SUNDAY / March 4th / March 11th / March 18th / March 25th
Day / Third Sunday in Lent / Fourth Sunday in Lent / Fifth Sunday in Lent / 6th Sunday in Lent
Liturgical Colour / Violet / Violet / Violet / Red
Theme / New Life through Discipleship / Mothering Sunday & Harvest Thanksgiving / Passion Sunday / Palm Sunday - Entry to Jerusalem
1st Reading / Exodus 20: 1 -17 / Numbers 21: 4-9 / Jeremiah 31: 31-34 / Isaiah 50: 4-9a
Psalm / Psalm 19 / Psalm 107: 1-3,17-22 / Psalm 51: 1-12 / Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29
2nd Reading / 1 Corinthians 1:18 -25 / Ephesians 2: 1-10 / Hebrews 5: 5-10 / Philippians 2: 5-11
Gospel / John 2: 13-22 / John 3: 14-21 / John 12: 20-33 / Mark 11: 1-11
Preaching / Stephen Baxter / Kay Brightley / Stephen Baxter / Stephen Baxter
8:00 am
Sides duty / Margaret Wilson / Ann Bone / Jill Benton / Elizabeth Jollands
Rona Patterson / Helen Goodwin / Nancy Wormald / Roger Seyb
First Testament / Margaret Wilson / Ann Bone / Jill Benton / Rona Patterson
Epistle / Jenny Ingram / Elizabeth Jollands / Margaret Baker / Roger Seyb
Prayers / Nancy Wormald / Ros Rundle / Roz Edwards / Margaret Baker
Server / Helen Goodwin / Rona Patterson / Helen Goodwin / Susan Arnold
Chalice / Margaret Wilson / Nancy Wormald / Jill Benton / Margaret Baker
Rona Patterson / Elizabeth Jollands / Roz Edwards / Roger Seyb
9:45 am
Door / Geoff Hickman / Cristina Minoza
Wlcomers / Robyn Hickman
Sides duty / Patricia Swift / William Tan / Warwick Langley / William Tan
Warwick Langley / Baby Tan / Stephen Wilson / Baby Tan
Gathering / Anna Holt / Camilla Needham / Ben Wate / Anna Holt
First Testament / Susan Bowkett / Liz Smith / Nicole Way / Patricia Swift
Epistle / Nicole Way / Patricia Swift / Jill Thompson / Antony Dayal
Gospel / Anna Holt / Geoff Hickman / Margaret Bell / Clergy
Prayers / Liz Smith / Camilla Needham / Liz Smith / Clergy
Servers / Jennifer Copeland / Jennifer Copeland/
Ginny Tan / Clergy / Ginny Tan
Chalice / Jennifer Copeland / Robyn Hickman / Jennifer Copeland / Nicole Way
Liz Smith / Camilla Needham / Margaret Bell / Liz Smith
Data Projector / Jennifer Copeland / Ginny Tan / Jennifer Copeland / Ginny Tan
Morning Tea / Susan Bowkett / Camilla & Family / Margaret Bell/Jill Thompson / Joshua Family
Cleaning / Jan Dillon / N/A / Margot Barnard / N/A
Phillipa Wallace / Margaret Baker
Flowers / N/A / Margaret Wilson/Volunteers / N/A / N/A
Sacristan / Jenny Ingram / Helen Goodwin / Rona Patterson / Nancy Wormald
Sunday School / Jo Baxter / Jo Baxter / Jo Baxter / Jo Baxter

If you are unavailable, please arrange to swap weeks with someone elseand notifyLiz at 521 5254

email: or Helen at 528 9060email: any changes.

Thanks and GOD bless 