson / Helen Goodwin / Jaedra Elizabeth
Door / Geoff & Robyn Hickman / Margaret Gordon / Cristina Minoza
Welcomers / Michael Horning / Michael Horning
Sides duty / Michael Horning / William & Baby Tan / Margaret Gordon / Michael Horning
Warwick Langley / Amanda Jeffs / Stephen Wilson
Gathering / Anna Holt / Camilla Needham / Spencer Kombega / Ben Wate
First Testament / Jaedra Elizabeth / Jo Baxter / Peter Jeffs / Liz Smith
Epistle / Liz Smith / Jaedra Elizabeth / Jill Thompson / Camilla Needham
Gospel / Ron Hamilton / Spencer Kombega / Margaret Bell / Rob Smellie
Prayers / Jaedra Elizabeth / Camilla Needham / Liz Smith / Jaedra Elizabeth
Server / Leith Hamilton / Jennifer Copeland / Jaedra Elizabeth / Leith Hamilton
Chalice / Leith Hamilton / Jennifer Copeland / Jaedra Elizabeth / Leith Hamilton
Liz Smith / Jaedra Elizabeth / Margaret Bell / Liz Smith
Organist / Brent Nicholson / Brent Nicholson / Brent Nicholson / Brent Nicholson
Data Projector / Ginny Tan / Jennifer Copeland / Anna Holt / Ginny Tan
Morning Tea / Leith Hamilton / Camilla & family / Margaret Bell
Jill Thompson / Joshua family
Cleaning / Margot Barnard / Leith Hamilton / Jill Benton / Rebecca Wu
Margaret Baker / Roger Seyb / Jann Geddis / TBA
Flowers / Roz Edwards / Judy Hoffman / Margaret Wilson / Jill Benton
Sacristan / Caroline Reid / Helen Goodwin / Margaret Baker / Ann Bone
Creche / Jo Baxter / Jo Baxter / Jo Baxter / Jo Baxter
If you are unavailable, please arrange to swap weeks with someone else and notify Liz at 521 5254, email:, or Helen at 528 9060, email: , of any changes.
Thanks and GOD bless