St Andrew’s CE Primary School, Yetminster
School Uniform Policy
Reviewed November 2017
Adopted by the Governing Body November 2017
Policy to next be reviewed by November 2019
St Andrew’s CE VC Primary School is a Rights Respecting School. We work together to learn about and respect children's rights both locally and globally.
‘Article 3: Everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child’
‘Article 19: You should not be harmed and should be looked after and kept safe’
‘Article 29: Your right to become the best that you can be.’
This policy reflects the following article:
‘Article 13: Your right to have information.’
It is our policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school and organised events inside or outside of normal school hours.
Aims and Objectives
Our policy on school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:
· Engenders a sense of community and belonging
· Is practical and smart
· Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
· Is designed with health and safety in mind and is appropriate to the activity involved
· Promotes a sense of pride in the school
If a pupil does not keep to the uniform policy we endeavour to find out why this is happening so that we can remedy the problem.
Children will not be discriminated against if parents/carers cannot provide them with the whole school uniform.
Our School will consider the needs of different cultures, race and religion and will not discriminate on grounds of gender.
Role of Governors
It is the governors’ responsibility to ensure that the uniform meets all the regulations concerning equal opportunities.
The governing body will consult parents/carers for their views and concerns before deciding on the introduction of a new uniform or dress code, or before amending an existing one.
This policy, which has been endorsed by the school governors will be reviewed every 2years.
Cost of School Uniform
The school logo is on the sweatshirt, polo shirt and fleece jacket.
The uniform policy incorporates items which are also available “off the peg” from a number of high street retailers. This enables parents/carers to shop around for the most suitable option, whilst ensuring their child adheres to our school uniform code.
The St. Andrew’s Primary School uniform consists of:
Boys - Royal blue Polo Shirt; Royal blue Sweatshirt; Royal Blue Fleece Jacket; Trousers/shorts Grey or Black
Girls - Royal blue cardigan; Royal blue polo shirt; Royal blue sweatshirt; Royal blue Fleece Jacket; Skirt or pinafore – grey or black; Trousers –grey or black; checked summer dress or skirt –Royal blue.
Physical Education
Our school uniform includes clothing required for P.E.
We have adopted a comfortable PE uniform which should enhance children’s participation and enjoyment. The PE uniform is the same for boys and girls.
· White polo shirt
· Plimsolls (plus trainers in KS2 for outside sports)
· Shorts – black /royal blue
· PE bag
· Tracksuit (plain dark colour) – optional for cold weather
· Swimming – Boys – trunks and cap (not baggy style shorts) – Girls – one piece costume and cap.
· If children attend after school clubs they may be asked to wear different clothes e.g. shin pads/football boots.
Jewellery Policy
Occasionally pupils wear personal items to school which constitute a health and safety hazard.
The following recommendations are in line with Dorset Health and Safety Policy and Safe Practice in Physical Education document.
· The wearing of jewellery is discouraged with the exception of one pair of small, plain stud type earrings.
· No studs or rings may be worn in any other part of the body.
· The wearing of necklaces, bracelets, and rings is not permitted. The only exception is allergy alert bracelets.
· A small simple watch may be worn so long as it is not set to “make noises”.
· Neither the school nor its staff is responsible for any loss, theft or damage to any of these articles. Anything of value brought into school is at the owner’s risk.
During sporting activities such as PE and swimming, children must remove all jewellery e.g. earrings, watches, and the responsibility of their safekeeping rests with pupils.
The removal of jewellery e.g. earrings and watches and replacing them is the responsibility of the pupils. School staff are not permitted to carry out this task. If it is not possible to remove the earrings then the pupils should cover them with plaster.
Hair and Make-up Guidelines
Hairstyles for both boys and girls should be simple and easily managed. Extremes of styles or colours are not permitted. The School requests that the children do not have their hair coloured or shaved in elaborate styles. In the interests of hygiene and safety, hair which touches the shoulders should be worn tied back. Hair ornaments should be in school colours.
Unusual hair ornaments should not be worn because they can be dangerous and/or distract children from their learning.
Nail Vanish and/or make-up should not be worn in school.
Footwear Guidelines
· Children should wear black, low-heeled shoes, which can be Velcro, slip-ons, buckles or lace ups. The wearing of boots in school is not encouraged.
· It is dangerous for children to wear shoes that have platform soles and high heels and they should not be worn.
· The wearing of trainers all day in school is not encouraged.
· In the summer months the children may wear sensible school style sandals (including white sandals.
· High heeled and strappy sandals are not allowed on health and safety grounds.
· Beach shoes are not permitted.
· Socks should always be worn for good foot hygiene.
The Role of the Parents/Carers
The School asks all parents/carers who send their children to St. Andrew’s to support our school uniform policy.
It is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that their children have the correct uniform and that it is clean and in good repair.