Good evening Sycamore Springs Middle School families. Below is the latest and greatest from SSMS, your update for January 26, 2018.

SSMS Athletics Booster Club

The SSMS Athletics Booster Club will host a meeting for parents of all current and future athletes on Monday January 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the SSMS Cafeteria. Topics to be covered include the upcoming track and field season as well as openings on the Booster Club Board. Parents of sixth grade students in athletic development are invited – we’d love to see everyone come out and be a part of our athletics boosters.

Yearbook Deadline: February 1 – next Thursday!

The deadline to secure a copy of the very first SSMS yearbook is fast approaching! To order a yearbook, please go to

Please contact Balfour directly with any questions regarding your order at 800-853-1337.

8th Grade Ads

If you would like to submit an 8th grade ad to the yearbook, the deadline is February 1. Due to publication deadlines, no late ads will be accepted.

Please contact Balfour directly with any questions at 800-853-1337.

Student Portraits

Student yearbook portraits will be posted on the CLI windows for the next 2 weeks for students to check the name and photo appearing in this year's yearbook.

Students have until February 2 to mark any changes.

Please contact Ms. Dillon if there are any questions.

UIL Academic Competition

It is time to sign-up for UIL academic competitions. Students may access the form on the SSMS website or through the QR codes on the flyers on campus. A full list of events, coaches, and much more information can be found by going to the SSMS UIL Academics website.

Coding Program – After School at SSMS

Students will be taught real-world programming languages including HTML/CSS, JavaScript & Python in this structured, curriculum-based, after-school coding program. Students will experience coding at a higher level and build a solid foundation in computational thinking skills. No prior coding experience needed.

Due to space/laptop restrictions, enrollment into the program is limited to 24 students on a first come, first serve basis. Classes start February 1st and run each week on Thursdays from 4:30 – 5:30 through May 17th in the CL&I. There is a monthly fee for this program. For more information and to enroll, please visit -

For updates and information on all things SSMS, please check us out on online at

Click here to see the SSMS Daily Announcements

You can follow us on Twitter @sycamoresprgsms

Syc ‘em Tigers!


Dan Diehl, Principal

Sycamore Springs Middle School