JANUARY 1, 1999 DECEMBER 31, 1999



Susan Schunk:

Explorations, la littérature du monde français, 4th edition. Heinle & Heinle: Boston, MA., July 2000.


Maria Adamowicz-Hariasz:

“From Opinion to Information: The "RomanFeuilleton" and the Transformation of the NineteenthCentury French Press.” Making the News: Modernity and the Mass Press in 19th Century France. De la Motte, Dean and Jeannene Przyblyski, eds. University of Massachusetts Press, 1999. 160184.

Jeanne-Hélène Roy:

“S(t)imulating Pleasure: The Female Body in Sade's Les infortunes de la vertu and Thérèse philosophe”; Cincinnati Romance Review, Volume XVIII, May 1999.

Matthew Wyszynski:

"Lab Management: The SUNY, Stony Brook Language Learning and Research Center." IALL 31 (1999) 1: 6771

María Alejandra Zanetta:

"El jardin abandonado en la primera poesía de Juan Ramón Jiménez y en la pintura de

Santiago Rusinol: un análisis comparado". Ínsula, Revista de Letras y Ciencias

Humanas. EneroFebrero 1999.

Papers Presented At Scholarly Meetings:

Maria Adamowicz-Hariasz:

“Paris, la capitale du monde? Comment enseigner Paris.” The 72nd Annual AATF Convention. SaintLouis, Missouri, July l 114, 1999.

Parizad Dejbord-Sawan:

"Casas, casas y más casas. Arquitectura de la represión en tres novelas deMarta Traba", Chispa 99. Tulane University, February 1999.

Robert Jeantet:

“Popular Perceptions of Privacy in Modern France,” Popular Culture Association Conference in San Diego, CA, April, 1999.

François Pichette:

“L2 reading and linguistic assimilation: Evidence from immigrants learning French in Quebec.” Paper presented at the colloquium Series, Universidad de las Américas-Puebla, México, April 1999.

Jeanne-Hélène Roy:

“The Bastardly Playhouse that Jacques Builtand Tore Down: Casanova's Histoire de ma vie and Rousseau's Confessions,” Nineteenth Annual Cincinnati Conference of Romance Languages and Literatures, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 1999.

Matthew Wyszynski:

"Rhetoric and the Poet: Berceo, his Source, and La casulla de San Ildefonso.’’ La Chispa. New Orleans, LA. February, 1999.

María Alejandra Zanetta:

"Carmen Martin Gaite y Remedios Varo: trayectos hacia el interior a través de la literatura y pintura." 52nd Kentucky Foreign language Conference, April 2224, 1999. University of Kentucky, Lexington.

Contributions of the Modern Language Department To The Carnegie Teaching Academy Program

A) Faculty publications related to the scholarship of teaching and learning

Dr. Maria Adamowicz-Hariasz’s article, “Paris, la capitale du monde?,” will be published in the summer of 2000 in The French Review, the leading journal devoted to the interests of teachers of French. In the article she shares her observations about the French 466/566 course she taught in the Fall of 1998 at the University of Akron. She offers further suggestions to teach a course about Paris as a physical and social space transforming history. Her innovative approach, grounded in the most recent research pertaining to the pedagogy of teaching culture and literature in the target language, links both aspects through an extensive use of a variety of sources, such as historical documents, literary texts, paintings, photographs, movies and songs, as well as internet resources.

Professor Susan Schunk: has just completed the 4th edition of her very successful textbook Explorations, la littérature du monde français, an intermediate French literary reader. This textbook is used at major universities in the United States and Canada.

B) National Recognition of the Department of Modern Languages for excellence in teaching

In 1995, the Department of Modern Languages received a grant from the American Council on Education to participate in their project Spreading the Word: Improving the Way We Teach Foreign Languages. In 1996, as a result of our program of instruction entitled Project LAMP (Language Acquisition through Mentoring for Proficiency), our department was recognized by the American Council on Education as having one of the three best proficiency-based programs of language instruction.

C) Innovative Teaching:

Dr. Maria Zanetta uses a unique approach in the teaching of her Introduction to Spanish Literature class. As the students’ final project, she divides the class into groups and assigns each group a one-act theater play to be presented in class. The students are in charge of the pertinent research about their play (author/literary group/ideological background/sociolpolitical context, etc.) as well as the staging (special effects, props/costumes, etc.). They are also responsible for the developing of a questionnaire to be distributed among the students/public to check to see if the play was understood by the audience. Everything is done in Spanish. Each group has to turn in a written report on the play in Spanish to the professor.

Dr. Matthew Wyszynski, supervises and trains the Graduate Teaching assistants in the Department of Modern Languages. In the Department of Modern Languages, TA’s are closely supervised and mentored to ensure that the undergraduates in their classes receive the best instruction possible. As part of their training, TA’s spend an intensive one-week workshop before the semester begins. They discuss methodology, teaching techniques, classroom management and issues in assessment. Throughout the term, TA’s attend a weekly practicum, during which he discusses the material they are currently teaching as well as address any other concerns that the TA’s may have. As a TA Coordinator, he also meets with them individually for 15-30 minutes weekly as well as conducts classroom observations during the semester.

Dr. Matthew Wyszynski received a summer grant from the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences to create a website that provides a series of supplemental exercises for the textbook Dos Mundos available on the web for students.

Mrs. Sharley Chang is teaching beginning Japanese through the Distance Learning Program for the second year. The Distance Learning room is well-equipped with modern technology, and thus a number of audio-visual materials are used daily. Students have opportunities to watch a video or listen to a CD.

D. Carnegie Teaching Ambassadors:

Dr. Matthew Wyszynski and Dr. Maria Adamowicz-Haraisz


Hugo Lijeron:

Ohio Foreign Language Association Service Award, March, 2000.

Matthew Wyszynski:

Faculty Research Grant, Summer, 1999.

María Alejandra Zanetta:

Chairs’ Award, Early Career, April 1999.

Monique Zavinski:

Chairs’ Award, Outstanding Part-Time Instructor Award, April 1999.

Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness:

Conducted peer evaluations of the following fulltime faculty: Dr. AdamowiczHariasz, Dr. Dejbord, Dr. Jeanne-Hélène Roy, and Mr. Santee.

Conducted peer evaluations of the following parttime faculty: Lisa Bansen-Harp, Werner Lange, Ninel Belin, and Laurel Mamich.

Conducted multiple evaluations of the firstyear Spanish courses taught by our graduate assistants.

Statistics On Student Evaluations (see attachments):

Spring 1999:

Statistics on Student Evaluations (see attachments): Spring 1999: The mean score on question #33 "Considering everything, how would you rate this instructor?" was 4.580 on a 5.000 scale for all fulltime faculty, parttime faculty, and graduate assistants.

The mean score on question #33 “Considering everything, how would you rate this instructor?” was 4.7 on a 5.000 scale for all full-time faculty.

The mean score on question #33 "Considering everything, how would you rate this instructor?" was 4.519 on a 5.000 scale for all parttime faculty.

The mean score on question #33 "Considering everything, how would you rate this instructor?" was 4.175 on a 5.000 scale for all graduate assistants.

Fall 1999:

The mean score on question #33 "Considering everything, how would you rate this instructor?" was 4.468 on a 5.000 scale for all fulltime faculty, parttime faculty, and graduate assistants.

The mean score on question #33 "Considering everything, how would you rate this instructor?" was 4.62 on a 5.000 scale for all fulltime faculty.

The mean score on question #33 "Considering everything, how would you rate this instructor?" was 4.43 on a 5.000 scale for all parttime faculty.

The mean score on question #33 "Considering everything, how would you rate this instructor?" was 3.748 on a 5.000 scale for all graduate assistants.

Significant Public Service:

The Department of Modern Languages:

Held an Open House for prospective language majors on Friday, November 19, 1999. A letter was written to each language teacher in the Akron public and parochial schools and to prospective students. More than 100 students attended. These students had the opportunity to observe classes, visit our multi-media language learning resource center and to learn about opportunities for study abroad.

Sponsored a panel discussion, “What can you do with a major or minor in foreign languages?,”

in conjunction with the A. & S. Career Program on October 27, 1999. The panel was comprised

of four alumni, Mr. Tony Soo, Sales and Marketing Coordinator, Durban Industrial Valve, Inc., Ms. Grace Talvan, Hibachi Japan, Dr. Matt Wyszynski, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, U. of A., and Ms. Sandra Zakich, Datavantage Company. Dr. Jill Gibson, Assistant Director of the Institute for Global Business, also took part in the panel discussion.

Sponsored two Commuter Coffee Hours at the Gardner Student Center.

The French Section:

Organized a tea on October 5, 1999, honoring University of Akron French Majors and Minors, French high school teachers and their students. More than 50 prospective students attended.

Robert Jeantet: Conducted his Summer Study Abroad Program in the Alps, (Faverges, France).

Hugo Lijeron: Member of the editorial board of the academic journal Bolivian Studies.

Jeanne-Hélène Roy: Served as a member of an interview team for applicants to the BS/MD

program at NEOUCOM.

Helen Ryan-Ranson: Area Chair of the Continental, Caribbean, and Latin American Culture

and Literature for the Popular Culture Association. She is a Member of the Board of Trustees,

International Institute, Akron, OH. She is also a Faculty consultant for the Spanish Advanced

Placement Examinations.

Susan Schunk: Worked with French tutors at the Department of Developmental Programs, Fall 1999. Provided mentoring and course materials.

Student Data:

Enrollment Trends: (See charts below)

From the 1998-99 academic year to the 1999-2000 academic year the total enrollments in language courses have decreased 3.74%. However, upper division enrollments have increased significantly. French (3.78%), German (16.2%), Italian (81.8%) and Spanish (1.3%).

Fall 1998 / Jap . / Fren. / Ger. / Ital. / Russ. / Span. / Total
101 / 26 / 108 / 53 / 44 / 12 / 321 / 564
102 / 0 / 41 / 14 / 0 / 0 / 120 / 175
201 / 0 / 91 / 26 / 15 / 0 / 167 / 299
202 / 0 / 38 / 10 / 0 / 0 / 82 / 130
100/200 subtotal / 26 / 278 / 103 / 59 / 12 / 690 / 1168
300/400 / 0 / 60 / 15 / 7 / 0 / 95 / 177
500/600 / 0 / 4 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 37 / 42
300-600 subtotal / 0 / 64 / 16 / 7 / 0 / 132 / 219
Total / 26 / 342 / 119 / 66 / 12 / 822 / 1387
Spring 1999 / Jap . / Fren. / Ger. / Ital. / Russ. / Span. / Total
101 / 0 / 67 / 20 / 0 / 0 / 167 / 254
102 / 18 / 61 / 30 / 15 / 10 / 226 / 360
201 / 0 / 41 / 5 / 0 / 0 / 115 / 161
202 / 0 / 75 / 20 / 12 / 0 / 155 / 262
100/200 subtotal / 18 / 244 / 75 / 27 / 10 / 663 / 1037
300/400 / 0 / 62 / 21 / 2 / 0 / 115 / 200
500/600 / 0 / 6 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 41 / 47
300-600 subtotal / 0 / 68 / 21 / 2 / 0 / 156 / 247
Total / 18 / 312 / 96 / 29 / 10 / 819 / 1284
Fall 1999 / Jap. / Fren. / Ger. / Ital. / Russ. / Span. / Total
101 / 18 / 84 / 44 / 40 / 0 / 301 / 487
102 / 0 / 37 / 15 / 0 / 0 / 117 / 169
201 / 10 / 83 / 26 / 8 / 11 / 169 / 307
202 / 0 / 29 / 6 / 0 / 0 / 97 / 132
100/200 subtotal / 28 / 233 / 91 / 48 / 11 / 684 / 1095
300/400 / 0 / 48 / 15 / 8 / 0 / 122 / 193
500/600 / 0 / 3 / 3 / 0 / 0 / 18 / 24
300-600 subtotal / 0 / 51 / 18 / 8 / 0 / 140 / 217
Total / 28 / 284 / 109 / 56 / 11 / 824 / 1312
Spring 2000 / Jap. / Fren. / Ger. / Ital. / Russ. / Span. / Total
101 / 0 / 68 / 0 / 17 / 0 / 174 / 259
102 / 12 / 66 / 30 / 0 / 0 / 217 / 325
201 / 0 / 47 / 10 / 0 / 0 / 98 / 155
202 / 7 / 49 / 15 / 6 / 12 / 154 / 243
100/200 subtotal / 19 / 230 / 55 / 23 / 12 / 643 / 982
300/400 / 0 / 71 / 21 / 0 / 0 / 121 / 213
500/600 / 0 / 15 / 4 / 14 / 0 / 31 / 64
300-600 subtotal / 0 / 86 / 25 / 14 / 0 / 152 / 277
Total / 19 / 316 / 80 / 37 / 12 / 795 / 1259

Student Honors and Achievements:

Winners of “Maison Française de Cleveland” composition and conversation contest, Spring 1999: Nicholas Hannah, Grand Prize ($500.00) and Jennifer Biber, Third Prize ($300.00).

Nicholas Hannah, Christy Bowers and Christina Greulich were chosen by the French Embassy as Assistants Etrangers to teach English for eight months to French high school students during the 1999-2000 academic year.

Andrea Lowe won a summer scholarship to study abroad from the National French Honorary, Pi Delta Phi during the Summer of 1999. She studied at the University of Laval in Quebec, Canada.