SSCS Parent Council Meeting Minutes s1

SSCS Parent Council Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 19, 2015


President, Cyndi Rachel, called the meeting to order at 6:15 pm.



Corporate Officers present: Dr. Jason Jones, CAO, Cyndi Rachel, School Council President and Director of Education Support Services, Jolie Hauck, SSCS School Liaison, Brenda Christensen, School Council Secretary, and Arlie Capps, Legal Counsel for IEM and SSCS. The following eight members were present: Courtney Adams, Nancy Mackenroth, Nancy Olivares-Pinelo, Jennifer Pendley, Robert Pierce, Jean Ping, Rebecca Rodriguez, and Shandi Virnoche. Jessica Bingman, Schoology Coordinator, Brandy Anderson, Director of Curriculum and Guidance Services, and Burke Wallace, Guidance Coordinator, participated via teleconference.


Members of the public may be heard on any item. A person addressing the Council will be limited to 3 minutes, unless the Site Administrator grants a longer period of time. Comments by members of the public on an item on the agenda will only be allowed during consideration of the item by the Council.

No one addressed the Council at that time.


Jason Jones opened with greeting the Parent Council and then gave the following enrollment numbers:

Active / Prospective / Butte Co. / Colusa Co. / Placer Co. / Sac. Co. / Sutter Co. / Yolo Co. / Yuba Co. / TK/K / 1st Grade
2153 / 20 / 153 / 3 / 455 / 1171 / 79 / 149 / 112 / 207 / 150
2nd Grade / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / 6th Grade / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 9th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade
190 / 186 / 182 / 199 / 169 / 169 / 179 / 117 / 129 / 122 / 123

A.  Revised Charter Discussion

Jason stated the new Charter approved by Marcum and submitted to the state is now The Charter is now in effect and posted on our school website.

B.  Appointment of new Parent Council members filling current vacancies

Cyndi Rachel introduced and welcomed Nancy Olivares-Pinelo and Julia Siebert.

C.  New Bylaws for the Parent Council

Arlie will send Cyndi a copy of the new Bylaws to distributed and added to the school website.

D.  Appointment of officers for the Parent Council

Cyndi Rachel reviewed the current officers as herself serving as President, Brenda Christensen as Secretary, and Kirstine Bowers as Treasurer. The appointment of Jolie Hauck as President will be on our next meeting’s agenda to be be reviewed and voted on by the council.

E.  Appointment of Governing Board members

Cyndi announced the following members as appointed to serve on the Governing Board: Shandi Virnoche, Jean Ping, Rich Mize, Rebecca Rodriguez, and Allison Plumb. They’ll review policies, procedures, and anything else requiring the vote of a governing body. Their names will be on the next agenda for approval.

F.  Bylaws for Governing Board

The new Bylaws are now consistent with the Charter language and will be distributed and posted on our school website.

G.  Teleconference options discussions

Jessica in Southern California, Brandy Anderson in the Folsom area, Burke Wallace in the Bay area joined the meeting in a live teleconference demo using GoTo Meeting. Arlie stated the Bylaws specifically authorize the use of teleconference which is based on California statutes. Cyndi recommended those participating via teleconference to use their webcam to ensure everyone’s voices are heard, and then reviewed the posting and public access requirements for anyone calling in per the Brown Act. Patrick Salo inquired about teleconference info getting announced. Cyndi said it would be included in the agenda packet as well as in the school listserv announcement and then reviewed the address posting and public accessibility requirements for those calling in.

H.  SME discussion

Cyndi introduced Jessica Bingman, Schoology Coordinator, Brandy Anderson, Director of Curriculum and Guidance, and Burke Wallace, Guidance Coordinator. Brandy explained the need to improve our SME program based on a review of the requirements over the last year. He explained the need and opportunities of Learning Management System (LMS). When Schoology was adopted a couple months ago, Jessica Bingham was hired to help train SMEs.

I.  Schoology discussion

Jessica Bingman gave a brief overview of Schoology while sharing her screen by logging in as a student, SME, and teacher. Nancy Mackenroth expressed her concerns with the 6 sample requirement per month as well as extra assignments SMEs were requesting on top of the student’s regular work. Cyndi and Brandy both assured her that SMEs could work with parents to develop a plan to maintain parent choice. Jessica then logged in as a parent to demonstrate the parent tools. Patrick Salo asked if there was an opportunity for parents to provide feedback regarding SME performance. Brandy said they’re working on a parent survey. Cyndi suggested that parents reach out to their ESs or advisor for now if needed. Nancy provided feedback from parents with multiple SMEs. Cyndi followed up with LCAP funding available for ESs to become highly qualified through the Verification Process for Special Settings (VPSS).

J.  Annual audit review

Cyndi stated the Annual audit review would be tabled to our next meeting.

K.  LCAP Update and Advisory Committee Information

Lisa Voss reviewed the purpose of the school accountability plan, reassured the Council that she’s heard their concerns over the last year and encouraged as many Parent Council members as possible to participate in this year’s accountability plan in order to make the plan more specific to South Sutter. Cyndi announced free tutoring using LCAP funding for all students enrolled in a-g courses. Funding can also be used for VPSS classes for teachers to become highly qualified, EL tutoring, CAHSEE boot camps, intervention tutoring.

Jason Jones closed with announcing an opening for a new Director of Teacher Support Services. It’s currently posted on EdJoin and will be posted on IEM website shortly.


A) Approval of the October 16, 2014 Minutes

B) Approval of the November 20, 2014 Minutes

C) Approval of the December 16, 2014 Minutes

D) Approval of Teleconference Option for Future Parent Council meetings

*** Note: it was determined that since this option is within the Bylaws of the Parent Council, a vote is not needed. See comments above in IEM Report: G Teleconference options discussions ***

E) Approval of Governing Board members appointed by IEM

No quorum was reached; no action was taken.


Cyndi announced Jolie will be overseeing graduation this year and would be contacting Graduation Committee volunteers soon. Lisa Voss and Raenett Kihlthau will be in touch with WASC Committee volunteers. Anyone who has not signed up for a sub-committee may email Brenda Christensen with their info. Box Tops can be mailed to Brenda or brought to any Parent Council meeting. An eScrip email was just sent out on the school listserv as another means of fundraising. Monies raised would go toward graduation ceremonies and could be used for GEAs requiring deposits.

Lisa Voss announced a parent math training by Tom Clark to be held at our next All ES meeting on Friday, February 27th. Lisa will find out if the training will be recorded.


●  Garage update- barcode scanner, parent access, and field trip

●  All action items would be rolled over.

●  Annual Audit review

During the Schoology report more newly appointed board members arrived. Cyndi asked all the following newly appointed Parent Council members to introduce themselves: Rebecca Hansen, Betty Price, Nancy Olivares-Pinelo, and Julia Seibert. Betty Price offered her business CB Music Studios as a site to hold a teleconference meeting in Roseville.

Based on difficulty for some members to participate on Thursday, Cyndi offered to set up a survey for the best night of the week for our next meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:34 pm.