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204 Ethics

Instructor: John Z. Ding

Office: 1-328

Phone: (909) 869-4660

Fax: (909) 869-4434


Course Description:

This course is designed for the purpose of providing the students with a general introduction to moral philosophy in the theoretical and practical perspectives. This course will also discuss certain moral issues through a comparative approach.

Required Texts:

Ethel M. Albert, Theodore C. Denise and Sheldon P. Peterfreund, Great Traditions In Ethics, Wadsworth Publishing Company

Charles L. Reid, Choice and Action, Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

Optional Readings:

Vincent Barry, Applying Ethics, Wadworth Publishing Company

Burton M. Leiser, Values In Conflict, Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

Course Requirements:

Your grade will be based on the following factors, weighted on percentage:

1. Six quizzes (multiple choices and term identifications)25%

2. One oral speech with detailed outlines (7-10 minutes, classmates' evaluation and instructor's evaluation) 25%

a. Good preparation

b. Specific topic

c. Good understanding and personal thinking

d. Good response to listeners.

3.One take-home essay final (2 questions, 2-3 double space typing pages for each) 25%

a. Good understanding

b. Good reasoning and criticism

c. Clear and logical writing

4.Group and class discussions25%

a. Good attendance and participation

b. To be a group discussion leader and representative speaker to the whole class once.

A grade of F will be given if you miss 50% of class.

Course Format:

This course is divided into two parts (fifteen sections). A part of our class time will be devoted to discussing some moral issues.

Course Schedule:


1. What is ethics? L&D* GTE**1

2. How can we moralize? L&D CA1***

Part One: Theoretical Debates in the Historical Context

  1. Normative ethics & Non-normative ethics L&D GTE16&18
  2. Teleological ethics & deontological ethics L&D GTE3&21 CA
  3. Empirical ethics & intuitive ethics L&D GTE16&18
  4. Subjective ethics & objective ethics L&D
  5. Relative ethics & skeptical ethics L&D CA2
  6. Humanized ethics & theologized ethics L&D GTE6&7 CA1
  7. Moralized ethics & immoralized ethics L&D GTE14
  8. Rationalized ethics & emotionalized ethics L&D GTE9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20
  9. Marxian ethics & radical ethics L&D GTE19
  10. Western ethics & eastern ethics L&D

Part Two: Applied Ethics in the Contemporary World

  1. Justice for human rights L&D CA10, 13 &14
  2. Justice for economics L&D CA9
  3. Justice for medicine L&D CAl1, 12, 15 &16
  4. Justice for criminals L&D CA8


  1. Debates by the student representatives
  2. Final examination


*L&D--Lecture & discussion

**GTE--Great Traditions in Ethics

***CA--Choice and Action

We hope you enjoy the course and get a lot out of it.