Ad Hoc International Working
Group on Contaminated Land

Agenda of the Geneva Meeting

Monday, September 17, 2001
8.30 / Registration
9.00 / Opening / ·  Welcome address (Mr. Christoph Wenger)
·  Introduction to the meeting agenda (Mr. Adrien Pilon)
9.30 / Session 1
International Activities in the Field of Contaminated Land
Chair:Mr. Urs Ziegler
Co-Chair: Mr. Harald Kasamas / ·  United Nations / UNIDO (Mr. Andrea Lodolo)
·  NATO/CCMS Pilot Studies (Mr. Harald Kasamas)
·  European Union:
·  EU-initiatives on soil protection
·  EU Common Forum in Antwerp (Mr. Eddy van Dyck)
·  Review of CLARINET Results (Mr. Harald Kasamas)
·  IMAGE TRAIN programme (Mr. Dietmar Müller)
·  Internet Based Information System on Groundwater and Contaminated Land (Mr. Andreas Bieber)
·  European Environment Agency – TC Terrestrial Environment (Mr. Urs Ziegler)
10.30 /

Coffee break

11.00 / Session 2
Sustainable Remediation of Contaminated Land
Chair: Mr. Adrien Pilon
Co-Chair: Mrs. Judith Lowe / ·  The Canadian approach for the sustainable remediation of contaminated land (Mr. Adrien Pilon)
·  CABERNET: A European initiative towards the sustainable management of contaminated land (Mrs. Judith Lowe)
·  When digging is cheaper than sealing / isolating (Mr. Peter Oggier)
·  Economics of rehabilitation projects (Mr. René Goubier)
·  Discussion
12.30 / Lunch break
14.00 / Session 3 A
Natural Attenuation and Persistent Pollutants
Chair: Mr. Kim Dahlstrom
Co-Chair: Bob Harris / ·  Persistent Pollutants Sites: Sustainable remediation of sites polluted by large amounts of persistent hazardous substances (Mr. Christoph Wenger)
·  Limits of the natural attenuation approach (Mr. Dietmar Müller)
15.15 / Coffee break
15.45 / Session 3 B
Natural Attenuation and Persistent Pollutants (continued)
Chair: Mr. Urs Ziegler
Co-Chair: Mr. Dietmar Müller / ·  Developing an approach to monitored natural attenuation in the UK: from do-nothing to protocol in practice (Mr. Bob Harris)
·  Natural attenuation in Denmark (Mr. Kim Dahlstrom)
·  Discussion
17:00 / End of Session
19.00 / Conference Dinner
Tuesday, September 18, 2001
8.30 / Opening of Conference Location
9.00 / Session 4
Pollutions Related to Hydrocarbon Production and Distribution
Chair: Mr. Adrien Pilon
Co-Chair: Mr. Raoul Campomanes / ·  Environmental aspects related to oil production and distribution sites with respect to the Canadian Council of Ministers‘ guidelines for petroleum hydrocarbons (Claude Chamberland, Shell Canada)
·  Discussion
10:30 /

Coffee break

11:00 / Session 5
Bearing the Costs of Remediation: Polluter Pays and Owners Pays Principle
Chair: Mr. Onno van Sandick
Co-Chair: Mr. Siegfried Lagger / ·  Who has to remediate and who is bearing the costs (Mr. Siegfried Lagger)
·  Special problems with respect to the Polluter Pays Principle in CEE-countries (N.N.)
·  Situation in Canada and the USA (Mr. Michel Beaulieu)
·  Principles and common insights (Mr. Onno van Sandick)
·  Discussion
12.30 / Lunch break
14.00 / Session 6
Future Land Contamination
Chair: Mr. Andreas Bieber
Co-Chair: Mr. Michel Beaulieu / ·  Lessons learned from contaminated land – sustainable management of soil (Mr. Andreas Bieber)
·  The problem of future land contaminations as it is seen in Canada (Mr. Michel Beaulieu)
·  The Irish approach with respect to future land contaminations (Mr. Jonathan Derham)
·  Discussion
15.30 / Coffee break
16.00 / Session 7
Closing Session / ·  Fields of Common Interest
·  Future activities of the Ad Hoc International Working Group on Contaminated Land
·  Handing over of the secretariat of the group to France
(Mr. Adrien Pilon,
·  Current activities in France (Mr. Raoul Campomanes)
·  Presentation of the Montreal 2003 meeting (Mrs. Eileen Raymond)
16.45 / End of Meeting