SUNDAY / July 5th / July 12th / July19th / July 26th
Day / Pentecost 6 / Pentecost 7 / Pentecost 8 / Pentecost 9
Liturgical Colour / Green / Green / Green / Green
Theme / Refugee Sunday / Sea Sunday / National Bible Sunday / Social Services Sunday
1st Reading / 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10 / Job 38:1, 4-11 / Isaiah 55: 1-11 / Micah 6: 8-12
Psalm / Psalm 48 / Psalm 107:23-32,
33:1-12 / Psalm 19: 7-14 / Psalm 72: 1-7, 146: 5-10
2nd Reading / 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 / Acts 27:27-32, 39-44 / 2 Timothy 3: 14 – 4: 5 / James 2: 14-17
Gospel / Mark 6:1-13 / Mark 4:35-41 / John 5: 36b-47 / Matthew 25: 31-45
Preaching / Stephen Baxter / Stephen Baxter / Paul Yeomans / Kay Brightley
8:00 am
Sides duty / Jill Benton / Margaret Baker / Ann Bone / Don Wormald
Rona Patterson / Ros Rundle / Roz Edwards / Nancy Wormlad
First Testament / Don Wormald / Ros Rundle / Angeline Song / Margaret Wilson
Epistle / Rona Patterson / Liz Jollands / Ann Bone / Margaret Baker
Prayers / Nancy Wormald / Margaret Baker / Angeline Song / Kay Brightley
Chalice / Helen Goodwin / Margaret Baker / Don Wormald / Liz Jollands
Rona Patterson / Ros Rundle / Nancy Wormald / Margaret Wilson
Door / Fran Minifie / Cristina Minoza / Margaret Gordon
Sides duty / Margaret Gordon / William and Baby Tan / Margaret Gordon / Jaedra Elizabeth
Warwick Langley / Amanda Jeffs / Stephen Wilson
Gathering / Anna Holt / Kay Brightley / Brent Nicholson / Camilla Needham
First Testament / Allan Minifie / Jo Baxter / Peter Jeffs / Liz Smith
Epistle / Brent Nicholson / Jaedra Elizabeth / Liz Smith / Camilla Needham
Gospel / Ron Hamilton / Brent Nicholson / Margaret Bell / Kay Brightley
Prayers / Kay Brightley / Camilla Needham / Jaedra Elizabeth / Liz Smith
Servers / Kay Brightley / Leith Hamilton / Jennifer Copeland / Jaedra Elizabeth
Chalice / Jaedra Elizabeth / Leith Hamilton / Jennifer Copeland / Liz Smith
Liz Smith / Camilla Needham / Margaret Bell / Jaedra Elizabeth
Organist / Allan Minifie / Brent Nicholson / Allan Minifie / Allan Minifie
Data Projector / Brent Nicholson / Anna Holt and family / Jennifer Copeland / Brent Nicholson
Morning Tea / Fran Minifie / Camilla and family / Margaret Bell and
Jill Thompson / Joshua family
Cleaning / Margot Barnard / N/A / Leith Hamilton / N/A
Margaret Baker / Jill Benton
Sacristan / Margaret Baker / Nancy Wormald / Ann Bone / Helen Goodwin
Creche / Jo Baxter / Jo Baxter / Jo Baxter / Jo Baxter

If you are unavailable, please arrange to swap weeks with someone elseand notifyLiz at 521 5254

email: r Helen at 528 9060email: any changes.

Thank you and GOD bless 