St Albans Appleby, News Letter No 2, January 2011

Chair: Judy Fraser; Secretary: Pat Senior; Treasurer: John Barnes;

Committee: Freda Fraser, Mollie Shrubsall, Mavis Maisey, Elva King, Laurie and Clare D’Eganneh and Fiona Guyan. Vestry representative: John Barnes

January Services:

Sunday 9th 10.30am Rev Havelland Helen Stephen-Smith

Sunday 23rd 10.30am Rev Jessie Kerr

February Services:

Sunday 13th 10.30 am: Rev Matthew Beech

Sunday 27th10.30 am: Pat Stark

March Services:

Sunday 13th 10.30 am: Bishop Richard Ellena

Sunday 27th 10.30 am: Elva King

The Christmas day service was well supported and enjoyed by all who attended. Our thanks to Rev Matthew Beech who took the service for us. It was great that no one was in a hurry to rush home for Christmas dinner and stayed to enjoy fellowship.

Boxing day, Sunday 26th December, was a special day for St Albans and the Packer family. We were privileged to witness the Baptism of Connor and Claudia Packer into the family of the Church by Rev Allen Michel. The children responded very well to the Baptism under the awesome guidance of Rev Allen. Once again no one was in a hurry to rush home and stayed to enjoy fellowship.

Our thanks to Arthur Rushton who donated a rather sophisticated Yamaha organ to the Church. The old Hammond had passed its use by date and was responsible for some of the strange noises (not always caused by the organist), which was of course, blamed on the Church mouse. Hopefully the organists will be able to produce a good sound from this organ and I am sure that Arthur will be happy to assist when required.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Senior family. Both Pat and Rex have close family who are seriously ill. Please continue to pray for Rex and Pat.

It is near time to elect a new committee. Please consider making yourself available to take an active part in the running of St Albans. It is not too demanding and is an interesting and rewarding experience to help administer the running of the Church.