A Place to Begin, A Place to Belong
890 Balour Dr.
Encinitas, CA 92024
(760) 753-5636
FAX-(760) 753-5637
St. Andrew’s Preschool is a nonprofit organization on the campus of the Episcopal Church of St. Andrew the Apostle. Our program is open to any child, ages three years through five years regardless of race or religion.
We are a Christian oriented program. We nurture spiritual growth through age appropriate Bible stories and songs without compromising individual beliefs or family customs. A twenty minute bi-monthly chapel is offered in the church sanctuary to reinforce the awareness of God’s love.
This handbook contains information about our preschool. If you should have any additional questions, please contact our Director, Nancy Thibeault.
Mission Statement
Our goal is to foster developmentally appropriate physical, social, cognitive, and spiritual growth in the young children we serve. We address the needs of our families and children by providing resources and experiences that help them feel competent in our world. We nurture your child’s self-esteem and growth with the knowledge that your child is appreciated for their uniqueness and that they are loved by God.
At St. Andrew’s we believe that a child’s preschool experience is a time for experimenting with materials and media, exploring interpersonal relationships, and developing a positive self image. We create a nurturing atmospherethat also encourages independence and decision making skills. We feel that a child learns best in a play based environment with a structured schedule that provides hands-on activities, has a varied and child-centeredcurriculum, and employs a staff with time to be sensitive to each individual child’s needs.
We recognize that a child’s development is physical, emotional, social AND cognitive. And, that although growth in one facet of development may appear subtle, that the WHOLE CHILD is growing by leaps and bounds!
Nancy Thibeault, Director
Tuition is to be paid monthly and is due on the first of each month. Tuition is based on ACTUAL days of attendance per year (monthly average) x hours per day attended x an hourly rate established by the Preschool Advisory Board. The tuition amount is then divided by 10 months (Sept. – June) so the tuition due is the same amount each month. A $20.00 late fee will be charged for payment received after the 10th of the month.
We encourage regular attendance at Preschool as this will help your child feel comfortable and look forward to coming to school. Please notify us if your child will be absent. If your child has an extended absence due to illness we can prorate up to two weeks per year.
St. Andrew’s is only prepared to care for well children. Your child should be kept at home if he/she has any of the following:
- Sore throat or earache
- Swollen glands
- Sneezing, runny nose, coughing
- Fever
- Colored discharge from eyes, nose or ears
- Diarrhea (more than 2 loose stools in one hour)
- Vomiting
- Rash, flushed face, listlessness, headache, lack of appetite
- Any other symptoms or complaints uncharacteristic of your child’s normal behavior.
In case of illness at preschool, arrangements are made to isolate the child comfortably in the office until the parent or emergency contact can be notified for pickup. PLEASE report any contagious diseases to the staff. If your child develops a fever, the Public Health Department states that your child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child is on prescribed medication, it is recommended that your child take the medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
If your child has a minor injury or accident at school, we will take the appropriate medical steps at school and will notify you when you pick up your child. If there is a serious injury or accident, we will call the paramedics first, and then the parents. We have an emergency release paragraph on your Emergency Card. Please notify us immediately of any changes in phone numbers for your child’s file.
We strongly recommend each child have an earthquake kit to be kept at Preschool consisting of a non-perishable snack, small water bottle and/or juice, emergency blanket, special item, (ie: toy, piece of blanket), extra clothes, a family photo, and a note from you reassuring your child you will see them soon. Evacuation plans are posted at school and we are confirmed by the Fire Department. Each month we will conduct a fire drill with all of the children and staff.
Please do not allow children to bring gum, candy, or toys to school. Small toys and treasures get misplaced or buried very easily. PLEASE help us avoid disappointments by leaving these items in the car or at home.
Special collections, pets, or nature and science items of interest are welcome with teacher’s approval.
Each child will have a turn to share one special item in the “sharing can”. One child will share per day and details of what is acceptable to bring are listed on the can. We will start the sharing can after the children are accustomed to their new school schedule.
Children should be dressed comfortable in sturdy, washable clothes. Clothes should be the kind that can be PLAYED in. Please avoid dressing your child in special clothes that you do not wish soiled. Closed toed shoes with socks are highly recommended to protect the feet. Flip-flops or sandals are NOT safe for preschool.
Please label all sweaters, jackets, and backpacks. You would be surprised at how many look exactly alike!
Parents are always welcome to visit our classrooms. We only ask that you allow time for your child to adjust to the preschool environment before you stay for an extended visit. We hope you will plan on sharing your talents, hobbies, or vocations with the children at arranged times. We also have a program called “Mystery Reader”. You can pick out a special book to read or share your special talents with the children at circle time. This can be a surprise to your child or if they are more comfortable knowing you are coming they can be partof the “mystery”. Please sign up with Nancy.
Your child will only be allowed to leave school with those persons listed on your Identification and Emergency Form. If someone is to pick your child up from school and is not listed on this form, you must send a signed note indicating permission. We always confirm a picture ID with the corresponding name. If you establish a car pool after school starts, please list those people as authorized persons on your child’s form.
9:00Welcome Circle: arrivaland sign-in, welcome songs, story, and discussing the day’s events.
9:30Open Classroom: all centers open; blocks, dramatic play, art, play dough, science, reading room, and manipulatives. Structured free choice with center-based opportunities is provided.
10:45Music and Movement: organized music and dance.
11:00Small circle with your child’s teacher in small groups: calendar, helpers, and children’s chat.
11:15 Snack: Hand washing, bathroom time, sit down snack and social time.
11:45Outside time
12:30Pick Up
At drop-off time in the classroom, please sign-in, give your child a special hug and kiss, then make a confident, happy departure. Our staff will take over if a child cries. Because the teachers need to focus their attention on your children, there is a notebook next to the sign-in sheets for any comments or concerns you want to share with the teachers. We will check the notebook after the children are all settled and will call you if needed. Tears usually last only seconds after a parent leaves. Feel free to call the school when you get home to see if your child has calmed down. You will enjoy the rest of the morning if you know your child is happy!
If an early drop-off or late pickup is needed, we offer Early Bird from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. and Power Hour from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Children are given the opportunity to play outside and in the classroom with their teachers when parents need that extra hour. Lunch Bunch is our very popular optional hour offered Monday through Friday, from 12:30 – 1:30. Please send a nutritious lunch, including a drink, with your child if they participate. We ask that you NOT send dessert (cookies, candy, soda, etc.) with their lunch. A discount is offered when fees are prepaid with tuition for the current month. Sign-up sheets are available on bulletin boards and monthly handouts.
Preschool provides a healthy and substantial snack each day. Bottled water and a combination of a whole grain, fruit, and/or vegetables are offered. Please advise us of any dietary restrictions for your child. Feel free to bring a snack for the group anytime! We cook with the children at least once a month which we enjoy at snacktoo!
Birthdays are celebrated at school. We will make your child a special “birthday crown”. If you wish to send a special snack on or near your child’s birthday, please make arrangements with the staff. We recommend bagels, muffins, fruit,healthy “cookies” . . . but PLEASE, no cupcakes. Icing is usually the only part the children eat!
Preschool art may not resemble anything you as an adult are familiar with. Your child will be exposed to a variety of methods, media, textures, sizes, and shapes with which to CREATE. We look at preschool as one of your child’s last chances to experiment with a variety of materials. Help us stimulate the creative part of your child’s imagination by viewing his or her efforts as interesting and valid. For example, when viewing your child’s artwork, a suggestion for a confidence building and satisfying response is “Tell me about this!” instead of “What’s this?”
Children entering St. Andrew’s need to be potty trained. Our license does not allow us to change diapers. We know accidents can happen and we will encourage your child to be aware of their need to go potty. We have clothes they can change into, if necessary. If accidents are happening too frequently (once per week or more) we will confer with the parents to determine if the child is ready for preschool.
Separation anxiety is real. We recognize this and strive to make the transition time easier. It is often harder for the parent to leave the child than vice versa. If the parent views going to school as a positive, happy experience, chances are, so will the child. Remember we have plenty of arms for hugging and laps for nurturing!
Formal Parent/Teacher conferences are offered in the spring for all the children. School is closed on those days with child care available during your specific conference time. While teachers communicate with parentsdaily, your child’s ongoing and/or specific progress can be discussed anytime at your request.
Written developmental evaluations are offered in the spring to children who are age eligible to enter Kindergarten the following year. Thisvaluable 6 page report is shared, discussed, and given to the child’s parents at the Parent/Teacher conferences. We also provide developmental checklists every 3 months for all the children.
If St. Andrew’s Preschool is having difficulty meeting a child’s needs, the teachers and the parents will work together to establish acceptable parameters of behavior consistent with both school and home expectations.
Communication between preschool and home is essential for school success. We encourage you to write abrief update in the notebook near the sign-in sheets. For a more detailed discussion, please feel free to set up a conference time with Nancy and/or the teachers. Also, check the boards on the front and back doors which keep you informed of daily activities and snacks. Additional information will be posted on the bulletin board by the cubbies. Parents will receive a monthly newsletter containing information about upcoming events, themes for the month as well as any other pertinent information. Developmental progress checklists are offered bimonthly.
Our goal is to provide your child with a positive learning environment at an age appropriate level. We encourage the children to learn to solve problems by using their words. The teachers will help the children with conflict resolution by using redirection, helping them to express their feelings in an appropriate manner, giving them positive words to use with others, making positive choices, as well as teaching through proper role modeling.
Not all children do well in a large group setting. If the environment at St. Andrew’s does not seem to fit with your child, the parents and staff will confer together to rectify the situation. If there does not seem to be a
beneficial solution, the director reserves the right to find another program for the child. The situation would be documented and shared with the parents but all information is kept confidential.