St Agnes’ CE Primary School
EnglishFocus- Writing
Cross-Curricular links will be made with the Ancient Greek topic pupils will have opportunities to:
- Complete 1st person accounts- diaries/eyewitness accounts of the Greek Olympics
- Persuasive texts- As estate-agent’s pupils to write a persuasive advert for a Greek temple/villa (SEE ICT links)
- Write a biography of Archimedes & his work.
Pupils will develop inference skills by:
- Secure the skills of skimming, scanning and efficient reading so that research is fast and effective.
- Appraise a text quickly and effectively and evaluate its value.
- Analyse how messages, moods, feelings and attitudes are conveyed in poetry and prose using inference and deduction and making reference to the text.
- Comment on the success of texts and writers in evokingresponses in the reader.
Maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative conversations, staying on topic and initiating and responding to comments
Giving well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives for different purposes, including for expressing feelings
Articulating and justifying answers, arguments and opinions / PE- Athletics
Pupils will accurately replicate and use running, jumping, and throwing skills both singly and in combination. Pupils will take part in and design challenges and competitions that require precision, speed, and stamina. In all athletic activity, pupils will engage in performing and improving their skills, measuring, and comparing times & distances. To develop a deeper knowledge of type of fitness needed for each event category / Music
Sound (pitch)- To create a rhythmic piece using technology / Maths
Pupils will focus on
SATs revision (all areas)
Number and place value
Calculations (worded problems)
Fractions, decimals and percentages
Ratio and proportion
Measures & conversion
Geometry 2D/3D shapes
Data handling & statistics
Greek Math’s
Pythagoras theorem- Pupils to calculate the missing length and area of given triangles.
Archimedes Spiral- Pupils to use protractors, compasses and rulers to construct their own range of spiral patterns.
Pupils will engage in more complex conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to others in Spanish. They will be able to write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, to express ideas clearly describe people, places, things and actions. / SMSC/BV
Democracy- To understand what democracy is and how people can take part in it. (links to Greeks)
Focus on Manchester mayoral election and General election 8th June
RRSA Article 30
Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.It should also help you learn to live peacefully,protect the environment and respect other people
Term: Summer One
Connected curriculum aspect: The Greeks
The Big Question: How did the Greeks influence the modern world? CROSS-CURRICULAR LINKS- Math’s, Science, PE, PSHE, ART
Art and Design/Design and Technology
Greek Vases- Pupils to examine Greek pottery designs to learn about life in Greece. Pupils to create their own design
Pupils to create a range of spirals patterns, which they are to decorate and colour to make visual artworks. / Computing
SATS Revision- Pupils to use online teaching tools and revision aids to support reaching independent learning targets.
Pupils to make 2D design plans and 3D nets for Ancient Greek buildings (Purple Mash – 2design and make software)
Models to support persuasive writing within English.
RE / Geography/History- Ancient Greece – A study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world.
Pupils will:
- Investigate the similarities and differences between the Greek alphabet and our alphabet today.
- Identify and investigate English words that have Greek origins
- Identify the similarities anddifferences between our schools and schools in ancient Greece.
- Find out about ancient Greek architecture and how it has influenced our buildings today.
- find out how ancient Greek scholars have contributed to our knowledge and understanding of the world.
Class displays
RE collective worship- Our prayers
RRSA – Article 29
Class charter
Class display- The Greeks
Growing and Changing together
Respecting Difference-Pupils will understand the importance of respect in relation to themselves and others.
Different Feelings- Pupils will understand that they will start to experience different feelings as they go through puberty.
Girl Talk And Boy Talk-Pupils will have a more comprehensive understanding about how their physical and emotional development are inter-related.
My Up And Down Day-Pupils will be able to identify their emotions and will have some strategies to enable them to cope with changing emotions.
Watching What I Say!Pupils will consider their use of language and how its misuse could make someone feel ‘down’ or unhappy.
Am I Safe When TxtinAnd In Chatrooms?Pupils will understand the implications of modern technology on their personal safety. / Science- Materials
Identifying and grouping everyday materials- To give reasons based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the uses of everyday materials. Pupils to conduct experiment into Greek soldier’s armor.
Properties of metals- Pupils to look at the way the Ancient Greek people used metals like bronze, gold, and silver for making armour, weapons, statues, cooking utensils and jewellery. Pupils to design and conduct experiments to show how the different metals were used and why their properties were useful i.e. Which metals conduct electricity or which metals are magnetic.
Changes of state: evaporating- Pupils to look at howperfume played an important role in ancient Greece. To look at how it was used as part of religious ceremonies and to keep healthy. Pupils to conduct experiments to explain how we can smell perfume when it has been sprayed? Show how far away it can we be smelt and how quickly perfume evaporates and its smell to fade? Do different liquids evaporate at the same rate?
Changes of state: soft to hard- Pupils to look at how theAncient Greek people used clay to make pots and jugs. Pupils to conduct experiments studying how we can change the shape of a piece of clay? What happens if we leave it in a warm place? Pupils to explain why this happens?
Archimedes- Pupils to study the works of Archimedes through practical science experiments:
Pupils to conduct experiments into the Archimedes principle. Pupils to use Eureka cans to study a range of objects density to calculate an objects mass. Use the principle to replicate the story of Archimedes and how he helped King Hiero II of Syracuse to discovered the crimes of the official crown maker.
Pupils to build miniature Archimedes screws. Pupils to hear the story of how the King of Syracuse asked Archimedes to help in the construction of a huge ship and how Archimedes designed and built a pump; to pump out all the water leaking into the ship. (revision of the force of gravity)
Forces:The claw of Archimedes. Pupils to study the story of the Archimedes claw being used to defend the city of Syracuse from attack by the Romans. Pupils to experiment with mechanisms: including levers, pulleys, and gears. Pupils to recognise how the Archimedes claw probably made use of gears and pulleys to allow a smaller force to have a great effect.
St Agnes CE PrimaryCurriculum map