SSIS Fiscal Mentor Meeting

December 17, 2015

Topic / Discussion / Action
Welcome and General Information – Mary Klinghagen / Mary welcomed everyone for the day. The goal for the meeting was to provide a detailed picture of Fiscal functionality over and above what is provided in Fiscal New Worker Training, FNWT.
The only handout for the day was SSIS Fiscal Reference Materials. All materials used for presentations are documents currently available on the SSIS website so it was not necessary to print and bring them to the meeting. The attached handout includes live links to documents. /
SSIS Admin – Janel Heath / Janel demonstrated several aspects of Users, Special Studies, Programs and Services, Special Cost Codes, County Preference and Interfaces.
Unanswered Question: Is there a document available that descripts what each of the Functions allow a user to do in SSIS?
A: There is a SSIS Admin Functions document on the web. However, this document is outdated. A new document for Fiscal Functions will be created.
Unanswered Question: Is there a way to see what workgroups did not purge because there were associated payments?
A: Currently there is not a report in SSIS listing the workgroups not deleted because Payment data exists. To see this information go to the workgroup and select “Open with Case in New Window”. The Case folder has a Fiscal Details folder. Although it does not tell you why the workgroup didn’t purge if there are any fiscal details in the folder this is a good indication why it didn’t purge.
There was discussion about the entry of Staff-provided rates and how to determine what rate should be entered. This will be added as a future Fiscal Mentor Meeting topic for a full presentation. Users can also contact their Regional meeting representatives to see about adding this to a local meeting to learn how other agencies are doing this. It might also be a good topic for the 2016 AMSSA Conference.
SSIS Worker – Janel Heath / Janel talked about timely and accurate entry of placement information including MAPCY and DOC Assessments as well as the RCA Payment worksheet.
Unanswered Question: Is there a requirement to do a MAPCY if a child is in a home for only a couple of days? The child was in one home for a few days, moved to another foster home for a few days and then moved again. They did pay Level D for the first two placements.
A: This is a policy question and should be sent to the Northstar Policy email at .
SSIS Fiscal – Janel Heath / Janel reviewed many pieces of Fiscal functionality including COA, Approval Logs, and State Reports.
As you look at agency processes for the entry of Service Arrangements some additional things to think about include:
  • Who enters the Service Arrangement? Remember the SACWIS requirement that the person initiating the service should be the person to start the Service Arrangement.
  • What is the agency process for getting a vendor into your agency accounting system and importing that into SSIS? Once in SSIS, who checks on the License information and completes the required entries?
  • Do you require that every Payment have a Service Arrangement? When are Service Arrangements started? Is it when the services are set up or when the invoice comes in?
  • What is your approval process for Service Arrangements? Do separate people approve the Service information and the Accounting information? If it is the same person do they approve both at the same time or as separate processes?
  • Do you use pre-printed vouchers? Are multiple copies mailed at a time or just one at a time?
  • What is your agency process for ending Service Arrangements?
Unanswered Question: A child is in a locked facility under corrections. They do not have a Continuous Placement but they do have a placement entered. They are getting errors on the Child Foster Care report of No Continuous Placement. If they use Special Cost Code 94 for these Payments will that eliminate the error message?
A: A social service agency without a Title IV-E agreement with corrections and/or that does not take custody of corrections youth, may make payment administratively through SSIS Fiscal using the appropriate BRASS code and Special Cost Code 94. See SSIS Update Issue 433 for additional details.
Unanswered Question:Although an agency is sending Service Arrangements for Accounting Approval to a specific person for approval the Service Arrangement displays in the list for every user with Function of Approve Service Arrangement – Fiscal assigned to their Role. Should this be happening?
A: If a Service Arrangement is sent to a specific person for Fiscal Approval it should only display in the Approval log for the person to whom it is assigned.This is not working as designed. Additional testing will be done and a Problem Report created.
Healthcare Claiming – Janel Heath / Janel reviewed how Healthcare Eligibility from MMIS displays in SSIS, the entry of ICD-10 codes and some reports that are available for Healthcare Claiming.
Agencies continue to have an issue with clients having multiple PMIs. Agency staff should contact the SSIS Help Desk with duplicate PMI issues, if it is something that the agency can resolve.
If it cannot be resolved through the SSIS Help Desk agency staff will be asked to contact MAXIS. Users with MAXIS access can us PR11 – TRBL – Problem Reporting or through email at
Time Reports – Janel Heath / Janel reviewed the Total Time report as well as reviewing time from the Activity Log.
Resources – Mary Klinghagen / Mary reviewed the Fiscal resources that are available to all users on the SSIS website.
Wrap Up & Next Meeting / The next meetings will be held on February 17, 2016 and May 18, 2016. The May 18 meeting will be a Joint Worker and Fiscal Mentor Meeting. Registration for both meetingsis available on TrainLink.

Social Services Information System (SSIS)

Fiscal Mentor Meeting Minutes 12/17/15Page 1 of 4